

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-29 15:24:21
28.11.2015 күні  1 желтоқсан Тұңғыш Президент күні мерекесіне  орай мектепішілік  «Жырлаймын сені Ұлы далам» атты  патриоттық әндер  байқауы  өте қызықты  өтті.  Жеңімпаздар   арнайы мақтау  қағаздарымен марапатталды. 26 -28 қараша аралығында  мектеп – лицейді үлкен спорт залында  эстетикалық  пәндер ...

Chess duel

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-29 08:27:35
Chess duel
                A chess is a magnificent game a not loser the popularity in the century of information technologies. A game, developing intellectual flairs of brain, ability to be concentrated and quickly make decision, is popular and among the rising generation of our city.           on November,  28-29, 2015 the municipa...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-27 14:07:47
27.11.2015жылы    «Балқаш қаласының жедел құтқару жасағының»  медбикесі Абжанова Бағдат Сатбековна бірінші ауысым  оқушыларымен,4 А,Ә,Б,В 7 А,Ә 8 А,Ә,Б,В 9А,Ә Б,В 10 А 11А сынып оқушылары мен саптық жиында  суда құтқару ережелерімен таныстырды.Барлығы 700 оқушы қатысты. Саптық жиын барысында 11 «А» сынып оқушысы  Қасенханова Гөзәл: - Құ...

The purpose of the President-the happiness of the people, prosperous Kazakhstan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-27 14:03:05
The purpose of the President-the happiness of the  people, prosperous Kazakhstan
Today 27.11.2015 years Cedi pupils of 2-4 classes held a competition on the theme "The purpose of the President-the happiness of the people, prosperous Kazakhstan! "

Lesson on "the Letter and the sound X"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-27 13:55:50
Lesson on
The 26 November to Teacher Shulembaeva G.ZH. 1 "b" class held an open lesson on "the Letter and the sound X".

Kazakhstan is in the pictures of children.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-27 10:26:13
Kazakhstan is in the pictures of children.
            In  celebrations of Day of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan the municipal opening day of pictures of "Елбасымен бірге" passed in Palace of schoolchildren!, 11  cities took part in that.          Young художникипо-своему exposed the set theme of opening day. Using a gouache, water-colour, crayo...

Round table on the theme "I am in the world of professions"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-27 08:51:28
Round table on the theme
   November 26, 2015 homeroom teacher of class 9A Mukhamedzhan GS He held a round table, among the 9 classes on the theme "Men mamandyқ әlemіndemіn", which aims to professional orientation of students. The conversation was about different occupations, health professional schools and teacher technology Zheksemaeva AA They told the students about his career path, about their oc...
Author: School №8

The contest "Song Phalanx"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-27 08:23:08
The contest
November 27, 2015 in a secondary school №8 was a competition "Drill Song", dedicated to the "Day of the first president." The competition started with a report the head of CWT SNR №8 T.E.Erimbetova Methodist City Department of Education Rakhimov Farhat Malikovich, then entered the room gsudarstvenny flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition jury evaluated the teams...
Author: School №8

Held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-27 06:53:58
Held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes»
24 November the department of prinnary school held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes».The students of primary classes and pre- school classes held a discussion about theis advantages and disadvantages.The main were also discussed.


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-11-25 10:13:07
Значение исследовательской деятельности для детей:  Обогащение памяти ребенка, активизируются его мыслительные Развивается речь ребенка. Происходит накопление фонда умственных приемов и операций. Формируется и развивается самостоятельность, способность преобразовывать какие – либо предметы и явления для достижения определенного результата. Развивается эмоциона...

All-school parents' meeting meeting

Date: 2015-11-25 09:10:30
All-school parents' meeting meeting
19.11 and 20.11 2015 the school held school-wide parent meeting where the following issues were discussed: 1. Legal General compulsory education. The law of RK "On prevention of offences among minors and warning of children's neglect and homelessness"; 2. The results of the educational work for the 2014 – 2015 academic year; 3. Problems of education of legal culture amo...
Author: School №10

Information school 10 on holding the line on November 24, 2015

Date: 2015-11-25 09:04:25
Information school 10 on holding the line on November 24, 2015
November 24, 2015 at school No. 10 were held for students in line 1 ( 1,3, 7 -11 classes) and (2,4, 5,6 classes.) 2 shifts. Opened a line of school Director. Lyudmila Yur'evna in his speech noted that in the framework of the Week of legal knowledge that today is the line of "Ethical and moral standards of conduct in the administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan" ( legal edu...
Author: School №10

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