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Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-28 04:48:38
  On the 26th of November at school №17 a seminar for young foreign language teachers “A model of work with talented children” took place. The effective solution of the problems of modern education at the school level is only possible if purposeful management of its development allows to consider the lesson and further education as a system to ensure a high quality education...
Author: Department

« The Day of the first President of Kazakhstan»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-27 04:35:17
« The Day of the first President of Kazakhstan»
  For celebrating the day of the president of Kazakhstan was a competitionof creative works of 7-11 grades.one of the main aims of competition are compositions, author’s poems in bringing and to engage in engage in propogando of patriotic,civil and forming a high morality by young generation of Kazakhstan.All schools of our town took part at this competition.The pupils’ creati...
Author: Department

Geography - of 2012

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-27 03:10:51
Geography - of 2012
  400 pupils from all region took part in the 1 tour in Olympiad on geography, schools of town presented our town: 2 lyceum, №4,№7,№8,№15,№16,№17,№18,№24. Our pupils won: the second place pupils of 11 form of school №8 A.Seitzhan, (teacher Abzalbekova A.); the third place was given to pupil of 11 form of school-gymnasium №7 A.Kairatova (teacher A.A.Kapenova) and pupil of 10 form of school...
Author: Department

System work of ecological centre and ecological clubs

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-26 08:44:01
System work of ecological centre and ecological clubs
Ecological education and upbringing become by the factors, which provided development of economic and society in whole, is forming of new style of life, which characterized by harmony in relations with surroundings. Actions conducting by the ecological centre became traditional: school Olympiads, competitions, actions, meetings, festivals of different level. The following actions conducted b...
Author: Department

Arman! Enbek! Senim!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-22 09:35:59
Arman! Enbek! Senim!
II congress of youth wing “Zhas Otan” of NDP “Nur Otan” with participation of thr President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev was held in Astana city on 16.11.2012. Questions which care kazakhstanians youth were touch upon in making speech of the head of the state. First this is questions of employment, house for young specialists. 7.5 thousan...
Author: Department

Young Champions victory

Category: News
Date: 2012-11-22 05:35:37
During the autumnschool holidays, the city was in a small school sports volleyball. Team Boys 5th grade our grammar school № 7 took 1st place in the urban schools. Congratulations toour boys! We wish you continued success.

Open lesson on LSI technology

Category: News
Date: 2012-11-19 09:25:36
In grammar school № 7 S.Seifullin held an open lesson on the subject of literary reading. Teacher of Russian language and literature Sarsembayeva Lazat Tleubaevna lesson held on the theme: Fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" Hans Christian Andersen in the 7th grade .. In a lesson BIS technology was used (Bioinformatics and Synergetics, map oral lesson-1). Main purpose of the lesson was t...

Introduction of technology the Encore in literature teaching

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-16 05:30:11
Introduction of technology the Encore in literature teaching
  The second year at schools of Balkhash takes root technology Biocomputer science and the Synergetrics (Encore) developed by F.J.Vassermanom. Thanks to the given technology schoolboys study to organise the activity at school, develop all kinds of thinking, logic, memory. The motivation to educational activity of children increases, everyone aspires to show the knowledge, skills. Also qua...
Author: Department

The competition of collage "I and my town"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-15 06:53:31
  The competition of collages “I and my town” was held in the Pupil’s Palace in time of autumn holidays, in which  pupils of 4-5 forms of town, Balkhash station, Konyrat village’s schools took part. By the results of 3tours of “History of Balkhash town”, “To make a collage”, “To solve a proverb” by the winner became: 1 p...
Author: Department

Victory of debaters of Balkhash

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-15 06:47:50
Victory of debaters of Balkhash
  The republican debate tournament for the Cup of chancellor of the Kazakh innovational humanitarian-juridical  university  was held in the Semipalatinsk city from 19 till 21th October of 2012. By the aim of debate tournaments were the words from article of the President of the RK N.A.Nazarbaev “Social modernization of Kazakhstan: 20 steps to society of global labour&rdquo...
Author: Department

The town debate tournament "Development of tourism in Balkhash region "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-15 06:19:17
The town debate tournament
    The best young orators of the Balkhash town met on the debate tournament “Development of tourism  in Balkhash region” in the lyceum №2 after Abai on 09.11.2012. The aim of the debate tournament – to bring together youth, to attract of their attention to the actual problems in our country, to support talented orators. Speakers admitted that during the tour...
Author: Department

Information about excursion for web-site

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2012-11-12 05:21:38
Information about excursion for web-site
  Excursion in the middle special educational institutions of Karaganda and Temirtau was organized within the framework of realization of action’s plans on vocational guidance work of the department of education, physical training and sport for 2012 and within the framework of work’s plan of social project “Centre of job orientation among pupils for speciality in demand&...
Author: Department

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