
Air battle

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-02-13 05:25:51
 Air battle
                Warriors-Internationalists - a living example of patriotic education of students. For many years the palace school collaborates with the NGO "Fighting brotherhood of veterans and invalids of the war in Afghanistan." Annually, there are joint activities: sports game "Zhas Ulan", the evening meetings "Afghanista...

Information on the decade on cancer prevention

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-12 13:09:31
Information on the decade on cancer prevention
04.02.2016 has been developed and approved the plan. MS Nurse Atkeltirova pedkollektiv acquainted with the project concept counteracting cancer. 05/02/2016 1 lyceum floor features Area Health "Healthy Lifestyle -buduschee nation." 05.02.2016 passed medical meeting № 2 polyclinic Arynbekovoy A.Os parents of students in Grade 10 for the prevention of cancer zabolevaniy.Rasskazala a...

Fireside "Afghanistan is in our memory ..."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-02-12 10:33:15
02/12/2016 №8 SNR, in a meeting held evening dedicated to 27th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Objective: To familiarize students with the cause of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the determination of the historical significance of the Afghan war, to bring a sense of duty, responsibility, patriotizma.Na event conducted conversation about the Afghan war, and remem...
Author: School №8

The open lesson on the theme "Өnege-otbasynan"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-02-12 09:55:27
The open lesson on the theme
   02.11.2016 February school №8 primary school teacher Zhumabekova AG held an open lesson on the theme "Өnege-otbasynan". Purpose: formirovaniezhiznenno - of values, moral foundations kultury.Vospitanie respectful and responsible attitude towards their parents. Defining the role of mother and father in the upbringing of children. Analysis of the relationship between parents...
Author: School №8

"Білім беруден-білім алуға, оқытудан-оқуға"

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:50:45
     On February 9, 2016 passed a seminar in OSSh №16 "Білім беруден-білім алуға, оқытудан-оқуға", organized by the certified teachers of school. On the invitation methodologists of city department of education and the teacher of schools of the city responded.    The seminar is organized for the purpose of exchange of experience in formation in pupils of se...
Author: Department

Information on the scientific and informative conference «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:40:42
Information on the scientific and informative conference   «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8
     02.05.2016, in school №8 involving pupils 9th grade schools of the city took place the scientific and educational conference " ТеңдіктуынкөтергенАлашкөсемі", devoted the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova. As a result of the speakers of the conference were awarded to the following places: First place-studying of school №24  Kanayat A., II place- pupils of the...
Author: Department

Сhampionship on hockey among city schools

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-02-12 08:35:25
Сhampionship on hockey among city schools
  From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .
Author: Department

Сhampionship on hockey among city schools

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:32:21
Сhampionship on hockey among city schools
  From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .
Author: Department

Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:28:47
Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city
     January 30, 2016 there was Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city. The championship was attended by 11 teams. In the individual competition among boys  Tanebergen  Azat  took the 1st place (school №25) , Қabduahit   Daryn  (school-lyceum №15) took the 2nd place, Tіlegen Ali (school-gymnasium №7) took the 3rd place. Among...
Author: Department

Category: «Дені сау ұлт. Спортты Қазақстан»
Date: 2016-02-12 06:25:52
"A healthy nation. Sport Of Kazakhstan". 08.02.2016. year in the school№16 of the linguistic napravleniya were class hours devoted to the 25 th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan, scheduled for the month of February called "a Healthy nation. Sport Of Kazakhstan". Primary school teacher Amandykova S. A. held on the theme: "Prevention of infectious diseases",...
Author: School №16

«Өзін-өзі тану:Махаббат пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-11 09:32:24
«Өзін-өзі тану:Махаббат пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»
according to the recommendations in the decade have been issued information stands , exhibitions are organized .  
Author: School №5

«Мейірім төгетін ана»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-02-11 09:27:00
«Мейірім төгетін ана»
The libraries are organized book exhibitions " Meyіrіm togetіn ana" , devoted to charitable activities SA Nazarbayeva . Mahashova K.SH. .
Author: School №5

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