
Educational hour

Category: school news
Date: 2016-02-11 02:39:34
Educational hour
On February 5, 2016 I took place in a gymnasium educational hour on the subject "Addictions Which Kill Us". Pupils of 5 classes acted, pupils of 8-11 classes were listeners. In action pupils of 5 V of a class dramatized all the known fairy tale "Kolobok". The fairy tale ended with sports dance. Action about alcohol came to the end with viewing of the movie.

Сhampionship on hockey among

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-10 09:10:13
Сhampionship on hockey among
From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .

Қыс мезгіліндегі қауіпсіздік ережелері

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-10 08:57:40
Қыс мезгіліндегі қауіпсіздік ережелері
10.02.2016 жылы «Балқаш қаласының жедел құтқару жасағының»  медбикесі Абжанова Бағдат Сатбекована жоғарғы сынып оқушыларымен қыс мезгіліндегі қауіпсіздік ережелерімен таныстырды. Әңгімелесу барысында 10 «А» сынып оқушысы  Әуелбек Айбар : - Құтқарушы болу қиын ба? ,-деген сұрақ қойды. Медбике  сұрақтарға жауап беріп өмірге байланысты оқиғаларды  айтып...

Intellectual game " Scholars of the XXI century "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-10 04:35:34
 Intellectual game
09.02.2016 , as part of a decade of foreign languages was held intellectual game " Scholars of the XXI century " ​​among students 5, "A" , 5 " Ә" class with teacher of  Russian and English languages ​​Satenova SH.SH . , Iklasbaevo AE . Objective: To promote curiosity in children; generate a positive attitude to knowledge, to books ; develop children's abi...

Pets. Suffixes and prefixes of adjectives

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-09 13:11:37
Pets. Suffixes and prefixes of adjectives
On February 9,within ten days of foreign languages department the teacher of English language Guryanova M.G. held an open lesson on the theme "Pets. Suffixes and prefixes of adjectives."  At the lesson the teacher used these techniques and strategies as a "Venn Diagram", "Odd word" modeled. At the end of the lesson, students made a Fishbone on the proposed them...

Еighth-grade "Geniuses and clever"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-09 12:53:53
On February,  8teachers of Russian and English Z.A.Dzhakupova and M.G. Guryanova held an intellectual game among students of eighth-grade "Geniuses and clever". The goal of the game was to form the ability to apply knowledge in practice, develop intelligence, memory, erudition, logical thinking, contribute to raising interest in the study of the humanities. The winners were Tolege...

«Күмбірлеген домбыраның сазды үні»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-09 06:27:52
«Күмбірлеген домбыраның сазды үні»
In the library after A. Gaidar took place the action devoted to the 155th anniversary of the great Kazakh composer Dina Nurpeisova.Pupils of the 7 A grade  of high school No. 5 took part in action, got acquainted with the biography and works of the well-known Kazakh composer.
Author: School №5

Information on participation in the scientific and practical conference«Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі»

Category: New
Date: 2016-02-09 06:14:46
Information on participation in the scientific and practical conference«Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі»
Continue activities on the international celebration of the 150 th anniversary of Kazakh writer Alikhan Bokeikhanov. Alikhan Bokeyhanov is an organiator party "Alash", the chairman of the National Autonomous Government Alashorda, an economist, historian, ethnographer, writer, translator, a gifted writer. In honor of his in secondary school №8 Balkhash held scientific and practical conf...
Author: School №24

Lesson with training elements on the theme "Discussion of the action fantasy characters"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-09 04:30:33
Lesson with training elements on the theme
04.02.2016 years lesson with training elements on the theme "Discussion of the action fantasy characters" was conducted among 3 classes. Purpose: To develop the ability to allocate the main instructive thought, learning to feel and to empathize, to form the ability to re-create artistic images. During the lesson with the pupleacquainted, they learned what they know fairy tales, wha...

25- қайырымды істің біреуі «Бір күн ренжітпей» акциясы

Category: Қайырымдылық
Date: 2016-02-08 10:58:04
25-  қайырымды істің біреуі «Бір күн ренжітпей» акциясы
25-  қайырымды істің біреуі «Бір күн ренжітпей» акциясы  
Author: School №16

The competition agitation and propaganda on the theme "All of the specialty good"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-02-08 10:46:20
The competition agitation and propaganda on the theme
      06.02.2016 The competition agitation and propaganda on the theme "All of the specialty good" was at lyceum №2.      The aim of the competition: formation of the responsibility for choosing a specialty, specialty information about the world; attitude of respect for the owners of the profession.
Author: Department

Аction called “Саяхатшы кітаптар”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-08 10:37:12
Аction called “Саяхатшы кітаптар”
At our school started action called “Саяхатшы кітаптар”. It will last from 5th February till 5th march. The main aim is to present about receipted books to the town library named A. Gaidar. The chief of library B.D. Kurmanova told about books. Pupils from 3 “V”, 5 “A”, 5 “V” told poems on three languages. Pupils from 4 “G” presented the...

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