
"Working with a book corner"

Category: Regional project "Moral lessons of life"
Date: 2021-11-11 16:30:09
Within the framework of the Reading Literacy Week "Kel, Balalar okylyk", organized by the Department of Education and the educational and Methodological center of the Karaganda region, "work with a book corner" (replenishment with fairy-tale books) was carried out in the mini-center "Tanshuak". The book corner was supplemented with fairy-tale books, which increased...

"Bolashak transport

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-11 16:09:58
Organized in order to effectively and rationally spend the autumn holidays by the students of the lyceum school  The preparatory group children shared their works on the topic "Bolashak transport". БУДУЩЕЕ THE FUTURE BEGINS TODAY!

"I have the right"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-11 15:56:44
05.11.21 g . the training "I have the right" was held for the heads of lyceum schools. At the training, students were provided with information about the rights of the child, * What do you think is the "right of the child"? * Who is considered a child under an international treaty? * What types of child rights are you familiar with? * Can a primary school student re...

"I have the right"

Category: Educational process
Date: 2021-11-11 15:56:39
05.11.21 g . the training "I have the right" was held for the heads of lyceum schools. At the training, students were provided with information about the rights of the child, * What do you think is the "right of the child"? * Who is considered a child under an international treaty? * What types of child rights are you familiar with? * Can a primary school student re...

"Mood: Golden Autumn 2021"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-11 15:47:53
3.11.2021 Grades 2-6 took part in the photo contest "mood: Golden Autumn 2021", organized as part of the Action Plan "Miracles of autumn". Talented students-participants were able to make photo shoots in unusual images of the beautiful nature of the autumn season, to show thousands of colorful colors of nature. The students of our lyceum school took i,II,III places. Con...

Artistic writing contest "the most artistic writing"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-11 15:42:46
Artistic writing contest
04.11.2021 a contest of artistic writing "the most artistic writing" with the technology of reading and writing was held among grades 2-4 The purpose of the event: in Artistic writing - the formation of skills of literate, artistic and fast writing. According to the results of the competition, the winners are: 2nd grade students: Gaidar Madi Sultan 2A, Manarbek Mustafa 2B,...

Debate tournament in the UFO model format (Model United Nations, MUN)

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-11 15:36:20
Debate tournament in the UFO model format (Model United Nations, MUN)
05.11.2021 in accordance with the action plan "miracles of autumn", in order to effectively organize the autumn recreation of students at the lyceum school, a debate tournament was held in the format of Model United Nations (Model United Nations, MUN). The Model UN (MUN) format is a unique format of debates, which is based on the synthesis of a scientific conference and a role-playin...

With students in grades 1-4, a discussion was held with students on the rules at school and behavior in public places ...,

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-11 15:32:40
With students in grades 1-4, a discussion was held with students on the rules at school and behavior in public places ...,
On November 11, from 1 to 4 grades, a discussion was held with students on the rules at school and behavior in public places. Purpose: to tell, explain to schoolchildren about the rules of the school. To foster in children the desire for knowledge. Development of students' theoretical thinking, speech. In order to educate students for cohesion, friendship, morality.

Аптаның төртінші күні ұлы орыс ақыны Александр Сергеевич Пушкиннің шығармашылығына арналған.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-11 14:59:45
Аптаның төртінші күні ұлы орыс ақыны Александр Сергеевич Пушкиннің шығармашылығына арналған.
Аптаның төртінші күні ұлы орыс ақыны Александр Сергеевич Пушкиннің шығармашылығына арналған. Пушкин алыс орналасқан Буян аралында ертегінің таңғажайып әлемін құрды. Бұл арал сиқырлы, онда барлық ғажайыптар, барлық сиқырлы әңгімелер, ұлы ақын жазған барлық ертегілер туады. Мектеп кітапханашысы А.С. Пушкиннің 1946 жылғы кітабын көрсетті, ақынның таңдамалы шығармаларының қалталы кітабын...
Author: School №10

Жас ерекшеліктеріне байланысты оқуға міндетті кітаптар 5-8 сынып оқушылары үшін 5 - сынып 1. Жиренше шешен (Жиренше шешен жайлы аңыздар) 2. Жанқұтты шешен 3. Қамбар батыр 4. А.Құнанбаев шығармалары 5. Аталар сөзі ( Халық даналығы, мақал мәтелдер) 6 – сыны

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-11 12:00:47
Жас ерекшеліктеріне байланысты оқуға міндетті кітаптар 5-8 сынып оқушылары үшін 5 - сынып 1. Жиренше шешен (Жиренше шешен жайлы аңыздар) 2. Жанқұтты шешен 3. Қамбар батыр 4. А.Құнанбаев шығармалары 5. Аталар сөзі ( Халық даналығы, мақал мәтелдер) 6 – сынып 1. М.Жұмабаев өлеңдері 2. М.Мағауин «Бір атаның балалары» 3. Қ.Әбдіқадыров «Қажымұқан» 4. А.Құнанбаев «Қа...

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