Information about results of actions holding by SE “The department of education, physical culture and sport” devoted to Astana Day on the 1st-6th of July 2014

Information about results of actions holding by SE “The department of education, physical culture and sport” devoted to Astana Day on the 1st-6th of July 2014

Scenarios and plans of holding holiday were approved in the organizations of education on the threshold of celebration 16 years of Astana.                                    The street banners and slogans devoted to Astana Day were installed in all establishments of education.                                                                                          The ceremonial lines “Astana is a symbol of unity and independence” were held, competitions of drawings on asphalt “Astana is a city of future”, competition of songs “Arman kala - Astana”, entertaining talk show “Astana is in mirror of history”, cognitive games “We travel round the capital”, competition flash mob “Asem kala - Astanam” and others were organized at all school and suburban camps “Zhas kanat”, “Bolashak” from the 1st to the 6th of July.                                      The charity action “Holiday with attractions” was organized for children - orphans and children from social unprotected segment of the people with total inclusion 50 children. The tickets for attractions were given by IE “Shaimerdenov”.                 Holiday of book and poetry “Ulttyk rukh, eldik sana, nurly Astana!” took place in town library named after S.Seifullin on the 4th of July. More 70 pupils of school camps took part in it.                                                                                                    The children`s holiday program “Happy Birthday, Astana” devoted to Capital Day was held according to plan of actions at town level with participation of clowns animators from kindergartens and school camps with total inclusion 500 persons. Sport competitions were held among town pupils and youth on the 6th of July: exhibition fights of boxing among boys of 1999-2000 y, judo among boys of 2000-2001 y, tournament of chess, draughts among pupils of the 5th-7th forms, tournament of shooting a bow, darts, tug-of-war between clubs, to lift weight with inclusion 120 persons at sport club “Zhekpe - zhek”.                                                        The blitz tournament of basketball was held among young boys and girls, tournament of mini football was held among small boys with total inclusion 160 persons at CYSS.

Дата: 8.07.2014, 10:01 Автор: Школы и сады г. Балхаш