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Сomputer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY".

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-04 04:19:04
Сomputer graphics and design
April 1 at the base of Polytechnic College held a regional competition of computer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY". Students attended classes 9 and 11 Rzahanova Diana Orazғali Ayaulym, Rzahanova World. As a result, a student of class 11 Rzahanova World took 1st place in the category "Educational schedule" and student in grade 9 Rzahanova Diana took 3rd place in t...
Author: School №24

"YoungLeader -2015"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-04 04:01:53
The school administration, teaching staff and students of lyceum number 15 Congratulations! 04/03/2015 in our school-lyceum with the assistance of the contest was "Young Leader-2015" with the assistance of the youth center of internal policy of Balkhash. The competition attracted a gifted, talented pupil 9Әclass OzbekBatyrkhan. His research work of his grandfather Hero of the Sovie...

The information about the city competition of patriotic youth movement for the protection projects “My Kazakhstan”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-03 08:12:08
The information about the city competition of patriotic youth movement for the protection projects “My Kazakhstan”
      With the aim of enhance patriotism and civic responsibility for the future of Kazakhstan teenagers, encourage and support school initiatives in solving social problems; realization of creativity and cultural exchanges between schoolchildren in the Palace of Schoolchildren March 27 held city competition of projects for the protection of “My Kazakhstan”.   &...
Author: Department

Сomputer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-03 05:13:15
Сomputer graphics and design
April 1 at the base of Polytechnic College held a regional competition of computer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY". Where students 11 classes participated in this competition won prizes:. Director: Teacher and physics Tuyakov EK Nomination -Artistic collage - 1st place Slyamhan K-11 class Nomination - Business Graphics -1 place Ramazan A-11 class

Cоғыс сарбаздары слайд байқауы

Category: Nauryz-2015
Date: 2015-04-03 04:51:50
ЖББ№5 орта мектебінде 3 наурыз күні  Ұлы Жеңістің 70 жылдығына арналған «Соғыс Сарбаздары» атты  слайдтық – презентациялар байқауы өткізілді. Байқауға   қала мектептерінен 12 мектептің  оқушылары  «Балқаш өңірі және Пульс газетінің » тілшілері  Тойымбекова  Шұғыла Берікбайқызы ,Искаов  Мақсат Берикбекович  қатыстырыл...
Author: School №5

The contest «Ұландар шеруі»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-02 13:33:10
The contest «Ұландар шеруі»
31/03/2015 among 5-8 classes a traditional school system show-contest "Ұlandar Cher." In front review attended 13 classes. Each class showcased the ability to perform elements of combat training, as well as with the song marched in the parade.

Sport - is our health

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-02 13:30:52
Sport - is our health
During spring holidays among 5-6 grades were training on mini-football. Football training - excellent physical fitness for children. Pupils are regularly trained about two hours.

Drawing Competition «Ер есімі-ел есінде»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-02 13:28:05
Drawing Competition «Ер есімі-ел есінде»
31.03.2015g. in the Palace of students held city competition of drawings «Ер есімі-ел есінде»  dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. For active participation Maratova Adeline awarded a diploma

«Балқашым – бақ жырымсың»

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-02 11:22:12
«Балқашым – бақ жырымсың»
Schoolgirl 3 "Schwa" KSU OSSH№24 Oral Korkem took 1st place with the song "Altyn Besik" in the city singing contest "Balқashym - baқ zhyrymsyң" organized by KSU "Schoolchildren's Palace of Balkhash"
Author: School №24

Competition in volleyball

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-02 10:29:43
Competition in volleyball
With 26 to 30.03.2015g. Karaganda among students was the volleyball competition, organized by "Saryarka Daryn". The competition involved six teams. The team was composed of students Balkhash lyceum №15, №16 and schools and school-gymnasium won  II place.

Ұлы Жеңіске 70 жыл

Category: Ұлы Жеңіске 70 жыл
Date: 2015-04-02 10:05:33
Ұлы Жеңіске 70 жыл
Ұлы Жеңіске 70 жыл          5В,5Г,5Д - сынып оқушыларынан құрылған «Біз біргеміз» тимур командасы Сабитова мөлтек ауданы 23- ші үй 40 пәтер тұрғыны Сергиенко Рашида Исмагиловна ардагер әжеміздің қалын біліп қайтты.       Сергиенко Рашида Исмагиловна 1926 жылы  Қазан қаласында дүниеге келген. Балалық шақтың дәмін әскер жылдарына қалды...
Author: School №16

Pedagogical skill

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-04-02 09:00:02
Pedagogical skill
            Great importance is given to methodical work of teacher in solution of the set tasks before modern educational system. Such work ensures the flowering of pedagogical skill. Methodical work is process directed at creation of different types of methodical production including approbation and introduction of more effective models, methods, technologies to p...

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