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Pedconsilium "Adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 19:49:38
On November 1, a pedagogical council was held at our school with the participation of subject teachers, a psychologist and school administration on the adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5.  Purpose: to create in the student collective a pedagogical environment that ensures the adaptation of students during the transition from primary to secondary school; adaptation of first graders t...

Наша звездочка

Date: 2021-11-02 16:27:24
Наша звездочка
 В рамках годового плана групп предшкольной подготовки у детей  воспитывают  положительное эмоциональное отношение к литературным поэтическим произведениям;  формируют  выразительность речи у детей  посредством художественно - поэтического слова. 

International championship "Pro dance kz"

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 15:39:59
International championship
Nurlan Ailin, a pupil of "Aigolek" kindergarten, took part in the International Championship "Pro dance kz" organized by Karaganda and was awarded the 2nd place. We congratulate the child on his victory!

"Teacher of the Year-2021"

Category: New
Date: 2021-11-02 14:10:25
Within the framework of the competition "Teacher of the Year-2021", an educational event was held under the title "30th year of independence". Objective: to evaluate our achievements on the path of independence, analyze the past and become a nationalist, looking into the future. The event was held on four sections. In the first section, the "paintings of deep" stud...
Author: School №24

Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры

Category: New
Date: 2021-11-02 14:02:06
Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры
Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры
Author: School №24

A city seminar on the topic of child safety was held

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 13:58:54
A city seminar on the topic of child safety was held
On 02.11.2021, social educators Kalashnikova I. O., Kasenova A. S., who graduated from the coaching courses of the center for child safety "Angel" of KSU "secondary school No. 4 " of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, held a city seminar on the topic "Child safety" for social educators, classro...
Author: School №5

Contest "My favorite book"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-11-02 12:59:24
As part of the project "School aspiring to learn", the librarian of secondary school No. 9 organized a contest "My favorite book", which was attended by students of grades 5-6. Purpose: to improve students' thinking and memory, to teach students etiquette and beauty.
Author: School №9

Демалыс пайдалы!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-02 12:32:04
Демалыс пайдалы!
Әр адам демалысты әртүрлі өткізеді. Біздің мектептің оқушылары егер белсенді болсаң әрі алға қоятын мақсатың болса, қызықты демалыс болатынын біледі. 02.11.2021 жылы "Балқаш қаласының №10 ЖББМ" КММ Үшінші сынып оқушылары арасында "Көңілді мәрелер"өтті. Мұғалімдер И. С. Новокшонова, М. С. Мацевка және Э. Б. Хасанова өз балалары үшін өз денсаулығын нығайтуға, командада жұмыс і...
Author: School №10

Legal literacy is a requirement of the time

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 12:23:01
Legal literacy is a requirement of the time
In the 9th "A" class, in honor of the month of legal literacy, a class hour was held on the topic "Legal literacy is a requirement of time". Purpose: to improve the legal literacy of students. Fostering a sense of love for the native law, the formation of an honest, fair and wise personality. In the introductory part, starting with the catch phrase of the famous scientist J...
Author: School №5

A thousand and one proverbs, a hundred and one riddles

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 12:20:48
Author: School №5

Tolerance is the way to peace

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 12:19:30
Tolerance is the way to peace
On November 1, an educational hour "tolerance - the way to peace" was held in the 7th grade by Talgatova Galiya Talgatovna. Purpose: to establish positive relationships between students, to teach respect for each other, a faithful friend and respect for the environment, to develop a communicative field, to clarify the concept of tolerance. During the holiday event, students were give...
Author: School №5

The "Rights of the child" class hour has passed

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 12:17:05
29.10.2021 in the 2nd "B" class, a class hour "rights of the child" was held, organized by the class teacher - Kargul N.E. Goal: Improvement of legal knowledge of children; awareness that legal knowledge is the business of every person; development of horizons, mastering the terms of the Convention on the Rights of the Child; teaching the expression of certain opinions, c...
Author: School №5

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