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Information about methodical direction within the frame of School Day – 2012

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-27 05:38:09
Information about methodical direction within the frame of School Day – 2012          The methodical days within the frame of School Day – 2012 are being conducted from 28.02.2012 in the town educational institutions. Aim: A creation of organizational-pedagogical conditions for ensuring of qualitative education and development of a pupil...
Author: Department

"A talented teacher and gifted children"

Category: News
Date: 2012-03-14 05:06:37
A talented teacher and gifted children 2nd March 2012 a team of students from our school-gymnasium № 7 them. S.Seifullin participated in the regional competition teaching "gifted student, a gifted teacher," and returned with a victory, having received the Grand Prix. The competition involved 17 teams, who were to pass 5 rounds. Students 9-10th graders in our school Kenesova A., B....


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-05 11:02:16
 "SpecialOlimpiks"       February 27, 2012in Astana, wasthe opening of theWinter OlympicsKazakhstan"SpecialOlimpiks" for children with disabilities.The openingtook placein the winterpalacecomplex"Alau." Attended by participantsneighbor,foreignathletes, and Kazakhstan.          Fromthe townof Ba...
Author: Department

Methodical service of the branch of IE “Doshkolnik BMMC” informs

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-05 06:05:20
 Methodical service of the branch of IE “Doshkolnik BMMC” informs          In order to increase the teachers’ pedagogical competence by problems of optimization of preschoolers’ playing activity the town model seminar “Game is a serious matter” was conducted on 29.02.2012 on the base of PO “Tansholpan”...
Author: Department

“Talentededucator -talented in everything”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-05 05:37:10
 “Talentededucator -talented in everything”  In order to enhancethe prestige ofthe professionof the teacherof preschooleducationalinstitutionsto identifycreativeteachers26February  2012in Karagandawas regional competitioneducators “Talentededucator -talented in everything”. The competitionwas attended byteachersof preschool educationalinstitutions of t...
Author: Department

Ауғанның асуында от кешкендер

Date: 2012-03-02 06:36:19
 Ауғанның асуында от кешкендер 15 ақпан күні мектепте «Ауғанның асуында от кешкендер» атты ауған соғысының ардагерлерімен кездесу өтті. Мақсаты: өз Отанына шексіз берілген, патриоттық рухы жоғары, қайсар жауынгер ағалар ерлігін үлгі ету. Ауған соғысында опат болған боздақтар рухына тағзым етуге, есімдерін қастерлеуге тәрбиелеу.  Кездесуге Ауған соғысының ардагері Шорма...


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-02 05:17:28
Ichikayeva O. N. , the teacher of a nursery school” KUNSHUAK” town BALKHASH, took part in a regional competition.   “ A talented teacher of a nursery school- 2012”, organized by a scientific- methodological centre “ Capы-аркадарыны”.  The main idea of the competition was revealing and supporting of talented preschool teachers. Ilchikayeva...
Author: Department

Our students winners of regional competitions.

Date: 2012-03-01 10:24:46
 Our students winners of regional competitions. Students of our school-gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin were winners of regional competitions in the city of Karaganda. So Tlezhan Dinara won first place in the Kazakh language and literature, and will go to the Republican Olympiad. Pupil Altynbek Ayauly took third place in the Kazakh language. Dayrahanov B. took third place on the s...

Extraordinary personality.

Date: 2012-03-01 09:20:21
Extraordinary personality. Known state and public figure, the great son of the Kazakh peopleD.Konaevu this year marks 100 years old. In grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin were a number of activities, devoted to the life of the famous work of the individual. Educational Hour on "Taғylymy say&nb...

Olimpiadon informatics

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-01 06:00:26
Olimpiadon informatics
Olimpiadon informatics  The open Olympiad on informatics and programming was held on baseof  KarGU after E.A.Buketov on mathematics faculty, on sub department  of “applied mathematics and informatics”  among the pupils of 9-11forms and colleges on 26.02.2012. The Olympiad was helding in two stages: the first – selecting, in a testing form; the second &nb...
Author: Department

“Children are the capital of XXI century"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-01 05:38:42
“Children are the capital of XXI century
 “Children are the capital of XXI century"  On taken place round table “Children are the capital of XXI century.  ", which passed the February 20 2012 in Palace schoolboy within the framework of Republican programm "You and your right" were discussed problems to realization of the rights child in modern school. The Participants noted increased at...
Author: Department

"Future of nation in our hands"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-03-01 04:34:08
"Future of nation in our hands"  Within the framework of Republican programm "You and твоиright" 23 February 2012 meeting town Baby maslihata took place in Palace schoolboy. 18 Deputies Baby maslihat schools of the city have took part In meeting, village Konyrat, stations Balhash, members to youth organization "Murager", united baby-juvenile organization &quo...
Author: Department

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