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"Youth against corruption!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-19 11:09:53
In order to prevent corruption in the lyceum school, to foster honesty, the school organized the Adal Urpak club and members of the Akparat faction among schoolchildren the action "Youth against Corruption!"a drawing contest was organized.

“There will be many akyns like Kasym”

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-11-19 10:21:09
“There will be many akyns like Kasym”
In order to implement the program for the implementation of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Kasym Amanzholov, the first place in the city poetic performance “There will be many akyns like Kasym” was taken by Ashim Arnat. Head: Karim N. Congratulations
Author: School №16

Қарашаның 17-сі жұлдызы "Сәкен Жастары" дебат-клубының ұйымдастыруымен мектепшілік дебат ойындары өтті. БП "Қазақстанда бала құқығы жеткілікті қорғалады ма?" тақырыбында бұл ойында қос команда да жоғары деңгейде дебат ойын көрсете білді. Дегенмен де, Үкім

Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 10:19:40
Қарашаның 17-сі жұлдызы "Сәкен Жастары" дебат-клубының ұйымдастыруымен мектепшілік дебат ойындары өтті. БП "Қазақстанда бала құқығы жеткілікті қорғалады ма?" тақырыбында бұл ойында қос команда да жоғары деңгейде дебат ойын көрсете білді. Дегенмен де, Үкімет тарапы дәлелді сөздерімен жеңіске жетті. "Дебат қозғалысы" фракция жетекшісі: Құсылбеков Е.М.

"Tenge Day"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-19 10:15:56
On November 15-17.On November 11, in honor of the Day of the National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan-tenge, an essay contest was held in grades 5-8. The first distinguishing feature of a country that has gained independence is the national currency.  As a result of the competition: Turysbek Shugyla 8a Musina Dana 7A, Karibek Denis 7A Gala Kausar 5B, Mautkazinov Ernur 5B...

"The original tenge of an independent country"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-11-19 10:12:39
On November 15, class hours were held on the theme "Tauelsizdik eldin tol tenge", dedicated to the National Currency Day. Purpose: to acquaint students with the history of the origin, the time of circulation of the first distinctive sign of an independent country. Informing about actions in a modern market economy;  familiarity with economic terms. In addition, to instill...

"Fundamentals of etiquette." discussion information

Category: School life
Date: 2021-11-19 09:31:20
On 19.11.21, a discussion was held in grades 2-4 on the topic "fundamentals of etiquette". It is organized with the aim of educating students with benevolence, ingenuity, patience and cultural self-expression, teaching knowledge, restraint, cultural speech.The students took an active part in the discussion and shared their opinions.      One thinker from the ascendant...
Author: School №9

On moral and sexual education in secondary school No. 9 lecture information

Category: School life
Date: 2021-11-19 09:28:26
On moral and sexual education in secondary school No. 9 lecture information
19.11.21 a school nurse gave a lecture for students of grades 1-4 on the topic "My health is my future". Currently, there is an unfavorable situation in the republic related to the health and moral behavior of children, adolescents and youth. He noted that in order to preserve health and explain to the younger generation that human health is a valuable wealth, you need to harden your b...
Author: School №9


Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 09:19:45
Author: School №4


Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 09:17:21
Author: School №4


Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 09:15:04
Author: School №4


Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 09:12:34
Author: School №4


Category: News
Date: 2021-11-19 09:03:31
Author: School №4

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