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Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-26 09:49:11
  02.10.2021 an intra-school debate tournament dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the KSU "Alikhan Bukeikhanov School-Lyceum No. 15" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region.   The purpose of the tournament: the formation of students'...

Проведение родительского собрания «Бақытты ана-бақытты бала»

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-26 09:42:53
25.10.2021 года в рамках месячника «Бала құқығы - адам құқығы» по средством платформы ZOOM, социальным педагогом Калашниковой И.О. проведено родительское собрание «Бақытты ана-бақытты бала». Встреча прошла с родителями учащихся из незащищенных слоев населения (малообеспеченные, опекаемые, многодетные) при участии родителей оказывающих спонсорскую помощь семьям. Родители б...
Author: School №4


Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-25 17:09:35
The Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education in the Karaganda region opened the regional week of historical literacy "on the wave of history".   Members of the self-government organization of our lyceum school took part in the solemn line.   At the solemn drill meeting, the director of the lyceum school Karlygash Shakarimovna made a repor...

Classic Chess Championship

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 16:17:30
Classic Chess Championship
In October, a classical chess championship was held among schoolchildren of city schools aged 8 to 16 years. Dastan Shalkaruly took 2nd place at the city stage and was awarded a valuable prize and a diploma. The head of the chess section is Turgumbaev Vladimir Nurkasymovich. Congratulations !!!

Historical Literacy Week "on the wave of history".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-25 15:56:48
From 04.10.2021 to 09.04.2021, our school will host a week of historical literacy "on the wave of history".  


Category: announcement
Date: 2021-10-25 15:50:17
Dear parents! Approved in coordination with the Department of Education and the Department of Emergency Situations of Karaganda region on 27.11.2020 and in order to protect the safety and health of students in winter in educational organizations of Karaganda region, classes are canceled in the event of the following adverse weather conditions: Grades 0-4: - Wind blowing at a speed of 2 met...
Author: School №6


Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-10-25 15:49:59
       Құрметті ата-аналар!          27.11.2020.ж. Білім Басқармасы мен Қарағанды облысының ТЖ Департаментімен келісіліп бекітілген және Қарағанды облысының білім беру ұйымдарында қыс мезгілінде оқушылардың қауіпсіздігі  мен денсаулығын сақтау мақсатында келесі қолайсыз ауа-райы метеожағдайлары туындаған кезде сабақ тоқтатылады:...

Dear parents!

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 14:22:01
Dear parents!
In order to preserve the health and safety of students in winter and according to the Recommendations for the cancellation of classes in adverse weather conditions in educational institutions of the Karaganda region, approved by the Department of Education and coordinated with the Department of Emergency Situations of the Karaganda region on 11/27/2020, the cancellation of classes in educational...
Author: School №5

Autumn gift fruits and vegetables.

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 14:18:21
Autumn gift fruits and vegetables.
Autumn gift fruits and vegetables.

Сабақ тоқтатылатын ауа райының жағдайы мен температуралық режимі

Category: Ақпарат
Date: 2021-10-25 14:08:22
                                                    Құрметті ата-аналар!       27.11.2020.ж. Білім Басқармасы мен Қа...
Author: School №16

Get acquainted with the sights of our native land

Category: News
Date: 2021-10-25 13:46:08
Get acquainted with the sights of our native land
Teachers of the fairy tale group introduced the children to the sights of their native land.

В листопаде, яркое, Что за чудо, спросим? - На дары богатое Время года осень .

Date: 2021-10-25 11:53:51
В листопаде, яркое, Что за чудо, спросим? - На дары богатое Время года осень .
В листопаде, яркое, Что за чудо, спросим? - На дары богатое Время года осень .    Традиционно, в октябре, в нашем детском саду проходят осенние праздники.  У детей  младшей и средней группы прошли  осенние утренники. На дворе пасмурно и холодно, не хватает солнечного тепла, а у нас в музыкальном зале царила теплая, доброжелательная атмосфера.  В гости к ре...

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