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Feast "Heart to Heart"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-30 04:13:20
Feast"Heart to Heart"   October 24 at thegrammar school № 7 im.Sakena Seifullina was celebrated "Heart to Heart" trained sociologist and psychologist Meiramgul Kanatкyzyschool Yerubayev Riza Berikovny for guardians of students. Guardians were bailed out letters of administration of the school. In turn, the custodial parent also expressed gratitude to the school ad...

information about the Day of spiritual consent at school №24

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-29 11:17:53
          18 October in the school held a Day of spiritual consent. The purpose of this event was to educate students such qualities as mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual aid to oneself and to the world. In each class there were thematic lectures prepared by the students. For the pupils of 5-8 grades, the number of which is 127 pupils, t...
Author: School №24

Information about the Day of Teacher in secondary school 24

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-29 10:54:07
Information about the Day of Teacher in secondary school 24 The 5th of October was the Day of Teacher in our school. The pupils of 9-11 grades held lessons for the pupils of 1-8 grades. The boys of 7-9 grades met teachers and gave them postcards at 7.30 o`clock. It was concert for teachers at 12.00 o`clock. And the director of school Akhmetova K. ZH gave for teachers diploma.   &nbs...
Author: School №24

Information about the Day of Health in secondary school 24.

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-29 09:42:01
Information about the Day of Health in secondary school 24.
  Information about the Day of Health in secondary school 24. 17.09.2013 was Day of Health in secondary school 24.  There were several types of sport competitions and games. The game “Interesting start” organized for the pupils of 1-4 grades. It was competition between teachers and pupils of 8-11 grades.  All of pupils were actively participated in the competitions...
Author: School №24

"Balkhash - town of perfect order"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-29 09:23:46
The ecology action “Orken”, devoted to the “EXPO-2017” was held on initiative of Children Maslikhat, MA “Murager”, UCYO “Zhas Ulan” together with party “Nur Otan” in town park on 26.10.2013. 380 participants of 7-9 forms from all town schools took part in action.
Author: Department

Historical-literary composition “Era of Abylai khan – era of union of Kazakh khanate”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-29 09:19:16
Historical-literary composition “Era of Abylai khan – era of union of Kazakh khanate”
Aim: Leader of nation attends the special attention to revival and development the national spirit of upbringing generation in yearly Message to Kazakhstan people. The historical-literary composition “Era of Abylai khan – era of union of Kazakh khanate” was conducted on 24.10.2013 in school №15, devoted to the 300th anniversary of Abylai, a personality which was important ren...
Author: Department

Preparing for the Olympics

Category: Олимпиады
Date: 2013-10-29 09:12:06
High-school students are preparing to participate in the school subject Olympiad, will take place November 5-6, 2013

Aims: to introduce the pupils with rules of the road and road signs. To teach them to save the rules of the road.

Category: New
Date: 2013-10-29 09:07:18
Aims: to introduce the pupils with rules of the road and road signs. To teach them to save the rules of the road. 09.09 there were gone class lesson by theme “Child Safety on the roads”. 04.09 the pupils of 5-9 grades met with inspector of Railways E.E. Tutkyshev. He gave them some  information about rules of the railways.         ...
Author: School №24

«Жұлдызды сәт»

Category: 5 октября - День Учителя!
Date: 2013-10-28 07:18:57
      26-қазанда «Дарынды балалар» апталығына орай, қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәнінің мұғалімдері Жакупекова Динара Жумагалиевна мен Калибекова Гульнур Каниятовнаның ұйымдастыруымен 3Б мен 3В сынып оқушыларының арасында «Жұлдызды сәт» атты сайыс өтті. «Алғырлар» мен «Тапқырларға» бөлінген топтар қазақ тіліндегі өз білімдерін көрсете бі...

Regional Chess Championship

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 10:38:14
RegionalChess Championship Pupil9 "A" grade Meshіtbay Dana took the second place, the pupil 4 "Ә" class Ydyrys Dulat took second place, SaғyntayAruzhan ІҮtook place at the regional chess championship organized by the Chess Federation of Karaganda Karaganda region. Congratulations to our winners.

" Under the dome of friendship"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 04:27:38
" Under the dome of friendship"   Schoolchildren's Palace on October 16 gathered students of all schools in the festival " Dome of friendship," Dedicated to the Day of spirituality and peacefulness . Each school has its different twist. Students in the school gymnasium № 7 S. Seifullin predastavili culture of the Russian people. Girls introduced the guests of...

"To the heights of Olympus"

Category: News
Date: 2013-10-25 04:22:34
"To the heights of Olympus" October 18 took Forums "Altyn ball", posveschenny gifted children. From grammar school number 7 S. Seifulin put forward two candidates for the title of "Altyn Ball": Zhappargaly Nurken and Sagymbekova Saltanat. Both members have received the nomination "Жеңіске бір қадам" Keep it up!

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