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В целях соблюдения проверки режима дня проводились рейдовые мероприятия

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2021-11-03 12:41:46
В целях соблюдения проверки режима дня проводились  рейдовые  мероприятия
В целях соблюдения проверки режима дня проводились  рейдовые  мероприятия. Мобильная группа педагогов с   19:00 до 22:00 патрулировала улицы прилежащего микрорайона школы, улиц, мест скопления молодежи, игровые площадки.  Проведены рейды по  улицам - Балхашская,  Новорудная, Русакова. Проверены детские  прилегающие  площадки, остановки общественного т...

The first steps into science

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-11-03 12:33:34
The first steps into science
On November 02 of this year, at the regional workshop, the educator of the KGKP ya/s "Er Tostik" Altynbaeva M.A. shared her pedagogical experience on the topic "First steps into science" of the variable program, which is aimed at developing the cognitive interests of children through experimental activities.

In the world of taste

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2021-11-03 12:28:10
In the world of taste
On 19.10.2021, Dinara Kazybayevna Aubakirova, defectologist of the nursery-garden" er Tostik", took part in the Regional Workshop project and shared her experience.

“CLEVER -2021” VI облыстық олимпиадасы

Category: Clever олимпиадасы
Date: 2021-11-03 10:36:56
“CLEVER -2021” VI облыстық олимпиадасы
Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Saryarka Daryny" held the VI regional Olympiad "CLEVER -2021". In English, the 5th grade student Kabidullina Zarina took the first place. Head: Kaliaskarova Z. In Russian language and literature, a student of class 5a Mukashev Beybarys took the II place. Head: Zhumabekova M. M. In Russian language and literature, class 4a student Am...
Author: School №16

Виртуалды мектепке іріктеу кезеңі

Category: Сайыс
Date: 2021-11-03 10:27:47
Виртуалды мектепке іріктеу кезеңі
The regional scientific and practical Center "Saryarka daryny" held a round stage in the Virtual School of mathematics, Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature, English language among students of 5-7 classes. The student of Class 5A Kabidullina Zarina took first place in English language. Head: Kaliaskarova Z. In Russian language and literature, 5A class teache...
Author: School №16

"Асық атудан"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-03 08:55:52
2021 жылдың 02 қарашасында Оқушылар сарайы және Балқаш қалалық білім беру қызметкерлерінің кәсіптік одағы ұйымымен бірлесіп Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына орай жалпы білім беретін мектептерінің мұғалімдері арасында "Асық атудан" қалалық турнир өтті. Қазақтарда асықты ұсақ мүйізді ірі қара малының сүйегі деп атайды. Бір қызығы, дәл осы кішкентай сүйек Ұлы Дала көшпе...

The "Asyk atu" tournament was held among teachers ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 20:52:46
Today, November 2, a city tournament in "Asyk atu" was held among physical education teachers of educational institutions. In the tournament, the school teams competed with each other and demonstrated their agility and leadership qualities. According to the results of the tournament, the winner was the team of the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov. Congratulations!

Pedconsilium "Adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 20:49:38
On November 1, a pedagogical council was held at our school with the participation of subject teachers, a psychologist and school administration on the adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5.  Purpose: to create in the student collective a pedagogical environment that ensures the adaptation of students during the transition from primary to secondary school; adaptation of first graders t...

Наша звездочка

Date: 2021-11-02 17:27:24
Наша звездочка
 В рамках годового плана групп предшкольной подготовки у детей  воспитывают  положительное эмоциональное отношение к литературным поэтическим произведениям;  формируют  выразительность речи у детей  посредством художественно - поэтического слова. 

International championship "Pro dance kz"

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-02 16:39:59
International championship
Nurlan Ailin, a pupil of "Aigolek" kindergarten, took part in the International Championship "Pro dance kz" organized by Karaganda and was awarded the 2nd place. We congratulate the child on his victory!

"Teacher of the Year-2021"

Category: New
Date: 2021-11-02 15:10:25
Within the framework of the competition "Teacher of the Year-2021", an educational event was held under the title "30th year of independence". Objective: to evaluate our achievements on the path of independence, analyze the past and become a nationalist, looking into the future. The event was held on four sections. In the first section, the "paintings of deep" stud...
Author: School №24

Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры

Category: New
Date: 2021-11-02 15:02:06
Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры
Город Балхаш департамента образования Карагандинской области «#24-я школа-интернат «КММ» показали с участием педагогов с целью эффективной организации свободного времени. #қуыршақтеатры
Author: School №24

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