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«Қош бол, Әліппе!»

Category: News
Date: 2014-02-04 10:15:57
«Қош бол, Әліппе!»
Author: School №5

The town elimination tournament “Young traffic-controller”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:59:11
The town elimination tournament  “Young traffic-controller”
The circle “YTC” created in order to protection of life and health of young citizens, protection of their rights and legal interests by the way of prevention of road traffic accident using of different forms of activity. By Baitoleuov S.V. – head of circle “YTC” permanently conducts training lessons, elimination tournaments, competitions among young traffic- contr...
Author: Department

The town competition of informational- propagandistic groups “Zhana gasyr zhastar kozimen”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:56:36
The town competition of informational- propagandistic groups “Zhana gasyr zhastar kozimen”
RUCYO “Zhas Ulan” which created by initiative of the heads of state N.A.Nazarbayev works over a period of 3 years in Balkhash town. The organization in turn promote to forming at rising generation feeling of patriotism,  aspiration for knowledge and self-improvement; conscientious attitude to work; complicity to the history of the country, to present and future of the Independen...
Author: Department

Exhibition of aircraft model circle “Young aircraft modelers – future aviation of the country”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:54:53
    Exhibition of aircraft model circle  “Young aircraft modelers – future aviation of the country”
Many boys and girls from childhood dream to fly by plane. And circle “Aircraft modelling” allows to anyone to feel their-selves not only pilot, who subjugate the sky, and aircraft designer. The circle “Aircraft modelling” (head Akhatov S.K.) uses with vast popularity, children study to design, built and start flying models of plans,  sail-makers. The exhibition o...
Author: Department

The concert program "New srars"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:52:53
The concert program
There are many talented children in the Pupil’s Palace. For exposure and development of children creation in the Pupil’s Palacepermanently conducts next actions: competitions, show, exhibitions, presentations, festivals. The concert program of pupils of circle “Naz konyr”  (head Nurgalieva N.M.) and studio “Shabyt” (head Azimbekov E.S.) “New stars&r...
Author: Department

The town debate tournament “The first choice – choose of profession”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:49:33
The town debate tournament “The first choice – choose of profession”
In light of the Message of our President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's way - 2050: a common purpose, common interests, common future", 30-31 January, 2014 in the Pupil’s Palace was held a friendly debate tournament of 8-10 forms of secondary schools of town. 10 teams took part in debate tournament  “The first choice – choice of profession” on Ameri...
Author: Department

Selection of the secretary of Children Maslikhat

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:46:58
Selection of the secretary of Children Maslikhat
In this year to Children Maslikhat – 3 year. Children Maslikhat – this is organization which realizes youth policy. The 1st session of the new convocation of Children Maslikhat’s deputies was held on 28.01.2014. On the order of the day was question about selection of the secretary of Children Maslikhat. Ex-secretary of Children Maslikhat convocation of 2013 – Amirkhan Arn...
Author: Department

«The Land of Winter Tales»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-04 06:43:06
«The Land of Winter Tales»
February 3, 2014 in I / s " Alpamys " branch NC " preschooler BGMK " among young teachers held a competition to design luchchshe recreational areas called "The Land of Winter Tails" .       The purpose of the contest : the effective development of personal qualities of the teacher , his creative abilities , strengthen relationships with par...
Author: Department

courses “Technology of criteria-based assessment”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 04:02:13
27-28.01. 2014,17 teachers of our school took active part in problematic courses “Technology of criteria-based assessment”, which was organized by branch of JC “Orleu” NCTQ” ITQ on Karaganda region.

on the basis of the republican educational and improving center "Baldauren" the republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of MAUN RK held the IX republican competition of research works and the creative Zerde projects among pupils of 1-7 classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 03:55:52
on the basis of the republican educational and improving center
On January 25-27, 2014 on the basis of the republican educational and improving center "Baldauren" the republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of MAUN RK held the IX republican competition of research works and the creative Zerde projects among pupils of 1-7 classes.Pupils No. 15 of school of the city of Balkhash defended the project at republican competition on se...

The open lesson about heroes in the poem “Batyr Bayan” was conducted in the 8A grade on Kazakh literature.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 03:39:24
The open lesson about heroes in the poem “Batyr Bayan” was conducted in the 8A grade on Kazakh literature. The aim: to estimate heroes of the poem, to attract pupils to the creation of Magzhan Zhumabaev. The lesson was interesting and was held on high level.  Teacher: Ibraibekova  A.N.

“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-03 09:05:22
“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”
     Another seminar of school librarians under the theme “Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual componentsspace of modern library” was conducted on 31.01.2014 at the library of school №15. Workers of town children library after A.Gaidar: “Virtual space of book exhibitions, with the help of programs: Qvick...
Author: Department

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