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To be a educator – happiness!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 10:57:50
To be a educator – happiness!
     Under this name the Republican competition among educators of preschool organizations, in which took part four pedagogues of daycare centre “Aigolek” of the brunch PE “Doshkolnik BMSP” was held in September of 2013. Results of the competition were announced on the eve of the Teacher’s Day and  what a wonderful gift to your professional...
Author: Department

Trip of pupils of children's home of family type to Karaganda city

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 06:42:13
Trip of pupils of children's home of family type to Karaganda city
17 children visited historical-cultural centre of the First President Temirtau town, “Winter garden”escorted by teachers of children’s home, specialists of the department of education, DIP, correspondent of “Severnoe Pribalkhashie” on 5-6.10.2013.  Children’s entertaining centre “Begopark”, zoopark, children’s theatre of musical comedies...
Author: Department

Results of conducting of Teacher’s Day

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 06:39:53
Results of conducting of Teacher’s Day
According to plan of preparing and conducting of Teacher’s Day the town solemn meeting of pedagogues of town schools with participation of leadership of the town was conducted on 01.10.2013.     Distinguished pedagogues were awarded with honorary diplomas and letters of thanks of town’s akim and Management of education. Celebration in honour of veterans of educatio...
Author: Department

Day of aged people.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 06:29:06
Day of aged people.
Meetings with veterans conducted by the establishments of education and concert programs were organized. Veterans where for them were awarded keepsakes and food baskets were visited at home by the department of education, town committee of trade union of workers of education.
Author: Department

Participation in the Championship of Karaganda region on chess.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 05:48:10
Participation in the Championship of Karaganda region on chess.
Four pupils of chess group of Pupil’s Palace (coach Alimzhanov S.A.)  took part in the championship on chess on 4-6.10.2013 in Karaganda city.           Neltai Akizhan (school №8) became the Champion of Karaganda region by the results of championship.          Nesep Dana, Ydyrysov Dulat (s/g №7) t...
Author: Department

The tournament on mini- football for the Cup of town’s akim.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 05:42:40
 The tournament on mini- football for the Cup of town’s akim.
The town tournament on mini-football for the Cup of town’s akim on 3 age group(pupils, students, collectives of physical training) was conducted from 16.09.2013 to 06.10.2013.          Awarding of teams planned for 10.10.2013.          Certificates were prepared, 3 cups, diplomas and medals on categories pu...
Author: Department

Let's sing, my friends!

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-04 04:52:37
Let's sing, my friends!
Let's sing, my friends! Which yearin grammar school № 7 celebrates Week of languages. The final event of the final day of the Week of Languages ​​was theFestival "Let's sing, friends." Teachers of foreign languages​​, together with the students sang songs of different nations. Obligatory condition was the performance of the songs on the Russian and English languages. Of parti...

Поздравление от учителя физической культуры Магера Станислава Владимировича

Category: 5 октября - День Учителя!
Date: 2013-10-03 04:03:36
Поздравление от учителя физической культуры Магера Станислава Владимировича Я, представитель молодого учительства город Балхаш, от всей души хочу поздравить своих коллег, старших наставников с Днём Учителя. Каждый из нас сделал осознанный выбор такой ответственной и важной профессии как УЧИТЕЛЬ! По велению сердца и любви к своему городу мы, молодые учителя, живем в родном Балхаше во имя одно...

Поздравление к Дню Учителя от Львовой Елены Михайловны.

Category: 5 октября - День Учителя!
Date: 2013-10-03 04:00:53
Поздравление к Дню Учителя от Львовой Елены Михайловны.   Есть профессии, к которым мы всегда относимся с особым почтением и уважением. И педагог одна из них. Своей деятельностью педагоги закладывают основы мировоззрения многим поколениям, являясь образцом мудрости и справедливости. Наш праздник стал по-настоящему всенародным. Ведь у каждого из нас остался в памяти любимый учитель и н...

1-го сентября в гимназии прошла традиционная линейка, посвященная Дню знаний.

Category: Traditional holiday school "1 september"
Date: 2013-10-03 03:34:51
1-го сентября в гимназии прошла традиционная линейка, посвященная Дню знаний. Как всегда, это был оригинальный и необычный сюрприз для первоклашек, которым выпала честь подъехать к будущему месту учебы на Волшебном Школьном автобусе! Довольные и счастливые важно шагали они по «красной дорожке» к порогу гимназии под звуки торжественной музыки. Но на этом сюрпризы не кончились- здесь и...

Балқашқа76 жыл!

Category: День Города
Date: 2013-10-03 03:15:04
Балқашқа76 жыл! Қаламыздың мерекесіне орай гимназияда көптеген мерекелік іс  шаралар өтті. Олар «Фестиваль открыток: Балхаш город будущего», ашык сабактар оның ішінде «Belling bee» және 10-11 сынып аралықтарында «Спорт этика» атты жарыс өтті.

"Language - basis of education".

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-02 07:08:20
  Information for events conducted to the day of languages.     From 11 to September, 21 at school week of passed to the day of languages. On every day were organized interesting and cognitive events. A week was begun with solemn collection "Language is support of people". On solemn collection came forward children with the expressive reading on three languages(Kaz...
Author: School №24

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