

Category: New
Date: 2021-10-04 14:49:26
Author: School №24

A training "Adaptation of a young specialist"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 12:01:37
A training
    In September, a school psychologist conducted a training "Adaptation of a young specialist" among newcomers and young professionals. Purpose: improving the professional skills of a young specialist, encouraging and raising the mood. Help young professionals to open up, show themselves to their colleagues; to help young specialists to feel like a part of the teaching sta...

My teacher, my teacher

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 11:58:56
My teacher, my teacher
Every year, more than 100 countries celebrate World Teacher's Day, which has existed since 1994. This is a professional holiday for all teachers, teachers and general education workers. " From teaching to teaching " is the great ancestor of Abai. Son lai, introducing into the consciousness of the younger generation, education, example is invaluable. The teacher shapes not only futu...
Author: School №5

Actions in case of a threat of an act of terrorism or the commission of an act of terrorism

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 11:48:48
Actions in case of a threat of an act of terrorism or the commission of an act of terrorism
Since last week, in school No. 5, in order to prevent emergencies, training sessions have been held with students of grades 8-11 and familiarized with a memo on the topic: "Actions in case of an act of terrorism or a threat of an act of terrorism." As a result, theoretical exercises were conducted, the children were shown the routes of departure in an emergency situation.
Author: School №5

Congratulations on the teacher's holiday

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 11:41:55
Congratulations on the teacher's holiday
Author: School №5

Regular raid events.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-04 11:41:38
Regular raid events.
On October 02, 2021, another raid "a teenager in a night city" took place in order to monitor the absence of a violation of article 442 of the administrative offense on the presence of minors at night in entertainment facilities or outside the home without accompanying legal representatives. The purpose of the raid is not only to identify minors wandering the streets at night, but also...
Author: Lyceum №2

Class hour "My family"

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 11:39:08
Class hour
On 27.09.2021, a class hour "My family" was held, organized by the class teacher-Kargul Nurgul, which took place in the 2nd "B" class. Purpose: to expand the understanding of the family.Give an idea of the place occupied by family members. To foster students' love for their parents, a sense of respect.To foster respect, kindness, peace, care.During the class hour, student...
Author: School №5

On September 25, 21, at 10.00 with parents of grades 1-4, at 11.30 with parents of grades 5-11, a parent meeting was held on the zoom platform.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 11:36:57
On September 25, 21, at 10.00 with parents of grades 1-4, at 11.30 with parents of grades 5-11, a parent meeting was held on the zoom platform.
On the agenda: 1. the safety of the child is in the spotlight. (deputy for educational work Shakizhanova A. K.) 2. school hijacking or Bullying. Cyberbullying. How to help children. (school psychologist Ibraeva Aigerim Sattygulovna) 3. Electronic diary. Harm of computer, mobile phone (mUkametzhan, etc.) 4. various problems The director of the school, Abdualieva Aina Tlekkabylovna, opened...
Author: School №5

Festive Assembly "School is the foundation of knowledge, teacher is its heart"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-10-04 10:33:36
Festive Assembly
"Mektep - bilim tiregi, Ustaz - onyn zhuregi" festive meeting. In order to honor teachers, on October 2, 2021, a festive meeting "Mektep – bilim tiregi, Ustaz – en zhuregi" was organized for the teachers' holiday. The director of the school D. Zholdasova congratulated the teachers and awarded them with letters of thanks. 11th grade students filmed a special vi...
Author: School №9

Поздравление директора школы

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-04 08:14:23
Уважаемые учителя, ветераны педагогического труда!         От всей души поздравляю вас с профессиональным праздником - Днем учителя! Ваш благородный и  нелегкий труд пользуется  заслуженным уважением в обществе, он требует  высочайшего профессионализма, огромных душевных сил,  мудрости,  терпения и самоотдачи. Именно вы стоите...
Author: School №4

И все с любовью величают Вас именем простым- Учитель

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-03 22:28:40
И все с любовью величают Вас именем простым- Учитель
Труд учителя в каждом обществе и во все времена пользовался уважением. Ценился он не только за знания, которые давал учитель новым поколениям, но и за то, что педагоги часто были проводниками во взрослый мир, помогали узнавать законы общества и уверенно чувствовать себя в нем.  Еще с советских времен сохранилась традиция чествовать учителей в начале октября. Сейчас День учителя входит в Пер...
Author: School №10

Біз жасты алтынмен мадақтаймыз

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-10-03 22:23:50
Біз жасты алтынмен мадақтаймыз
Жыл сайын Қазақстанда 1 қазанда қарттықты құрметтеу дәстүрлеріне, қарттардың еңбегін тану белгісіне, олардың мемлекет дамуына көп қырлы үлесіне құрмет ретінде Халықаралық қарттар күні атап өтіледі. Қазақстандықтардың әрбір жаңа ұрпағы үлкендердің даналығынан, олардың тәжірибесі мен адамгершілік қасиеттерінен тәлім алады. Соғыс жылдарындағы ерліктерімен олар бейбітшілікті қорғап, қорғады, жер бе...
Author: School №10

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