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Golden autumn came!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-10-28 08:51:33
Golden autumn came!
       Bright autumn festival was dedicated in October 20, 2015 in kindergarten "Bobek". Teachers and children (two older groups) spent their holiday fun and interesting on two languages - Kazakh and Russian. Holiday began with the literary pages of poetic,continued by musical greetings (songs "Ahau, kүzіm-ay", "Kүzgіbak" song-dance "Tuchk...
Author: Department

Open extracurricular activities "Friend and friendship."

Category: New
Date: 2015-10-28 05:50:31
Open extracurricular activities
October 27 in 1 "Ә" class was open extra-curricular activities "Friend and friendship." The lesson was held in the form of a quiz. The class was divided into two groups: I group «Dostyk», II group "Syylastyқ." The lesson consisted of several parts. Round  where each group competed in the knowledge of proverbs about friendship. Round 2 "Dosim қa...
Author: School №24

Fall, fall , please visit

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-10-28 05:01:53
 Fall, fall , please visit
         Baby autumn holidays - it's always amazing miracles , magic paint, lots of smiles and fun . Young pupils ' Shapagat "and" Shұғyla " clubs took an active part in the festive program" Fall, fall , please visit " , which took place on October 25, 2015 . The celebration began with incendiary flash mob " Autumn motives" . Th...

Meeting with representatives of religious organizations

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-10-27 05:06:05
Meeting with representatives of religious organizations
October 23 in school №8 for the purpose of spiritual and moral education, respectful and berezhnogootnosheniyak spiritual and historical heritage of the people, traditsiyamnatsionalnoy kulturyproshla 9th grade students meeting with representatives of the city center of study and analysis of inter-confessional relations. Chief specialist of the city center of study and analysis of inter-confessio...
Author: School №8

Классный час на тему "Тарих - ғасырлар куәсі"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2015-10-26 08:39:28
Классный час на тему
  At school №5 in The 11«A» form was held a class hour on the theme «Тарих-ғасырлар куәсі»
Author: School №5

"Gold autumn"

Category: New
Date: 2015-10-26 08:35:28
October 24, 2015 in a secondary school №24 has passed a long-awaited holiday - "Golden Autumn". The event was attended by Kazakh and Russian department of primary classes. The competition consisted of seven stages. Business card, where participants had to submit a logo, name and motto of the team. Contests king and queen, literary scene, advertising, quiz, crafts from natural materials...
Author: School №24

Образовательная область "Коммуникация"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-10-26 05:28:16
Образовательная область
На опушке под сосной Теремок стоял пустой, Мимо мышка пробегала, Теремочек увидала. - Тук-тук-тук, скажите мне, Кто хозяин в теремке?  


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-10-26 04:18:00
"В гости к бабушке!" Открытые просмотры занятий. воспитатель Абдрахманова А.А.

Татрализованная деятельность в детском саду

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-10-26 03:55:47
Татрализованная деятельность в детском саду
КУКОЛЬНЫЙ ТЕАТР И ТЕАТРАЛИЗОВАННЫЕ ИГРЫ В ДЕТСКОМ САДУ. Хорошо известно, что главным спутников в жизни для малыша является его любимая игрушка, любимая кукла. Как много значит ее присутствие для детского сердца, ведь кукла может почти все: выслушать, развеселить, обрадовать, пожалеть. А если вдруг она «оживает», начинает говорить, двигаться, петь и танцевать, то вызывает огромны...

International day of Tourism

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 13:08:09
 International  day of Tourism
The 23d of October in school №1took an event of passage to the International  day of Tourism.  Pupils of  8 "A" and 5 " Ә " took part. It was interesting and first they took  1 place.

"Respect - cultural communication"

Category: New
Date: 2015-10-24 09:41:39
October 23, 5A class have passed extra-curricular activities "Respect - cultural communication." Purpose: To familiarize students with concepts such as "the meaning of the word", "communication", to expand the lexical knowledge of the child. Teach children to cultural dialogue and mutual respect. The event was held in the form of the game, all students participated...
Author: School №24

1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 02:34:40
 1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge  about the environment
Survey was conducted among students in grades 1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment. 12 students at a high level, 60 students on average , 26 students at a low level answered questions.

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