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Festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-11 09:28:19
Festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…”
On the 15th of February 2014 withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan will be 25 years. Town festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…” devoted to this anniversary date was held at Pupils` Palace on the 7th of February 2014. The honoured guests - servicemen were invited to the meeting.  The chairman of non-governmental organization “Battle brotherhood amon...
Author: Department

Indoor rubber -motor models of aircrafts competitions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-11 09:27:37
                           Indoor rubber -motor models of aircrafts competitions
On the 10th of February 2014 construction and production of flying missile models competitions were held at “Air modeling” club of Pupils` Palace. An instructor is Akhatov Sayat Kasymkhanovich. The main task before constructor of model is to achieve the greatest duration of flight, so children could use unlimited quantity of different aircraft models done by own hands for taking part...
Author: Department

Exhibition performances of club “Karate-do”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-11 09:25:20
                              Exhibition performances of club “Karate-do”
On the 5th of February 2014 it was unique chance to take part in demonstration and master class of karate-do for everybody who are not indifferent to karate, from professionals to lovers. Pupils of club “Karate-do” from Pupils` Palace under the supervision of trainer master of Sport S.I. Bilalova presented exhibition performances where every person who was present could plunge into w...
Author: Department

Competition of oratorical skill “Zhas zhurgizushiler”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-11 09:23:48
   Competition of oratorical skill “Zhas zhurgizushiler”
Not every person has ability to express his thoughts beautifully, correctly and convincingly. The talented persons have this skill. On the 5th of February 2014 casting of oratorical skill “Zhas zhurgizushiler” was held among such talented pupils at Pupils` Palace. The aims of competition were to reveal, to support the talented presenters and popularization of the best achievements am...
Author: Department

Information on carrying out city conference School No. 4 – 2014

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-02-11 09:06:03
Information on carrying out city conference School No. 4 – 2014
08.02.2014 years at school No. 4 city conference on the subject "Tolerance — a Way to Peace and Harmony" took place. The report "Calls of the XXI century" was made by the teacher of religious studies Sotnikov A. B. Pupils of the 9th class Havansky E. became co-reporters on the matter, Chopenko V. which took up questions "Than is dangerous religious extremism to you...
Author: Department

On February 7, 2014 the city festival of patriotic songs called «Ауғанда өткен сол бір күн...» with soldiers-internationalists and pupils of the city was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-11 03:44:36
On February 7, 2014 the city festival of patriotic songs called «Ауғанда өткен сол бір күн...»  with soldiers-internationalists and pupils of the city was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace
On February 7, 2014the city festival of patriotic songs called«Ауғанда өткен сол бір күн...»  with soldiers-internationalists and pupils of the city was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace.The vocal group "Balbulak" performed the song "Afghanistan." Participants were Arsen Argynbaev, Erganat Mukashbekov, Madina Svankulova, Ulpan Auelbekova, Kasenhanova...

Training workshop on " Education talented and gifted students" for teachers of Russian language and literature in the Kazakh language Balkhash town

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-10 03:32:54
Training workshop on
Training workshop on " Education talented and gifted students" for teachers of Russian language and literature in the Kazakh language Balkhash town Objective: To improve the quality of training students to subject Olympiad   Dates: February 5-7 Venue - KSU " College town of Balkhash ", str. World 3 . Planning Group composed of: L. Vyrva (KSU " Colleg...

In the urban pedagogical Olympiad "A talented teacher – gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 09:27:38
In the urban pedagogical Olympiad
In the urbanpedagogical Olympiad "A talented teacher – gifted children" in the nomination "senior s” team secondary school №15won second honorableplaceand was awarded a diploma of the second degree.

"A talented teacher – gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 09:24:14
In city pedagogical Olympiad  "A talented teacher – gifted children" in the nomination "The young teacher" teacher of English Tіleubek Amangul won  first honorable place and was awarded a diploma of the first degree.

Festival "Жайдарман"

Category: Фестиваль
Date: 2014-02-08 09:07:45
The school team № 16 "Күлкі қайтпас" is successfully in a festival in the city Astana on 20th January in 2014 year, wich was organized at the initiative of Republican public association of young. Our team have showing bright performance and they received the permit to participation in Republican game KVN of the city Kokchetav and on participation in Republican league of Almaty. The s...
Author: School №16

Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-08 06:45:38
Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers
Psychologist's advice homeroom teachers Form an excellent team : • Develop a plan for extracurricular activities : thematic classroom hours , family clubs , holiday lights , birthdays days ... . • Involve the organization of extracurricular activities together and " stars " and " neglected " • Involve all students in the class ( everyone must answer...

Five commandments of a successful person.

Category: school news
Date: 2014-02-08 06:38:37
Five commandments of a successful person.
Recommendations from students psychologist   1. Almost everything in life can change , process improvement has no limits . To do this, just need to learn to control their emotions strive to think logically and rationally.   2 . Broaden your horizons , otherwise you can not do better. Only curiosity can generate ideas that lead to success. The man with the narrow-minded bad know...

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