
Participating of high school students in XI International Olympiad on bases of sciences

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-19 10:02:18
Participating of high school students in XI International Olympiad on bases of sciences
Student initial link of city gymnasium took part in the first stage of XiMezhdunarodnoy of Olympiad on bases of sciences, rotining high results.  

«Кітап оқитын адам-табысты адам»

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-19 08:44:07
«Кітап оқитын адам-табысты адам»
On 16 January, our school held a competition "Kitap oқityn adam adam-tabysty" The most striking performance was fun and class 8 student Rzahanova Nurislamov. He recited a poem about the Kazakh knight.
Author: School №24

By the results of the regional subject Olympiad 5 pupils won prizes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-01-19 02:48:52
By the results of the regionalsubject Olympiad 5 pupils won prizes. OzbekBatyrkhan   9 Ә         Mathematics ІІІplace KaskabayulyAbdibek 10А History of Kazakhstan ІІІplace...

Today 17.01.2015 years were conducted obscheshkol'noe paternal collection of initial link on a theme the "Criterion evaluation"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-17 11:23:31
Today 17.01.2015 years were conducted obscheshkol'noe paternal collection of initial link on a theme the
On this measure a theme was exposed the "Criterion evaluation", which  supposes the presence of mechanism, allowing to produce the estimation of student more objectively, such are rubrikatory. Evaluation of activity student on a lesson becomes democratic, because a student is the teaching subject, and a teacher does not act part "judge" at the exposure of estimations. &n...

Obscheshkol'noe paternal collection on a theme the "Criterion evaluation" among a student 5-11 classes

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-17 11:13:15
Obscheshkol'noe paternal collection on a theme the
on January, 16, 2015 for the parents of student 5-11 classes were conducted obscheshkol'noe collection on a theme the "Criterion evaluation". on this measure of teacher of -predmetniki did acquaint parents with the norms of evaluation of students on a lesson and innovations? vvedenymi from 2014-15 school year.

Winter fun

Category: Қысқы демалыс
Date: 2015-01-17 07:21:13
 Winter fun
Author: School №16

International festival-competition of children`s and youth creation "Extravaganza"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-01-15 05:53:04
International festival-competition of children`s and youth creation
           The festival-competition of children and youth creation"Extravaganza" took place on  the stage of Kazakh musical drama theatre named after K. Kuanyshbaev in Astanacity from the 8th to the 10th of January, 2015.         Organizers of the competition are the International association of...

«Lesson study» in school.

Category: New
Date: 2015-01-14 09:41:06
In obscheobrazavatelnoy school №24 of Balkhash held open classes on the program «Lesson study». Held a class teacher Class 3 Shubaeva Janelle Zhanatovna. On the lessons of literary reading teacher develops in children critical thinking through reading and writing. On the lessons the teacher used different interactive methods and strategies of critical thinking. The pupils were very k...
Author: School №24

lectures on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on l'du»5 of school year.

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-14 09:25:44
lectures on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on l'du»5 of school year.
Today 14.01.2015 years in KGU  «Gymnasium of city Balkhash» lectures were conducted on a theme «Statistician 2014 years of bathing season», «Christening. Safety measures on ice» in 3 «a», 3 «b» classes.   Present: 4 teachers, 37 uchaschikhsya- 2 conversations.

Ceremony of rewarding of prizewinners of annual subject olympiad of regional level

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-12 11:32:27
Ceremony of rewarding of prizewinners   of annual subject olympiad of regional level
WE CONGRATULATE! command of student, deservingly presenting  gymnasium in the regional stage of subject olympiad in 2014-15  school year

Results of student a city gymnasium in an annual regional olympiad on 2014-15 school year

Category: school news
Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:47
Results  of student a city gymnasium   in an annual regional olympiad on 2014-15 school year
№ ФИО учащихся Класс   Предмет Место Учитель 1 Курушева Алина 10 «б» Химия 3 Львова Елена Михайловна 2 Шнейдер Эвелин...

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