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Тәлімгер - егеменді елдің тірегі!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-05 09:05:16
Тәлімгер - егеменді елдің тірегі!
  Қарағанды облысының «Жас Ұлан» ББмЖҰ   тұжырымдамасы аясында 2014 жылдың 1 қараша күні Қазақстан Республикасының Президент күніне орай Оқушылар сарайында  «Тәлімгер егеменді елдің тірегі» атты салтанатты жиыны өтті. Іс-шара мақсаты: «Жас Ұлан» РББмЖҰ жұмысын іске асыру, Қарағанды облысының аға тәлімгерлер қоғамын біріктіру және деңгей...
Author: Department

“Talimger – egemendi eldin tiregi!”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-05 06:34:10
“Talimger – egemendi eldin tiregi!”
            The solemn meeting "Talimger – egemendi eldin tiregi"was conducted on November 1, 2014 in the Palace of pupilsaccording to the Concept of UDYO"Zhas Ulan" of Karagandyregion on the eveof the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.          &...

Gold autumn

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-11-03 03:39:16
Gold autumn
        On October 30, 2014 the action "Gold autumn" was carried out among the circles "Shapagat" and "Shugyla". "Miss Autumn" came to the event to congratulate children. Children told rhymes, sang in chorus of the song "Kuz" and "Balapang" which were prepared for "Miss Autumn". At the end of...

Share:"Бір ел -бір кітап".

Category: Share "Бір ел - бір кітап"
Date: 2014-11-01 12:00:05
Share:"Бір ел -бір кітап". Book of the year in the republic recognized work of Saiyn Muratbekov "Жусаниісі" and "БасындаҮшқараның...". In the regard, in order to promote the Kazakh Literature, storage of historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, instilling patriotism, attract readers to read literature in the library held readers conference, organised by the de...
Author: School №16

«Толағай» отбасылар сайысы

Category: school news
Date: 2014-10-31 12:15:50
«Толағай» отбасылар сайысы
     18.10.2014 дарынды оқушыларға арналған апталығында  «Толағай» отбасылар сайысы өткізілді.. Сайысқа 1   «А»  сыныптан «Достық» тобы Оспановтар  отбасы, 2 «А»сыныптан «Сұңқар»  тобы Бірмахановтар отбасы, 3 «Ә» сыныптан «Жалын» тобы Куликовтар отбасы  және 4 &la...

Information on conducting of athletic relay “Gold autumn” among pupils of schools of Balkhash town.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-10-30 12:16:15
                                     Information  on conducting of athletic relay “Gold autumn” among pupils of schools of Balkhash town.
  Competitions on athletic was conducted among pupils according to plan of the town sports festival on18.10.2014 on the central stadium “Metallurgist”. Young men and girls of 16 schools of town performed in composition of relay teams of 4*400 meters of distance. By the results of competitions places identified as follows: Young men: the 1st place won school №1, the 2nd place...
Author: Department

Man can not really improve, if not helping to improve others.

Category: New
Date: 2014-10-30 06:20:44
Man can not really improve, if not helping to improve others.
October 29, 2014 was coaching on the topic "Evaluation, views: kreterialnoe and formative" and literature lessons in class 7A on the theme "In the world of fairy tales" Audience uncertified teachers of the city. Teachers attended the following schools magnetic village school №25 Kounrad SNR and №3, Lyceum № 2 Abai, Lyceum № 15, SNR number 9,8,16.Tsel this konuchinga provide m...
Author: School №24

"Day of the guardian "

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-10-30 06:09:51
29.10.2014g. the evening on the subject "Kind Heart" devoted to Day of guardian was spent. In school guardian of pupils, without parental support were invited. Psychologists of school Tazhikeeva M. and Abdualiyeva Z. provided training on a subject "How to build the warm house?". At evening there were members of council of fathers. At the end of the evening there was an intere...
Author: School №8

October 23-25,2014 inAstanawas heldVI International conference ‘Education policy, practice and research’ held by the AEO ‘Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools’

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-10-29 04:13:57
October 23-25,2014 inAstanawas heldVI International conference ‘Education policy, practice and research’  held by the AEO ‘Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools’
October 23-25,2014 inAstanawas heldVI International conference ‘Education policy, practice and research’  held by the AEO ‘Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools’    all the components of the educational process in a comprehensive  manner. Currently, the new education system is being formed in Kazakhstan aiming to enter global educational space. Preservin...

The task of the Open Championship "Toguz kumalak" healthy lifestyle propaganda and national folk games.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-10-28 04:21:26
The task of the Open Championship
The task of the Open Championship "Toguz kumalak" healthy lifestyle propaganda and national folk games. In result Championship "Toguz kumalak" Our school team won the first prize in the individual event first places took from the  7 "B" grade Bakmaganbetova Gulzhayna, from the 7 "ә" Meyіrbekova Balnur and pupil from 4 "A" grade  Assanov...

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