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8 of the Mart - International Women's Day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-11 07:17:06
8 of the Mart - International Women's Day
Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде 03-07.03.2014 ж. аралығында 8-наурыз мерекесіне арналған іс-шаралар өтті. Наурыздың 3-і күні апталықтың ашылуы болды. 8 наурыз Халықаралық әйелдер күнімен құттықтау стенді ұйымдастырылды.  1-4 сыныптар арасында сынып сағаттары өтті. 0-4 сыныптар арасында «Көктем аруы» атты байқау  ұйымдастырылды. 5.03.2014 жылы  5-11 сыныптарында...
Author: School №8

"And well - grandmothers was held!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-11 06:48:22
06.03.2014 in ОСШ№8 in among parents 1B of a class in the Gibrat center competition "And well - grandmothers was held!"
Author: School №8

Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінің «МЕКТЕП АРУЫ – 2014» байқауы

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-11 02:45:14
Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінің  «МЕКТЕП АРУЫ – 2014» байқауы
Қыстың ызғарлы күнінен кейінгі жер дүниені жаңартатын, тіршілікке жан бітіретін көктем күні де келіп жетті. Әлі де қыстың ызғары бітпесе де, көктем лебі сезіліп адамдардың көңіл күйін көтеретін, көктемнің алғашқы күндерімен келетін 8-наурыз Халықаралық әйелдер күні де келіп қалыпты-ау. Жер бетіндегі тіршіліктің өзегін келешекке жалғаған, өсер ұрпағына құндақтағы шағынан ізгіліктің дәнін еккен ан...
Author: School №8


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-10 16:07:28
           СJS – game of jolly and smart. CJS – supply of optimism and energy. The town semifinalof CJS “Zhaidarman” was held in the Pupil’s Palace on 28.02.2014. By the teams of CJS were presented interesting, jolly sketching of school life. By the results of competition from eight teams – Lyceum №2 “Lyceum+”, gymna...

Talk-show “Balkhash – Nursaya: small Dubai”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-10 16:03:41
Talk-show “Balkhash – Nursaya: small Dubai”
  By the initiation of the Children Maslikhat the talk-show for the theme which sensational at present the project “Balkhash – Nursaya: small Dubai” was conducted in the Pupil’s Palace on 27.02.2014. Deputies of the Children Maslikhat , members of debate club “Akikat”, members of MO “Murager” and zhasulanians took part in the talk-show. For...

On the even of International wamen's.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-07 04:40:41
On the even of International  wamen's.
On the even of International  wamen's. Daуon March 6 among pupil's  of  1 classes  warepassed intellectual game "Mouths of babi"On the game were inuited parents. Participants of  the game were awardеd different nominations.

“The day of open doors” was conducted within the republic project “School of spiritual and humanism pedagogic” on 05.03.2014.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-03-07 04:34:46
“The day of open doors” was conducted within the republic project “School of spiritual and humanism pedagogic” on 05.03.2014.
“The day of open doors” was conducted within the republic project “School of spiritual and humanism pedagogic” on 05.03.2014. Methodists of educational and methodic centre of education development of Karaganda region Bugubaeva A.D.  and Kalinina O.Yu. visited the open action and master-classes of teachers in mini-centre “Tanshuak”, also they conducted the...

We are different, but we are together.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-03-05 08:56:46
                        We are different, but we are together.
March 5, 2014as part of the pilot project "School of Spiritualand humane pedagogy" in PO "Er Tөstіk" a master class "We are different, but we are together," which took an active part moms and dads of the senior group. In the middle group was held morning gymnastics "Recipes Health" with elements of self-discovery. In speech therapy group lesson was held on...
Author: Department

Мектеп күні-2014

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-05 06:09:10
Мектеп күні-2014
   In the 28.02.2014 years in OSSh No. 8 there passed the Day of school on a subject "Сапалы білім мен тәрбие- Қазақстанның мемлекеттік саясатының басымдығы".  The director of school  A.T.Tokeybekova acted with presentation on a subject "Сапалы мектепішілік бақылау-жоғары нәтиже кепілі", the psychologist Abdualiyeva Z.N.  provided the training among g...
Author: School №8

The Political Life in America

Category: school news
Date: 2014-03-05 03:08:15
The Political Life in America
The Political Life in America On the 27th of February in Gymnasium school of Balkhash there was a sample lesson shown by the teacher of English YuliyaGamza. The topic of the lesson was The Political Life in America. The teacher organized the lesson to show the Critical Thinking Skills of Students and some of the strategies that are aimed at the development of these skills. The students...

Indoor rubber -motor models of aircrafts competitions

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-04 17:57:45
Indoor rubber -motor models of aircrafts competitions
On the 10th of February 2014 construction and production of flying missile models competitions were held at “Air modeling” club of Pupils` Palace. An instructor is Akhatov Sayat Kasymkhanovich. The main task before constructor of model is to achieve the greatest duration of flight, so children could use unlimited quantity of different aircraft models done by own hands for taking...

Festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-03-04 17:53:40
Festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…”
On the 15th of February 2014 withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan will be 25 years. Town festival of patriotic song “Auganda otken sol bir kun…” devoted to this anniversary date was held at Pupils` Palace on the 7th of February 2014. The honoured guests - servicemen were invited to the meeting.  The chairman of non-governmental organization “Battle brothe...

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