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"Arrange with colors"

Category: News
Date: 2021-12-10 10:19:21
"Arrange with colors" Objective: To teach children the basic colors. Increasing children's communicative information competence. Vocabulary development. Formation of articulation exercises. Development of fine motor skills.

Абай Құнанбаев атындағы шәкіртақысы

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2021-12-10 10:18:30
Абай Құнанбаев атындағы шәкіртақысы
11th "V" grade student Zhanatova Aizat is received a scholarship named after Abai Kunanbayev for schoolchildren of the public fund “Alikhan Bokeikhan" in honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head: Halabayeva A. S. Congratulations
Author: School №16

A school debate tournament dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 155th anniversary of the leader of the nation Alikhan Bokeikhan was held.

Category: News
Date: 2021-12-10 10:18:00
A school debate tournament dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 155th anniversary of the leader of the nation Alikhan Bokeikhan was held.
The purpose of the tournament: the formation of students' oratorical abilities, public speaking skills and a culture of behavior in the field. 2 teams from 9 classes took an active part in the tournament: 1. the "youth" faction (grades 9"a"); 2. The "Barys" faction (9 "B" classes); The following resolutions (resolutions) were discussed during t...
Author: School №5

Yurt is the main home of Kazakhs.

Category: News
Date: 2021-12-10 09:54:56
Yurt is the main home of Kazakhs.
Yurt is the main home of Kazakhs. Purpose: To acquaint children with the Kazakh traditions and literary heritage, studying the structure and history of the yurt.

Created a children's book on proverbs and sayings

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-12-10 09:45:06
On 26.11.21 of the week of Reading Literacy "Kel,balalar okylyk", organized by the Department of education and the educational and methodological center of Karaganda region, the senior group "Raushan"made a children's book on Proverbs and sayings. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the book, to talk about the benefits of the book. Teach you how to choose the right...

Virtual book exhibition"the great son of the people"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-12-10 09:43:42
On December 1, a virtual book exhibition "Ulttyk uly perzenti" was organized, dedicated to the Day of the First President. The conquered heights, the successes achieved by an independent country, its formation as an independent country, its recognition on six continents -all this is the merit of the first president of the country, Elbasy. A journey through the moral life paths of the...

Historical Literacy Week, 4th day activities ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-12-10 08:51:21
Historical Literacy Week, 4th day activities ...
December 9, "Week of Historical Literacy", events of the 4th day:   1. Business game "Problems of the formation of independence" in the 7th grade;   2. Pupils in grades 10-11 discussed the films they watched "The Death of Otrar", "Mustafa Shokai", "The Army of Myn Bala", "A Gift to Stalin", "Birzhan Sal", "N...

«Сильнее, выше, быстрее"!

Category: School news
Date: 2021-12-10 08:23:33
«Сильнее, выше, быстрее
Тема: «Сильнее, выше, быстрее"! Цель занятия: укрепление здоровья, привитие интереса к занятиям физкультурой и спортом   Задачи: обучать двигательным умениям и навыкам и способностей; систематизировать знания ребят о здоровом образе жизни и важности его в жизни человека:   развивать физические качества – ловкость, быстроту, силу, выносливость; способство...

«На волнах истории»

Category: School news
Date: 2021-12-10 08:20:56
«На волнах истории»
10.12.2021г в КГУ «ШИММС», в рамках  проведения недели исторической  грамотности «На волнах истории» учителем русского языка и литературы Оспановой Л.Т среди учащихся 5-7 классов  была проведена литературно- историческая викторина «Что я знаю об истории своего края?» В ходе игры, ребята узнали много нового и интересного о нашей Родине. Участники...

жас мамандар форумы

Date: 2021-12-09 16:22:43
жас мамандар форумы
Бүгін, 2021 жылдың 9 желтоқсанында жас педагогтар мен мектеп әкімшілігі Қарағанды облысының жас мамандарының III форумына қатысты. Секция жұмысы барысында мұғалімдерге түрлі бағыттағы пәндер бойынша практикалық жұмыс тәжірибесі, жаңа қызықты, пайдалы платформалар мен ресурстарды пайдалану ұсынылды. Тәлімгерлермен жұмысты ұйымдастыру тәжірибесі, педагогикалық жағдайлар, білім беру процесінде жеті...
Author: School №17

Round table "Corruption - a map of offenses"

Category: News
Date: 2021-12-09 15:58:43
Round table
On December 8, 2021, a round table "Corruption - a map of offenses" was held. This event was attended by 9th grade students who shared their views on this topic. The purpose of the round table: Increasing the legal literacy of students, the formation of an honest, fair and wise personality. The round table consisted of 2 parts. Part 1 shows the video "Corruption is the disease of...

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