
Organization preschool children "Baldyrgan"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-02 11:51:15
   Organization preschool children
      Our head of the state N.A.Nazarbaev 1 March-declared the day of thanksgiving. Day of thanksgiving – world on earth, maintenance of kindness.Day of thanksgiving- respect of people to each other. In this connection an event passed in a kindergarten "Baldyrgan" a holiday.    The theme "Thank you to my family for my education!" under the d...
Author: Department

Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 10:54:45
Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз
  February 24 was City Pedagogical competition "Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз" among school children, where our student's team took the 1st place.  

Hopes of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 10:46:05
 Hopes of Kazakhstan
February 29 school students line of our school was presented the book "Hope of Kazakhstan"

Panorama open lessons on physics

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 09:28:45
Panorama open lessons on physics
       According to the plan of the city MO physics teachers, teacher Morozova NV outdoor physics lesson was held in the 8th grade on "Incandescent. Electric heaters. Fuses. " Guests of the lesson, the teacher of physics became the city's schools.    The lesson was built it on the basis of the latest learning technologies. A lesson for the students...
Author: Department

Day of gratitude

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 08:49:48
 Day of gratitude
  March 1 after the " Day of gratitude" all class teachers conducted class hours     .

"Аналарға мың алғыс"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-03-02 08:30:35
  Шуақты көктемнің  аналар мерекесі  «Ер Төстік» балабақшасында орын тапты. Сәбилер топтарында   «Аналарға мың алғыс» және «Ақ әжем» атты мерекелік  ертеңгіліктер өтті. Балалар аналарына арналған ән-жырдан шашу шашты. Сонымен қатар аналармен би биледі, кейіпкерлердің қатысуымен ойындар ойнады. Мереке аналардың жүрегіне нұр ұялат...

Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 08:18:26
Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз
  February 23, was City Pedagogical competition "Дарынды балаларға - талантты ұстаз".  With our school participated young teacher of computer Kusainova Rahymzhanovna Aynur and took third place. The contest was held in three stages. They are: knowledge itself, the draft protection and examination of knowledge in the field of pedagogy - psychology in the form of tests...

Thanksgiving Day!

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-02 08:12:29
Thanksgiving  Day!
In high school №5 held an event dedicated to " 1 Nauryz  Thanksgiving!". The celebration began with a morning lineyki, teacher self  Ibraybekovoy A .N and  counselor Alpysbaeva A.E organized "Shattyk  shenber" after 3 uroka. The first floor of our school was I put up a box for letters of  gratitude  to the teachers, pupils  and parents, and...
Author: School №5

"Thanksgiving Day"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-03-02 03:21:51
   March 1, 2016 for the first time in our country celebrated the holiday "Day of gratitude." Our school has been planned and carried out a series of events dedicated to this day. In grades 1-4 were interviewed on the theme "Know how to thank," "Friendship is our support." 1 March 1995, Kazakhstan was established by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, an...
Author: School №8

From 27-01, 2016 "on March 1 Thanksgiving" about the events held on the occasion of the Day

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:43:20
From 27-01, 2016
In April 2015, the 22nd session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan peoples to express gratitude to one another, and Kazakhs in Kazakhstan by the decree of the President of the celebration in bolatın.2016 from "1 March - Thanksgiving" was held. This tradition of coming closer to one another the greatest measure of Kazakhs...

Information about the campaign "Streets without drugs" held on 23-26 February 2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:28:47
Information about the campaign
Objective: Children with a view to protect them from the influence of bad habits and encourage them to lead a meaningful, healthy lifestyle. 23-26.02.2016, the exhibition was held on the theme "Esіrtkіsіz kөshe" in order to protect students from the influence of bad habits like smoking, alcohol and drugs. In this regard, the school TVs were shown slides and relevant information is pr...

«Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:20:39
«Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016»
Congratulations! Congratulations to the teachers of Russian language and literature (II) level of cool head 8 "in" class  Zeken Dzhakupova Abitaevna  busy with II spot at the regional contest "Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016"  semination of pedagogical experience, improving the image of the teacher.". The aim of the competition: dissemination of pedagogical...

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