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Within the framework of the republican action "Ecoshyrsha-2022", the action "Live, Christmas tree, tree!" was held, an urban environmental action was held

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 16:21:48
Within the framework of the republican action
On 24.01.2022, within the framework of the republican action "Ecoshyrsha-2022", the action "Live, Christmas tree, tree!" took place, an urban environmental action took place. The purpose of the campaign is to attract the attention of the public, children, teenagers and their parents to the problem of unauthorized cutting of coniferous trees on the eve of the New Year, the f...

A class hour was held on the topic "Mathematics is the king of sciences".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 16:14:45
A class hour was held on the topic
As part of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics around us", a class hour on the topic "Mathematics is the king of Sciences" was held among students of grades 6 "B". Purpose: to increase students' interest in mathematical science through problem solving.

Within the framework of the Week "the King of mathematical sciences " for students of 7"An educational hour was held in the middle of the class.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 16:02:20
Within the framework of the Week
24.01.Within the framework of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "the king of mathematical sciences", an educational hour was held for students of grade 7 "B". Purpose: to acquaint students with novelties in the field of mathematics, to improve mathematical literacy. At the opening, we read the words "the word of scientists is onega", in the main part-logical tas...

The class hour «Сандар күні» has passed.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:57:19
The class hour «Сандар күні» has passed.
January 24, 2022 among grades 1-4 As part of the Week of Mathematical Literacy, a class hour "numbers day" was held. Purpose: formation of mathematical functional literacy of students, development of cognitive interests, involvement in responsible participation in each event. The students revealed the secrets of numbers and looked at the period of the origin of their properties....

"Mathematics is all around us!"the grand opening of the Week of Mathematical Literacy took place

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:44:24
24.01.22 day "Mathematics is around us!"the grand opening of the Week of Mathematical Literacy took place. Purpose: formation of mathematical culture, development of mathematical literacy, improvement of professional skills of teachers and students through the organization and holding of open events. Task: - attracting students to perform mathematical tasks; - identification of...

We present to your attention information about the training format from 01/24/2022.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:40:29
We present to your attention information about the training format from 01/24/2022.
We present to your attention information about the training format from 01/24/2022.


Category: Тәрбие жұмысы
Date: 2022-02-02 15:39:07
  «№16 жалпы білім беретін мектебі» КММ 2022-2025 ж.ж.   1. Мәден Таңатар Серікжанұлы 2. Ашимханова Асемгуль Асылхановна 3. Тукашбаева Мая Багдатовна 4. Бағлан Оралхан Даулетулы 5. Дюсембаева Жанна Садыковна 6. Бейсембаев Батырхан Муратович 7. Жасымбекова Гулмира Ергазиевна 8. Сарсенбекұлы Құндызбек 9. Искакова Зере Боранкуловна
Author: School №16

The school-lyceum tournament of the debate club "Alikhan muragerleri" took place

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:35:42
The school-lyceum tournament of the debate club
On 22.01.2022, a debate tournament of the club "Alikhan muragerleri" was held at the KSU "School-Lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bokeikhanov" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region. The strategy of the intra-school-lyceum debate movement was discussed until the end of the academic year. The issues of...

"Mathematics is all around us!", which will be held from 24.01 to 29.01.22 week of mathematical literacy"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:32:24
Dear students! "Mathematics is around us!", which will be held from 24.01 to 29.01.22, we invite you to take an active part in the week of mathematical literacy"! Purpose: formation of mathematical culture, development of mathematical literacy, improvement of professional skills of teachers and students through the organization and holding of open events. Task: - attractin...

«Зейін» regional project

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:28:55
«Зейін» regional project
On January 22, 2021, within the framework of the regional project "Attention", a round table was held on the topic: "The XXI century is the century of the literate generation!"The final stage of the online reader literacy week was held in accordance with the plan organized by the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. During the meeting, the head of the departme...

The meeting of the teaching staff under the director was held in an online format.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 15:25:15
The meeting of the teaching staff under the director was held in an online format.
Intra-school control is one of the main management functions aimed at obtaining and evaluating information about the activities of teachers in order to make constructive decisions on further optimization of management and self-government at school. 22.01.2022 the meeting of the teaching staff under the director was held in an online format. According to the agenda: The results of the first...

"Tolerance is the way to peace"

Category: School news
Date: 2022-02-02 15:24:55
In the 6th grade of KSU OSH No. 6, a class hour was held on the topic: "Tolerance is the way to peace" The purpose of the class hour: Introduce the concept of tolerance; show students that despite the fact that all students are different, there can be a friendly, tolerant atmosphere in the classroom. Translated from Latin. the word tolerance means "patience, understanding and a...
Author: School №6

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