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23/12/14 grand opening "Lighting of the Christmas tree." The opening was attended school administration, 40 students grades 8-9 and young professionals in suits characters. The ceremonial event held at a high level.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:17:12
23/12/14 grand opening
23/12/14 grand opening "Lighting of the Christmas tree." The opening was attended school administration, 40 students grades 8-9 and young professionals in suits characters. The ceremonial event held at a high level.

12/25/14 at 12:00 pm Christmas tree akim held for children with disabilities

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:14:37
12/25/14 at 12:00 pm Christmas tree akim held for children with disabilities
12/25/14 at 12:00 pm Christmas tree akim held for children with disabilities. At the celebration was attended by Mayor of the City A.Raymbekov, Deputy Mayor Sayagul Zhaksylykovna, Head of Education Department GJ Agdarbekova. Mayor of the city congratulated the children a Happy New Year. children wishing further success in studies, sports, art. Feast opened the dance ensemble "Gulderay&quo...

In KSU "Lyceum №15 of Balkhash" 12.26.14 New Year's Day which has passed, "Welcome to the New Year."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:11:29
In KSU "Lyceum №15 of Balkhash" 12.26.14 New Year's Day which has passed, "Welcome to the New Year." Objective: To summarize the results of the school year, to analyze the achievements and shortcomings of work, set new goals, new naprvaleniya. At the celebration was attended by pupils of 7-8 classes. Leading students 7B class 1- leadingMyrzahanAlikhan 2- leadingSa...

12/25/14 among students in grades 1-4 there was the New Year event called "Welcome to the New Year" organized Zhezgazganskipuppet theater.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-30 03:07:12
12/25/14 among students in grades 1-4 there was the New Year event called
12/25/14 among students in grades 1-4 there was the New Year event called "Welcome to the New Year" organized Zhezgazganskipuppet theater. On the feast came to 224 student and 50 parents. All classes provided New rooms. 1 classes students sang "Әlіппe." On the evening of princes and princesses danced the waltz, and the students in character costumes dance show "Animal Wo...

Today, December 29 New Year's score was organized Dzhezkazgan Drama Theatre

Category: school news
Date: 2014-12-29 05:35:08
Today, December 29 New Year's score was organized Dzhezkazgan Drama Theatre
          December 29 for primary care was dramatized New score organized Dzhezkazgan Drama. On a review of the children were presented fairy-tale characters: fox, wolf, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, symbol of the year-lamb, Santa Claus as well.               On the same day for students in grades 9-11 was organized gala score. The concer...

Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 26.12.14ж күнгі өткізілген қалалық «Айгөлек-2014» байқауының қорытындысы туралы ақпар

Category: Сompetition "Aigolek"
Date: 2014-12-29 02:10:12
26.12.14ж  күні   қалалық  «Айгөлек-2014» байқауы өткізілді. Осы байқауға   мектебімізден 1сынып оқушысы  Серғазықызы Аруна  «Қошақаным»әнімен,    7сынып оқушылары  Тлеутай Айжүрек,Бейсенова Айдана «Қасиетті    домбыра» әнімен  жетекшісі Қожамбаев Қуат Сейітұлы және  жетекшісі ...
Author: School №5

Extracurricular activities New Year's Serpentine

Category: school news
Date: 2014-12-27 07:36:15
Extracurricular activities New Year's Serpentine
     December 26 was New Year's Eve for students grades 6-7. The event was held at a high organizational level, students are able to express themselves not only intellectually but also creatively. Liability for meproriyatie: 8 students "B" class.

At Green Christmas trees

Category: New
Date: 2014-12-25 10:55:06
At Green Christmas trees
December 25, 2014in the mini-center Aybobek held a Christmas party, "Welcome to the New Year!".                At the matinee involved parents, caregivers, teachers and children. Children with great joy met Santa Claus, as well as last year and the previous file. The children sang, recited poems and danced to livel...
Author: School №24

11.12.2014 in the city of Karaganda was competition of research projects among pupils 8-11 grades. On the results of the competition our pupils won prizes:

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-25 08:55:24
11.12.2014 in the city of  Karaganda was competition of research projects among pupils 8-11 grades. On the results of the competition our pupils won prizes: 1. Omirbayev Abylaikhan -11 class,  1st place. (Section "Literature") 2.Seydilda Umit - 8 B class, 2nd  place. (section "Ethnocultural") 3.Murzabekova Laura -  8Ә class, 3rd  place. (section...

№24 орта мектебіндегі Жаңа жыл мерекесі өткені туралы ақпарат

Category: New
Date: 2014-12-24 18:01:11
№24 орта мектебіндегі Жаңа жыл мерекесі өткені туралы ақпарат
Жаңа жыл мерекесінің қарсаңында  Жезғазған қаласынан келген театр әртістерінің ұйымдастыруымен   жаңа жылдық ертеңгіліктер ОА,ОБ,ОӘ,  1-4  сынып аралықтарында  24.12 күні  ертегі кейіпкерлерінің қатысуымен қызықты да , тартымды өткізілді.    Балалар мерекелік әндерді, билерді, өлеңдер мен ойындарға белсене ат салысты.    Бастауыш сы...
Author: School №24

December 23 in the walls of our school hosted a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great herou Er Zhanibek

Category: school news
Date: 2014-12-24 03:31:47
December 23 in the walls of our school hosted a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great  herou Er Zhanibek
Scientific and practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek December 23 in the walls of our school hosted a scientific-practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek" The conference is organized city fund "ErZhanibek." Th...

«Қош бол әліппем» атты әліппемен қоштасу ертеңгілігі өтті.

Category: News
Date: 2014-12-24 03:24:02
«Қош бол әліппем» атты  әліппемен қоштасу  ертеңгілігі өтті.
    С.Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназиясында «Қош бол әліппем» атты 1 сыныптардың әліппемен қоштасу  ертеңгілігі өтті. Алғаш рет мектеп табалдырығын аттау бірінші сынып оқушыларына қандай әсер қалдырса. Әліппемен қоштасу сондай әсер қалдыруы керек.Олар білімнің бірінші баспалдағына көтеріліп, әліппенің сырына қанды .42 әріпті танып, өнерлерін көрсете білді....

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