
Plenary Session August Conference

Category: school news
Date: 2014-08-27 04:28:47
Plenary Session August Conference
In anticipation of the start of the new 2014-2015 academic year on 22 August in our city, a plenary session of the August conference "Bilim berudің innovatsiyalyқ- memlekettің, қoғamnyң zhane Zheke tұlғanyң tұraқty lady factors." The meeting analyzed the work of educational institutions in the last academic year and put the educational system of the city of Balkhash new problems. The s...

From 6 to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex "Tau Turan"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-08-25 07:53:14
From 6 to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex
From 6to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex "Tau Turan" which is located at the foot of Almaty. By participating in the final tournament in Kazakhstan Mathematics "Mathematics without Borders", organized by the Centre «Innovation», Islyamov Islan from 3grade  and Syzdykov Damir from 6...

Information on the held events, devoted to “Day of health” 16.08.2014 at school 5

Category: Information on the held events, devoted to “Day of health” 16.08.2014 at school 5
Date: 2014-08-17 09:52:36
  Information on the held events, devoted to “Day of health” 16.08.2014 at school 5 On the sports ground of school 5 were organized sporting events. The events were organized by the teachers of physical culture Kudaybergenov Zh. E., Sayatov ZH. S.: among the pupils of 6-7 classes – competitions, 8-9 classes football. In action took part 40 pupils and the teachers of...
Author: School №5

Протокол вскрытия конвертов

Category: Протокол вскрытия конвертов
Date: 2014-08-17 09:41:15
Author: School №5

Dear balkhashians!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-08-15 08:50:33
Dear balkhashians!
The traditional charity action “The way to school” is announced in our Republic from 1, August till 30, September of  2014. The aim of the action – to help to children orphans, the families from  low-income and from family with many children to prepare to the new school year: purchase of textbooks, stationery, shoes, clothes. The departmet of education, physical t...
Author: Department

Information on the Republican campaign "Road to School"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-08-14 11:23:50
2014 жылдың 7 шілдесінде шығарлыған  Қалалық білім бөлімінің  №262  бұйрығын басшылыққа ала отырып «Балқаш қаласы  жалпы білім беретін №15 орта мектебі» КММ- де   мектепішілік  бұйрық шығарылып  акцияның өткізілуіне жауапты  тұлғалар бекітілді. 2014 жылдың 1 тамызынан бастап   «Мектепке жол» акциясы бойынша  жә...

Information about results of actions holding by SE “The department of education, physical culture and sport” devoted to Astana Day on the 1st-6th of July 2014

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-07-08 10:01:35
Information about results of actions holding by SE “The department of education, physical culture and sport” devoted to Astana Day on the 1st-6th of July 2014
Scenarios and plans of holding holiday were approved in the organizations of education on the threshold of celebration 16 years of Astana.                                    The street banners and slogans devoted to Astana...
Author: Department

Жайнай бер, менің Астанам!

Category: New
Date: 2014-07-04 20:09:30
Жайнай бер, менің Астанам!
В преддверии празднования Дня столицы Республики  Казахстан  учителями, работающими на школьной площадке был составлен план мероприятий, который был выполнен в полном объеме. 25.07  прошел праздничный концерт  «Жайнай бер, менің Астанам! ». Мероприятие проводилось с целью: воспитать чувство патриотизма, любви и уважения к Родине: обычаям, тра...
Author: School №24

Информация о проведении субботника 03.07.2014 в КГУ «Общеобразовательной средней школе №24» город Балхаш

Category: New
Date: 2014-07-04 20:07:30
Информация о проведении субботника 03.07.2014 в КГУ «Общеобразовательной средней школе №24»  город Балхаш
03.07 в школе  состоялся субботник, в котором приняли участие воспитатели и ребята, посещающие школьную площадку. Уборка проводилась на территории школы  и близлежащих дворов учебного заведения. Цели   данного мероприятия были: воспитание трудовой и экологической культуры у учащихся.  Воспитание социальной ответственности учащихся за чистоту не только в школе, но и в г...
Author: School №24

«Town where I live»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-29 11:17:15
«Town where I live»
                Educational-entertainment program “Town where I live” took place on June 22, 2014 in order to develop children’s interest to the small Motherland, educate of respect to cultural sights of the town, form of civil and patriotic feelings for pupils of the club “Shapagat” and &ldq...

«Konildi bileik»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-27 09:16:40
«Konildi bileik»
          Entertainment program “Konildi bileik” was held on the eve of celebration Astana day on 27.06.2014 in the Palace of pupils, in what preschool camps of schools №10,17, 9,15,25 were active participants. Entertainment program helped children of preschool camps to recognize their friends absolutely in other form; it gave the chance t...

«Astana – bir alem»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-06-27 04:04:17
«Astana – bir alem»
               On 29.06.2014 the competition “Astana – bir alem” of the propaganda groups was conducted by organization of “Zhas ulan” on the eve of Astana day. The aim the competition is to conduct children’s and teenagers’ rest time more cheerfully, to know history of the motherland...

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