
Report about actions dedicated to 75 anniversary of Balkhash town

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-17 06:56:43
 Report about actions dedicated to 75 anniversary of Balkhash town in the kindergarten was industrial conference about celebrating one’s jubilee. was conference “Pages of history of native town” 3.Competition «playground’s project» –work with parents in the project “Friendly city to the child”. From 2-till...
Author: Department

Grammar school № 7 them. S. Seifulin Mini-Center "Balbobek"

Category: News
Date: 2012-04-14 09:37:35
Grammar school № 7 them. S. Seifulin Mini-Center "Balbobek"                Created during a five-year plans of the Soviet government is a major industrial center of Kazakhstan. Osvooenie Balkhash started in the mountains Konyrad in 1928 as an engineer-geologist M.P.Rusakovym. As a result of these studies, it beca...

75 School №9 Kinder garden «Enzhu».

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-13 12:18:39
75 School №9   Kinder garden «Enzhu».
  75 School №9 Kinder garden «Enzhu». In mini centre «Enzhu»in school №9 was written a plan 06-15 April for celebrite of Balkhash -75 years. There are 6 group celebrit this holidays. There are 155 children in it. In the 6-th of April between the little group was PE games. There are 3 groups and 10 children in it play games. In the 9-th of April 2 was concer...
Author: Department

Intellectual competition "Zerek bala"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-13 11:17:58
Intellectual competition
Intellectual competition "Zerek bala" In celebration  of  the 75-  anniversary  of the city of Balkhash in the children's preschool "Er Tostіk"  with 3.04 to 13.04 2012 was a decade under the name “Жасайбер, Балхашым!”.  Gone entertainment event sporting “Future Athletes of Balkhash”, among the older groups of kinder...
Author: Department

Сelebration of a jubilee of our towncity Balkhash

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-13 09:06:48
Сelebration  of a jubilee of our towncity Balkhash
  Сelebration  of a jubilee of our towncity Balkhash      During the holidays the pedagogical collective of the nursery “KUNSHUAK” took part in the celebration  of a jubilee of our town. The children and the teachers  of the nursery took an active part in the  relay – race “ Young sportsmen of Balkhash”. Nowadays...
Author: Department

“Travelling to the native land”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-12 16:57:08
  “Travelling to the native land” On the 5th of April the intellectual game “Travelling to the native land”, dedicated to the jubilee of Balkhash,  took place at school  17. This wonderful game, propagandizing Kazakh national customs, traditions and games was held by N.N. Smirnova, the Honorary worker of Education of Kazakhstan. The game was really...
Author: Department

Ceremony winners of 46th of the city subject competition

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-12 16:36:08
  Ceremony winners of 46th of the city subject competition. April 5th, 2012 was held award ceremony winners of 46th of the city subject competition. At the presentation of awards took part chiefs of GOROO, principals of school, teachers and winners of Olympiad. Winners of subject Olympiads, who took the prize places, congratulated their teachers and presented them gifts and certific...
Author: Department

Charity action “Let’s help children together”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-11 05:31:52
  Charity action “Let’s help children together”   Within framework of charity action “Let’s help children together” the concert program “Instant of childhood” was held in the school №18 on 06.04.2012. The action was thought up by the team of the town Children maslikhat, where pupils of schools of Balkhash town, Konyrat vil...
Author: Department

Tournament of experts “My town”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-10 11:29:48
Tournament of experts “My town”     The town tournament of experts “My town” was held in the library after Gaidar in the days of celebrating of 75th –anniversary of town. The 2 teams “Bilimdiler” , “Bilgirler” took part in the tournament. The children showed their knowledge in 4 tournaments: quiz “My favourite town&rd...
Author: Department

World Health Day

Category: News
Date: 2012-04-09 17:44:27
  World Health Day 7th April 2012 in our school gymnasium № 7 it ​​wasS.Seifullin Health Day. Students danced the dancewith pleasure "kara zhora" dance to the music of"Nossa." On this festive day, the sun was shiningbrightly. And the students and teachers had ...

A strong win one, win one thousand clever.

Category: News
Date: 2012-04-01 17:34:26
A strong win one, win one thousand clever From 25 to 28 March in the city of Karaganda was the republican Olympiad inKazakh language and literature. Student of 11th grade in our school-gymnasium № 7 Tlezhan Dinar at the Olympics defended the honor of the city of Balkhash. D...

PrizesSecondary School№ 7them.S.Seifullin In the intellectualmarathon 'Balausa-2012 "

Category: News
Date: 2012-03-30 05:04:56
PrizesSecondary School № 7 them.S.Seifullin In the intellectualmarathon 'Balausa-2012 " In our cityannually hoststhe cityOlympiadintellectual marathon'Balausa 2012. "Marathonwinnersgatheredat theschool competitionsamong the3-4 class. The marathonwas heldin the schoolnumber 16with a linguisticbias.The marathontook placeunder the guidanceof a practitionerCity Departmentof...

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