
On the basis of the city gymnasium February 5th Round 2 was a subject Olympiad

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-07 04:25:08
On the basis of the city gymnasium February 5th Round 2 was a subject Olympiad
Trainee city schools got together and competed in olmipiade in chemistry.  Good luck !!!  

On February 4, the teachers of English Guryanova M.G and Bazhenova A.O held the contest “We learn English, we like it”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-06 07:35:42
On February 4, the teachers of English Guryanova M.G and Bazhenova A.O held the contest “We learn English, we like it”.
On February 4, the teachers of English Guryanova M.G and Bazhenova A.O held the contest “We learn English, we like it”. During the contest all the pupils were divided into 3 groups. They answered questions, did different tasks. Attheendofthecontestthe 5Г took the1st place 5Ә took the 2nd place 5Аtook the 3rd place All the participants were awarded with certificate.

Information on the activities carried out on the opening of the Assembly was the people of Kazakhstan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-05 09:29:26
Information on the activities carried out on the opening of the Assembly was the people of Kazakhstan
Purpose: To bring a spirit of tolerance and educate the love of his homeland and his people.   02.02.2015 was held line dedicated to the "Day of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan," 550 th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, 70 Anniversary of the Victory. Conducted class hours on the theme: "I am a citizen of Kazakhstan", "Under the same sky", "Assembly...

The competition on reading under the theme “Men balan, zharyk kunde saule kugan” was conducted on 31.01.2015 among the 3rd and 4th grades within the regional project “Education in gladness”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-05 09:22:26
The competition on reading under the theme “Men balan, zharyk kunde saule kugan” was conducted on 31.01.2015 among the 3rd and 4th grades within the regional project “Education in gladness”.
The competition on reading under the theme “Men balan, zharyk kunde saule kugan” was conducted on 31.01.2015 among the 3rd and 4th grades within the regional project “Education in gladness”. Pupil of 3 “G” Nesipbaeva Nazerke was won the I place, pupil of 3 “B” Ashimov Amire was won the IIІplace.

Medalists intellectual marathon "Akbota 2014"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-05 08:39:52
Medalists intellectual marathon
Congratulations to winners of intellectual marathon "Akbota 2014" 1st place Sarikaya Nikita 3 "B" - 72 points, Ukrainian Milan 3 "B" - 71 points Kim Valery 3 "B" - 71 points 2nd place Abisheva Malik 3 "B" - 70 points, Lee Maxim 3 "B" - 70 points Mamirova Aruzhan 3 "B" - 70 points, Kaldybaev Aslan 3 "B" - 70 points,...

To provide guidance in the implementation of the urban project "Reading is fun"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-05 08:35:52
To provide guidance in the implementation of the urban project
February 4 verification and methodological assistance in the implementation of urban design lessons teachers have been visited Kim EO, Aynekovoy SA, Ediresovoy BS, Beysenbinoy Ғ.K .. Kereybaevoy AA, which were highly appreciated by Methodist Aitzhanova ZA and the head of the city methodical association of Nikolaeva SV.  

Open lesson literary reading in the 3 "A" class

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-04 11:39:32
Open lesson literary reading in the 3
Today, February 4 was an open lesson literary reading in 3 "A" class on  "Жақсыдан үйрен". The main purpose of this lesson is to develop functional garmotnost, critical thinking, ability to work in a group. At the lesson attended Methodist City Department of Education Aytzhanova Zhanar Abenovna.  

Lecture on "Frostbite. First aid "

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-04 10:47:43
Lecture on
February 4 at KSU "College of Balkhash" Lectra Abzhanova Bagdad Satbekovnoy was held lecture on "Frostbite. First aid "among students 2" and "2" b ", 3" and "3" Schwa "3" B "grades.

Frbruary, 3 teachers of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-02-04 09:34:00
Frbruary, 3 teachers of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages.
Frbruary, 3teachersof Kazakh language and literature conducted theintellectual game “Сөзмерген” in the school-liceum №15 during a week devoted to languages. The aim of the competition was to bring up the love and respect for traditions and customs, and also to develop love for the native language and to widen pupils’ horizon. By the end the pupils were awarded with the foll...

City leaders meeting MO Primary school

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-04 09:11:12
City leaders meeting MO Primary school
      On February 4, 1130 Leading Specialist Goro Aytzhanova ZA held a meeting of heads of methodological associations of primary school teachers. The main topic of the meeting was the implementation of a program to build readership of functional literacy of students through the implementation of the regional project "Reading is fun." Janat Abenovna l...

Literary reading in grade 3

Category: school news
Date: 2015-02-04 09:00:48
Literary reading in grade 3
The project "Reading is fun" 3 "B" class 4 February held an open lesson on the subject of literary reading "I. Krylov. The fable" The Cuckoo and the cock "." held the first lesson the teacher category- Aynekova Saltanat Amanbaevna.

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