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Winter fun

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-01-26 09:13:30
Winter fun
     Even if the 2016 fire monkey yeardon’t make happyusbysnowdrifts,in the kindergarten"Bobek"  teachers and parents erected  nice,snowy, icy designs on the playgroundsince January 18, 2016 . Here you can see snow slides, bowling lanes, snow mazes, sled teamand other snow sculptures that delight and cheer up the children. Jobs ofsnow masters will conti...
Author: Department

Городские соревнования по РОБОТОТЕХНИКЕ

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-01-25 11:06:18
Городские соревнования по РОБОТОТЕХНИКЕ
      В рамках подготовки ко второму Международному фестивалю робототехники «Roboland2016», который пройдет 2-3 апреля 2016 года в городе Караганде,  21 января во Дворце школьниковвпервые в городе состоялись соревнованияпоРОБОТОТЕХНИКЕ.  Главная цель соревнований - поиск юных талантов, поддержканаучно-технического творчества и популяризация робототехники ср...
Author: Department

"Extraordinary situations of natural character, typical of the Karaganda region"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-01-25 09:33:20
     01/21/2016 School  of  Balkhash  pupils of 6-7 classes watched an interactive lesson on the theme" Extraordinary situations of natural character, typical of the Karaganda region". This  lesson is shown in order to prevent emergency situations, the rules of safe behavior in emergencies. Students received a lot of useful information. In Karaganda...
Author: Department

Control cuts on objects

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-01-25 09:22:28
 Control cuts on objects
        From January,19 for January22 according to plan ofdepartment of education conducted control cuts 511classes.    Aim: the Objective estimation of level of capture bythe educational achievements of students in accordance withstate obligatory standards on objects for a 1 half-year.
Author: Department

Reserve center " Зияткер"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-01-25 09:15:23
Reserve center
   on January, 20, 2016 on a base школа-лицея №15 passed the seminar of teachers of natural science on a theme "Future backlogs of olympiad". On a seminar the issues of the day of preparation were considered to the olympiad.
Author: Department

Ғарышқа жол ашу

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-01-23 09:46:36
Ғарышқа жол ашу
The 22 of  January  2016 year  at the school-lyceum №15 held city on -line lessons  of know ledge of the world in the 4 "B" class, the teacher Kushelekova M.K.Tema lesson "Ғарышқа жол ашу" .The  lesson to the concept of space on astronauts, forming cognitive interest to the profession cosmonaut.

Robotics Competitions

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-01-23 03:02:33
 Robotics Competitions
       In preparation for the second International Festival of Robotics «Roboland2016», which will take place 2-3 April 2016 in the city of Karaganda, on January 21 at the Palace of students in the city took place in robotics competitions. The main aim of the competition - search for young talents, podderzhkanauchno and technical creativity and popularisation of r...

Оnline lesson

Category: school news
Date: 2016-01-22 08:24:21
Оnline lesson
2016 жылдың 21 қаңтар күні сағат 12:00 - де Қарағанды облыстық төтенше жағдайлар департаментінің ұйымдастырумен өткен «Қарағанда облысы бойынша табиғат құбылысында орын алатын төтенше жағдайлар» тақырыбында онлайн сабақ өтті. Онлайн сабаққа 5, 8 сынып оқушылары қатысты. Интерактивті сабақта оқушылар қандай төтенше жағдайлар болатынын және шығу жолдарын, қайда хабарласу керектігі жайл...

Urban children's competition «Айгөлек- 2016»

Category: school news
Date: 2016-01-22 08:00:40
Urban children's competition «Айгөлек- 2016»
January 16, 2016 in SSH№5 held a traditional city children's contest «Айгөлек- 2016». Our high-school students took an active part. Pupil 4 "A" class Sagnaeva Adina took the 3rd place.

"Friends of health."

Category: New
Date: 2016-01-22 06:32:25
January 15, 2016 at school №24 was held an educational event called "Friends of health." The class was divided into two groups, Group 1 - "Silochi" and Group 2 "Health". Pupils told proverbs, poems about health. Teams telling your friends about health: soap and kefir, got a lot of interesting information. Doing group work, making a Venn diagram, the pupils learned p...
Author: School №24


Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-01-22 03:46:38
21/01/2016 at the Palace of schoolchildren was held city competition of robotics, which is aimed at stimulating the activity of students in the field of technical modelirovaniya.V nomination "Trajectory" team of our school-lyceum in the composition of Marat Ali, Bagdat Alіbi, 5 classes of students took 2nd place team. Head of the optional course "Introduction to robotics,"...

Қазақтың ұлттық әшекей бұйымдары туралы дәріс

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-01-21 12:39:58
Қазақтың ұлттық әшекей бұйымдары туралы дәріс
21.01.2016  күні  қалалық мұражайында Қазақтың ұлттық әшекей бұйымдары туралы дәріс оқылды. Дәріс барысында оқушылар назарына шағын сахыналық қойылым, бейнероликтер және презентациялар ұсынылды. Мақсаты: Зергерлік өнерді насихаттау, зергерлік бұйым түрлерімен таныстыру, зергерлік бұйымдар туралы ой қорыту,ауданымыздың зергері Өтеп ағаймен кездесу. Тәрбиелік мәні: Зергермен кез...

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