
Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten "Ertostik"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-15 03:32:07
  An important factor influencing to the full development of the child of pre-school age is health.Under the title “We choose health!” 25.04.2012 in pre-school  organizations  “Er Tostik” was a methodical day. The creative collective of teachers demonstrated the opening of classes in valeology on the theme: " Zhyregim bolsyn desen sau...", the l...
Author: Department

Language – bonds of friendship

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-11 05:47:37
  Within the framework of celebrating the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan, TO "Tansholpan" of branch of PE «Preschool child BMSP» Corporations "Kazakhmys " received honoured guests from the far abroad. With gifts on a visit to pupils of a kindergarten on the 7th , of May, there came representatives of the embassy of the Polish national Republic in...
Author: Department

Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-11 05:29:18
  Psychological training-range of greetings “Magical transformation”   Total lesson of mathematics in older group. educator- Degtyaryova E.A   Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten «Rucheyok» was opened by 24.04.2012.   A theme: Increasing the quality of developing education based on entering t...
Author: Department

Town Action “Balkhash Is A Town Of High Culture”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-10 06:39:50
  The great date – 67th anniversary of the Victory of Great Patriotic War is coming.         On the threshold of this event the start of action “Babalar erligi – urpakka ulgi” on cleaning of territories in the streets, which are named after the heroes of GPW, memorials, which perpetuate the memory about warriors-winners, the memory about Ba...
Author: Department

«Intellectuai Children»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-08 04:04:45
  On May, 2 2012 “Intellectual Children” game was held at the Lyceum №2 named after Abai. There were three rounds. The goal of the game: to show up gifted children in History of Kazakhstan, in World History and in Law and Society. Gymnasium, Lyceum №2 named after Abai, School Gymnasium №7, schools №№8, 15, 16, 18, 25, boarding school №2 took part in the game. The first rou...
Author: Department

Patriots’ forming

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-07 05:59:32
Patriots’ forming
  In the framework of celebrating of the jubilee date  of the Day of a Defender of the native land, 07.05.2012, the children of a senior group CO “Aigolek” branch of PE “Doshkolnik BGMK” were on the excursion in the Nikopolsk Order after Alexander Nevskii educational centre. Preshoolers saw the military plane L-39, they tried on the helmet of a pilot, sitting...
Author: Department

About city competition of school propaganda teams Balkhash "A healthy food – the healthy nation" within a ten-day campaign on improvement organization of a school food.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-05-02 06:30:33
On 20th April  on the basis of secondary school No. 5 passed the second round of city competition of propaganda teams «A healthy food – the healthy nation» in which took active part all schools of the city. The structure of propaganda teams included pupils of 5-9 classes. The aim of competition is promoting of idea of a healthy food among pupils of educational institutio...
Author: Department

Education of children - business of all

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-28 09:46:16
  The national proverb says: In order that a tree directly grew, during a sapling it is necessary to help, and when the tree begins big you can't correct. Therefore in children from the youth it is necessary to introduce valuable qualities as patriotism, humanity, mercy, moral, to bring up self-confidence is a superiority of kindergarten. The main goal of kindergarten is to bring up g...
Author: Department

A wonderful comedy “Seagull” A. P. Chehov

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-27 05:09:46
                 On the 24th of  April a wonderful comedy “Seagull” ( A.P. Chehov) was staged in the assembly hall of our gymnasium. The first scene started with the speech of Treplev and Zarechnaya, that were acted by Ilchikaev Ilya and Morozova Darja. The role of Treplev was the most tragic in this pl...
Author: Department

The military-sports game "Ұлан"

Category: News
Date: 2012-04-25 10:11:38
 The military-sports game "Ұлан" Congratulations! In the urban military-sports game "Ұлан" our school-gymnasium № 7 S.Seifullin won the I-st prize. This game was organized by the City Department of Education, Physical Education and Sports dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the city of Balkhash and the 20th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kaz...

New technology of teaching «Биоинформатикаисинергетика»

Category: News
Date: 2012-04-25 04:36:02
 New technology of teaching «Биоинформатикаисинергетика» Since 16.04 till 17.04.2012 school-gymnasium №7had regional training by new technology « БиС».  Our school works by this technology since the 1st of March 2010 .The author  is  well-known  consultant of new technologies  Vasserman Fyodor Yakovlevitch.  Programme of this trai...

This was dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Balkhash.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-04-20 11:30:42
  During the decade, which was dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Balkhash, the original competition among the students in three nominations was held by the Department of Education.  · “The best essay”  · “The best poem”  · “The best video” The winner of “The best essay” nomination is a stu...
Author: Department

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