
Рәміздер күні

Date: 2013-06-07 07:53:49
Рәміздер күні
  «Балдаурен» лагерінде 4 маусым «Рәміздер күніне» байланысты  салтанатты жиын өтті.Жиынға  «Балдаурен» лагерінің балалары мен тәрбишілері қатысты.      Іс-шараның мақсаты: Оқушыларды аса маңызды мемлекеттік белгілер- рәміздермен жан-жақты  таныстыру;    Ұлттық рәміздердің әрбір бөлшектеріне,халқымыздың өткені мен б...

Information for the event on June 4 to the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the secondary school № 24

Category: New
Date: 2013-06-06 17:59:15
Information for the event on June 4 to the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the secondary school № 24
On this day in our school held an event called "The State symbol - my pride." At 09.00 was held a grand scale for teachers and students of the school. Solemn line began with the national anthem, the director said, greeting word. Including held with vacationers recreational summer camp "Balausa" cognitive game on "The State symbol - my pride. "Purpose:To develop th...
Author: School №24

Information on the results of UNT-2013 the 1st group

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-06 03:39:21
The UNT of the school leavers of 2012-2013 educational year was conducted on the base of school-gymnasium №7 in PPUNT 727 on 04.06.2013. 193 school leavers from comprehensive schools of town took part in the 1st group. 29 school lea. got more marks than 100 by 5 subjects The highest mark -118 (Tleugulova Asem, pupil of school №4)          &nbs...
Author: Department

Kindergarten “Rucheyok”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 06:10:38
Kindergarten “Rucheyok”
The States symbols In the 4th of June was a concert about States symbols in the kindergarten “Rucheyok”. The anthem was opened this concert. The children sang the songs and read the poems. The celebrates like this teach us to patriot.
Author: Department

"Symbols of my homeland!"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 05:36:17
June 4, 2013in Kindergarten "Zhuldyz" PI "preschooler BGMK" held an event dedicated to the Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The events were held in all groups with a view to inculcating in children respect for state symbols, knowledge about the history of the State symbols. In theyounger groups, with children teachers were encouraged to medium groups quiz to clar...
Author: Department

"Hello, summer!"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 05:33:17
June 3, 2013 in Kindergarten "Zhuldyz" PI "Рreschooler BGMK" in the 1st Corps, there have been fun for the kids, "Hello, summer!" Dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the summer recreation season. By holding events were held all teachers of kindergarten, which in bright costumes fairy tale characters shill children on various islands...
Author: Department

June 4 marks the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 05:28:20
June 4 marks the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Preschool Education- the most important period of the person's identity when laid the moral foundations of social qualities, formed the first ideas about the world of children. All countries of the world, all states that exist on earth, have their own flags, coats of arms and the anthem are the hallmark of the state. Day of State Symbols mentioned in kindergarten "Er Tөstіk" childr...
Author: Department

The 1st of June- the international Day of Defense of children.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 04:56:16
         The 1st of June- the international Day of Defense of children.
The pedagogical staff of the kindergarten “Kunshuak” took an active part in the organization of the holiday. The children and teachers participated in different  sport events  and in musical and entertainment actions  The representative of the kindergarten “Kunshuak” Uzakbai Aiaru has sung a song in Kazakh language.
Author: Department

“Peace on the Planet, Happiness to children!”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 04:52:55
“Peace on the Planet, Happiness to children!”
 In the kindergarten “ Kunshuak” took place a theatrical show  on the 1 of June. “Chup” and “Chups”   came to see the children on that day. They organized interesting competitions such as riding bikes and rubber balls,  skipping. The children took part in the competition “Singing animals”. Different games such as “ Ha...
Author: Department

1 june international childern's day

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 04:17:28
1 june international childern's day
Within a republican action “We are your children, Kazakhstan! We shall live in a new world! ”, dedicated to internationalchildren’s day at school campsand sitesof the city heldpublic events.10.00  on the waterfront took placemasstheatrical performance “Zhas dostar” with theparticipation of children's creative teams of Palace of Schoolchildren, kindergartens...
Author: Department

Celebration of childhood, joy and summer.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 03:58:57
Celebration of childhood, joy and summer.
       June 1the whole world celebrates the International Children's Day - celebration of childhood, joy and summer. In this day of kindergarten pupils "Er Tөstіk" together with their parents attended the event in the city. among children of pre-school institutions. In a festive program included massive games, dances, quizzes with fabulous characters a...
Author: Department

festive event dedicated to the "Children's Day"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 03:54:27
festive event dedicated to the
For "Aisulu" preschool students of village Konyrat was organized a festive event dedicated to the "Children's Day" on June 1st at 10:00 am. On kindergarden territerories, kids had an interesting and entertaining program hosted by fairy tale characters - Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland and cat Basilio, who elecated holiday spirit of children and their parents. Children were...
Author: Department

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