
2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында Өзін-өзі тану мұғалімі Науменко О.В. онкүндік аясында 10 сыныптарда "теңдік және әділеттілік туралы"тақырыбында пікірталас ұйымдастырды.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2022-02-07 14:25:57
2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында Өзін-өзі тану мұғалімі Науменко О.В. онкүндік аясында 10 сыныптарда
2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында Өзін-өзі тану мұғалімі Науменко О.В. онкүндік аясында 10 сыныптарда "теңдік және әділеттілік туралы"тақырыбында пікірталас ұйымдастырды. Мақсаты: кеңейту "теңдік және әділеттілік туралы" ұғымы, Жалпыға ортақ құндылық арқылы әділ мінез-құлық. Пікірталас үшін негізгі дәйексөз латын сөзін алды "Әділеттіліктің ең маңызды қасиеті-теңдік, ал оның бас...
Author: School №10

Week of mathematical literacy"the world of Mathematics".

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2022-02-07 13:41:39
Week of mathematical literacy
Sanamak is a national game for children. Among the games that require intelligence, dexterity and flexibility. By repeating numbers, the child is taught the first mathematical lesson — counting.

Information "Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-07 12:50:08
7.02.22 within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" in the 5th grade, stage productions on the theme "Journey to the Land of fairy tales" were demonstrated, divided into the values "love, truth, inner peace, correct behavior, do not abuse". Purpose: enrichment of speech, vocabulary of children.Education of morality, humanity,...
Author: School №9

Webinar for librarians of educational organizations within the framework of the project "School of reading enthusiasts"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-07 11:46:40
Webinar for librarians of educational organizations within the framework of the project
04.02.2022 within the framework of the project "A school eager to read " at a webinar for librarians of educational organizations, the head of the library of the KSU "Alikhan Bokeikhanov Lyceum School No. 15 "Basharova Gulnar Taikenovna shared her experience at the regional level on the topic "library is a source of national education". Librarians of educational org...

legal general education

Category: News
Date: 2022-02-07 11:41:13
 legal general education
Изучались "Социальные навыки детей каждой возрастной группы". Директор ясли-сада Бажбенова В.Ю. рассказала о том, что должен знать и уметь ребенок к концу учебного года.

Methodological support of the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of the Karaganda region.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-07 11:27:27
Methodological support of the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of the Karaganda region.
Methodological support of the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of the Karaganda region.  

Universal legal training

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2022-02-07 11:17:58
Universal legal training
Teachers of the nursery-garden" Еrtostik " conducted universal legal training.

A parent-teacher meeting was held on the topic "How to raise a child as a person".

Category: News
Date: 2022-02-07 11:01:47
A parent-teacher meeting was held on the topic
From February 1 to February 11, 2022, in connection with the week "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", a parent meeting on the topic "How to raise a child as a person" was held with parents of the 2nd "A" class on the Zoom plotform. Purpose: to acquaint parents with the norms of human communication in the system of spiritual and moral education, to i...
Author: School №5

05.02 in KSU "Boarding School No. 24" of the education department of the city of Balkhash, a meeting was held to strengthen the continuity between primary school teachers and the mini-center "Aybobek".

Category: New
Date: 2022-02-07 10:58:43
05.02 in KSU
05.02 in KSU "Boarding School No. 24" of the education department of the city of Balkhash, a meeting was held to strengthen the continuity between primary school teachers and the mini-center "Aybobek". Purpose: ensuring the continuity, continuity of educational, educational and methodological work between the initial link and kindergarten. For this purpose, the educator of...
Author: School №24

Self-expression: in connection with the week "pedagogy of love and creativity " with parents of the 8th grade, a thematic parent meeting on the topic "raising a child by a person" was held at the Zoom site.

Category: News
Date: 2022-02-07 10:58:33
Self-expression: in connection with the week
Self-expression: in connection with the week "pedagogy of love and creativity " with parents of the 8th grade, a thematic parent meeting on the topic "raising a child by a person" was held at the Zoom site.Purpose: to instill in parents the ability to behave in society in accordance with the peculiarities of their children's behavior, to show respect for elders, to form a...
Author: School №5

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