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Соңғы қоңырау-2013

Date: 2013-05-31 05:00:49
Соңғы қоңырау-2013
Жалпы білім беретін №18 орта мектебінде 24 мамыр күні "Соңғы қоңырау" кеші өтті.

Information on activities on the theme of "Link, last call" in 24 schools.

Category: New
Date: 2013-05-30 15:35:15
Information on activities on the theme of
Information on activities on the theme of "Link, last call" in 24 schools.            May 25 in all our nation's schools last bell rang. Sound of a bell. This sound familiar and close to the heart of everyone who came out of the school-ship knowledge. When the first call calls to follow their childhood dreams, acquire knowledge, clarify their goals,...
Author: School №24

"Teacher of the Year 2013"

Category: New
Date: 2013-05-30 15:32:09
On the 18th of May last contest called "Teacher of the Year 2013", which involved a teacher of computer science and has been awarded the certificate.
Author: School №24

"The coolest cool"

Category: New
Date: 2013-05-30 15:28:31
"The coolest cool" 16 th of May, the city passed a competition called "the coolest cool 2013god." Of the 24 schools participated teacher Kazakh Ospanova Zhanat Nurollaevna with his 8 A class and was awarded a diploma in nomination "The creative class teacher."
Author: School №24

during of teachers of Kazakh languages

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-28 04:25:30
during of teachers of Kazakh languages
In 21 of  May in Balkhash was a competition during of teachers of Kazakh languages. The teachers from different kindergartens, schools & colliges  took part there. The winner of this competition stood Baigutanova Guldariga Maratovna. She took the present and diploma.
Author: Department

“ Zerek Bala”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-28 04:18:13
“ Zerek Bala”
The final of competition “ Zerek Bala” was in Karaganda city in 21 of May 2013. Children took part in a different parts of competition, like a Kazakh language, math, native language. Anastasia Yoon the girl from our kindergarten “Rucheyok” got the III place. The diploma and present was given her.
Author: Department

Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-28 04:11:59
Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash
The “Erkеtay” competition was in 21 of May during children from kindergarten. It  was town’s competition. Kids was showed theirs  talents. Maratbek Asel from our kindergarten “Rucheyok ” took part there. She sang a song “Knopochka”, her teacher was Zinatulina N.R.. Asel presentedbythe  diploma.
Author: Department

"To the gifted pupil - the talented teacher"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-14 06:19:28
On May 4-6, 2012-2013 school years participants of ІV of the republican pedagogical Olympic Games  "To the gifted pupil - the talented teacher"  - the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of school №7  - Abrakhmanova Alice   won prize-winning ІІІplace, and also group "Zerda"of  school-gymnasium№7 was awarded- prize-winning І place.
Author: Department

Information by the results of the town relay race

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-13 06:54:27
Information by the results of the town relay race
The town 56th traditional athletic relay race, devoted to the Day of Victory and the Day of Motherland defenders was conducted on 07.05.2013. There 45 teams, 1012 participants took part in it. That is: 14 girl-teams of the town schools; 14 boy-teams of the town schools; 7 girls-teams of PTL, SSEI; 7 boy-teams of PTL, SSEI and 3 teams of industrial collectives of physical training: CLR “K...
Author: Department

“Coca Cola – leather ball -2013”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-05-13 06:50:07
“Coca Cola – leather ball -2013”
The town tournament on football “Coca Cola – leather ball -2013” among pupils, which devoted to the 100th-anniversary of Kazakhstan football was conducted on the multifunctional hockey courts of lyceum №2 after Abai, school №15 in period of from 02.05.2013 till 06.05.2013. Picked team of town schools and boarding-schools took part on the tournament. In all 12 teams took part....
Author: Department

A gifted student - the future of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2013-05-11 08:01:58
Team"Zerde" grammar school number 7 S. Seifullin back with a victory. Our team took part in the national educational competition "The talented student - a gifted teacher." The competition was attended by 15 teams. School defended the honor of the 10 students of class A: A.Agymbaeva, A.Tlepaldy, A.Isak, I.Zhumabay, N.Zhappargaly, showing their knowledge, demonstrating creat...

Purpose: To educate students to memorize the names of the heroes who gave their lives for their country, and to understand the peculiarities of the people of his native land and defend their homeland.

Category: New
Date: 2013-05-10 16:00:52
Purpose: To educate students to memorize the names of the heroes who gave their lives for their country, and to understand the peculiarities of the people of his native land and defend their homeland.
Purpose: To educate students to memorize the names of the heroes who gave their lives for their country, and to understand the peculiarities of the people of his native land and defend their homeland. From April 20 to May 8 was vnutreshkolny contest "Best Article." The objectives and responsibilities of the competition: 1. Mastering the main direction of development and application l...
Author: School №24

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