

Category: New
Date: 2021-09-14 23:34:07
  №24 мектеп интернатында Балқаш Ст.ЖПб инспектор - кезекшісі полиция лейтенанты Қасымхан Б.А қатысуымен 9 «А» және 9 «Б» сынып оқушыларына арналған ақпараттық сағат өткізіді. Іс - шара барысында теміржолда көп орын алатын қайғылы жайғдайлар белгіленген орындардан өтпеу, темір жолдың үстімен жүрмеу сынды құқық бұзушылықтар жайлы айтылды.Темір жолдың қасында болудың...
Author: School №24

11.09.21г прошло заседание методического объединения учителей начальных классов.

Category: New
Date: 2021-09-14 23:29:50
11.09.21г прошло заседание методического объединения учителей начальных классов.
11.09.21г прошло заседание методического объединения учителей начальных классов. В активном обсуждении были рассмотрены следующие вопросы: Инклюзивное образование, Особенности воспитательной работы, МОДО: новые требования к внешней оценке младших школьников, Особенности ИМП. Данные вопросы вызвали большой интерес среди педагогов. Заседание прошло в виде конструктивного диалога. Решение заседан...
Author: School №24

Балалар электр жарақаттары және олардың алдын алу

Category: safe school
Date: 2021-09-14 21:40:24
Балалар электр жарақаттары және олардың алдын алу
Балалар электр жарақаттары және олардың алдын алу Сыртқы факторлардың әсерінен адам ағзасындағы зақымданулар, біз бір сөзбен – жарақат деп атаймыз. Балалардың жарақаттануы - бұл ата-ананың да, баланың да өмірін түбірімен өзгерте алатын үлкен проблема. Статистика бойынша жарақат негізінен кіші мектеп жасындағы (7-11 жас) балаларда болады. Ұлдардың жарақаттары қыздарға қарағанда әлдеқа...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Achievements of Independence" and "An Honest Generation - the Pledge of the Future."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-14 10:21:51
Date 13.09.2021 Within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, classes "Achievement of Independence" and "An honest generation are the key to the future of the country" were held in all classes of the school-lyceum. Purpose: to instill in students a sense of the national spirit, respect for the state language, the formation of a conscientious,...

Кезекті жолдау талқыланды

Category: Жолдау
Date: 2021-09-13 20:02:46
Кезекті жолдау талқыланды
On 11th of September 2021, the staff of our school discussed the next Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan. The teacher of history, Kalkenov Sungat, analyzing the message, focused on important issues and expressed his opinion. This message, called "the Unity of the people and systemic reforms – a solid foundation...
Author: School №16

"Ibrai Altynsarin – the grandfather of children's literature"

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-09-13 19:57:47
On 10th of September 2021 in honor of the holiday of languages, teachers of the 4th grades Asel Ashenbekova and Gulmira Kalieva held an essay contest "Ibrai Altynsarin – the grandfather of children's literature", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin. The students were instructed to find information about Ibrai Altynsarin in advance, to conduct preparatory wo...
Author: School №16

On September 11, 2021, an evening raid was held to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency, increase the responsibility of parents in raising children, children from low-income families who often miss classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-13 19:17:27
On September 11, 2021, an evening raid was held to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency, increase the responsibility of parents in raising children, children from low-income families who often miss classes.
On September 11, 2021, an evening raid was carried out on children from low-income families who are responsible for preventing and combating juvenile delinquency, increasing parental responsibility for raising children, and frequent absenteeism. The event was attended by male teachers of the school. From 21.00 to 23.00 at night in the Shashubai microdistrict, Karamend bi, Sh. Valikhanov stre...

"Happy moments of my family"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-13 19:07:07
Within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the Family Day, a photo competition "Happy moments of my family" was held among students of grades 5-6 of our school-lyceum. The family is a place of happiness, a home that opens its doors from the moment you open the door to the world, a golden cradle for growth, education, t...

Patriotism starts with the family.

Category: Regional project "Moral lessons of life"
Date: 2021-09-13 19:03:42
Patriotism starts with the family.
Patriotism starts with the family. Education from the original shanyrak is the guarantee of a rich, powerful and successful future for all our people. In honor of Family Day, a photo contest "Happy moments of my family" * was held for grades 1-4. Students in each class took an active part and shared their creativity.  Happy Family Day!

"Spiritual Heritage of the Great Steppe - Book"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-13 18:13:58
 09/11/2021 In order to revive the tradition of family reading on the topic "The Spiritual Heritage of the Great Steppe - a Book" in the library dedicated to Family Day, an hour of reading was held on the Zoom platform with the participation of members of the library council, parents and teachers. Magza Berlibek Baltabekovich, Deputy Director for Vocational Guidance, awarded the...

"Adaptation of pupils to school"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-13 18:04:35
 On September 10, 2021, the psychologist of the school-lyceum held a meeting with the parents of the first and fifth grades on the topic "Adaptation of students to school." "What is the state of the student during the period of adaptation to school?" "Crisis period of 7 years" "What do you need to know about a young teenager?" "What problems...

The rally "Ulanbasy elections" of the self-government was held at the school-lyceum.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-09-13 17:52:27
The rally
At 10.09.2021 The rally "Ulanbasy elections" of the self-government was held at the school-lyceum. Participants: students in grades 7-11.  Each student put forward his candidacy and shared his suggestions. The candidates for the presidency of the school-lyceum of the parliament have shown civic activity and civic responsibility.

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