
Information on carrying out a holiday of "Smeshariki" in school camp "Solar City", school No. 4, 2013 year

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-14 06:06:47
Information on carrying out a holiday of
07.06 the holiday devoted to April Fools' Day of "Smeshariki" took place. Summer holiday in school camp gives the chance to children to spend the leisure-time cheerfully and interestingly. Development of creative abilities, sense of humour, friendliness, collectivism, unity – these priority tasks were put by tutor E.A. Abramova when carrying out the show program. Children f...
Author: Department

Information on carrying out the stock "My Friend Reliable — a Sign Road" in school camp "Solar city" school No. 4, 2013 year

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-14 06:04:14
Information on carrying out the stock
10.06 the action on promotion of traffic regulations "My friend reliable – a sign road" is held. The declared subject is caused by problems of road accidents with participation of children. The general coverage of participants made 60 people. Tutors A. A. Odrova, Yu .A. Pirozhkova organized walking tour on stations "Guess", "Young Inspector", "Road signs&...
Author: Department

Information about the solemn gathering «Жас Ұлан-елдің ертеңі» held in the summer camp "Erkemay" opened at the Lyceum № 2 named after Abay.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-13 09:44:39
Information about the solemn gathering «Жас Ұлан-елдің ертеңі» held in the summer  camp
June 12, 2013 in the summer camp "Erkemay" was a solemn gathering, where children were takento the ranks of organization "Jas Kyran." The purpose of the eventisto raise children's interest, to develop patriotism and sense of duty. On thatday, the ranks of the organization " Jas Kyran" was adopted by the 16 most active children among vacationers. Senior leader Oz...
Author: Department

Children actively participated and showed their creativity

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-13 09:38:08
Children actively participated and showed their creativity
In the children's camp of  school №24was sporting match  for a healthy lifestyle. Children actively participated and showed their creativity.
Author: Department

«Young defenders of the Motherland».

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-13 09:21:22
«Young defenders of the  Motherland».
Summer is the happiest time of relaxation, entertainment, this is the most favorable time to strengthen health, to harden the body and gain strength for the new academic year. In the summer of nature itself provides rich opportunities for the development of cognitiveand creative abilities малышей.12.06.13 g in the kindergarten «Er Tostik» was a big sports festival «Young defend...
Author: Department

Information on the concert program "Morning Star" in the schoolyard center "Sunny" at school number 17.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-12 06:51:34
Information on the concert program
June 12 at the cozy auditorium schoolyard center "Sunny" at school number 17 was held a concert program "Morning Star", which combines the wonderful world of music and poetry. Veli event caregivers schoolyard center OV Nechaev and Gun'ko RA           Perfect performance of musical works guys have not left indifferent app...
Author: Department

Жалпы білім беретін №18 орта мектебі

Date: 2013-06-07 09:01:13
"Балдаурен" жазғы сауықтандыру лагерінің 2013 жылдың 5 маусымында ашылу салтанаты болып өтті. Ашылу мерекесіне лагерь бойынша 20 бала қатысты.Салтанатты жиын Қазақстан Республикасының мемлекеттік әнұранымен басталды.Жазғы лагерь бастығы А.А.Мусатаева сөз сөйлеп ашты.Әр топ өз ұрандарымен әндерін ортаға салды.Түрлі билер билеп,әндер айтылды.Лагерь тәлімгері Б.Қ.Жунусова топ бойынша рапо...

Рәміздер күні

Date: 2013-06-07 07:53:49
Рәміздер күні
  «Балдаурен» лагерінде 4 маусым «Рәміздер күніне» байланысты  салтанатты жиын өтті.Жиынға  «Балдаурен» лагерінің балалары мен тәрбишілері қатысты.      Іс-шараның мақсаты: Оқушыларды аса маңызды мемлекеттік белгілер- рәміздермен жан-жақты  таныстыру;    Ұлттық рәміздердің әрбір бөлшектеріне,халқымыздың өткені мен б...

Information for the event on June 4 to the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the secondary school № 24

Category: New
Date: 2013-06-06 17:59:15
Information for the event on June 4 to the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the secondary school № 24
On this day in our school held an event called "The State symbol - my pride." At 09.00 was held a grand scale for teachers and students of the school. Solemn line began with the national anthem, the director said, greeting word. Including held with vacationers recreational summer camp "Balausa" cognitive game on "The State symbol - my pride. "Purpose:To develop th...
Author: School №24

Information on the results of UNT-2013 the 1st group

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-06 03:39:21
The UNT of the school leavers of 2012-2013 educational year was conducted on the base of school-gymnasium №7 in PPUNT 727 on 04.06.2013. 193 school leavers from comprehensive schools of town took part in the 1st group. 29 school lea. got more marks than 100 by 5 subjects The highest mark -118 (Tleugulova Asem, pupil of school №4)          &nbs...
Author: Department

Kindergarten “Rucheyok”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 06:10:38
Kindergarten “Rucheyok”
The States symbols In the 4th of June was a concert about States symbols in the kindergarten “Rucheyok”. The anthem was opened this concert. The children sang the songs and read the poems. The celebrates like this teach us to patriot.
Author: Department

"Symbols of my homeland!"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-06-05 05:36:17
June 4, 2013in Kindergarten "Zhuldyz" PI "preschooler BGMK" held an event dedicated to the Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The events were held in all groups with a view to inculcating in children respect for state symbols, knowledge about the history of the State symbols. In theyounger groups, with children teachers were encouraged to medium groups quiz to clar...
Author: Department

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