
Information about events on the theme of "Mother-principle of life" dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:31:59
Information about events on the theme of
Objective: To teach children to respect the invaluable work of mothers and thus develop in them a love for the native land and the country. To bring in girls good manners, as well as qualities such as modesty, beauty, courtesy, politeness. 02.03.2016 the deputy director on educational work K.A.Beysekina, I.Zh.Zhanatovna in a large sports hall opened a line dedicated to the theme "Ana - Om...


Category: school news
Date: 2016-03-07 05:57:17
Today, that is, March 7, 2016 passed a massive event called Shrovetide, under the direction of  Ismagambetova I.H and primary school teachers, where students and parents to actively participate in the competitions, games and fun together accompanied Zimushka-winter. According to the scenario sports were conducted, dance, pancake Fair, organized by parents.

Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта мектебі бойынша 23-26 ақпан аралығында «Есірткісіз көше» атты 3 күндіктің өткізілуі жөнінде ақпар

Category: Новости
Date: 2016-03-07 04:49:27
  ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде ақпан   айының  23-і  күні «Есірткісіз көше » атты 3 күндіктің өткізілуіне байланысты сап жиыны 1-11 сыныптың білім алушыларымен өткізіліп,өткізілетін іс-шара жоспарымен таныстырылды.  23 ақпан күні «Жаман әдеттен аулақ болайық» атты бұрышты мектептің аға тәлімгері Н.О.Қалиақпар мен  өзін-өзі басқару  ұйы...
Author: School №25

« Miss spring»

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-03-05 10:52:14
« Miss spring»
All of us are children of the mother. All people admire the mothers. In honor of a holiday on March 8 in kindergarten of "Baldyrgan" there has taken place competition on the subject " Miss spring ". The teacher of average group Rakhimova A.T.V conducting competitions competition pupils of a children's sada:aliyevNurayym, SabyrzhankyzaMarjane, Sakan Bayan, Ernurova Aisha,...

«Әйел бақыты» talk - show

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:53:58
    «Әйел бақыты»  talk -  show
03.03.2016 years have elapsed talk show  "Әйел бақыты" organized by the students of class 10. The aim of this competition was to strengthen the relationship between the school and the pupils ' parents. At the event were invited to dear mothers and grandmothers pupils with the aim to get to know them better. The same grandmother were invited to Bahtaeva Tleuken, the teacher of...

Сompetition: «Бұрымды қыз-2016»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:40:20
Сompetition: «Бұрымды қыз-2016»
Traditional competition "Bұrymdy kyz 2016" this year was held at the VII times. Total attended 13 girls students in grades 5-7. The judges at this competition was the deputy director for educational work K.A.Beysekina, journalist of the newspaper "Pulse" K.Sadenov, teacher service Balkhash college, professional hairdresser M.S.Adilbekova parent G.Ansarovna journalists "J...

"The melody of the song, you, you mother" festival

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:22:18
03.03.2016 year in school-lyceum № 15 Festival was held  «Әнімде сен, жырымда сен жан ана»devoted to women's day 8 March. The aim of the Festival: to develop towards mothers qualities such as kindness and love. Teach students to be an example to others. And teach children such qualities as gratitude, honesty, humanity. Openly show their feelings for their mothers, expre...

"Mothers are flowers of life"

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-05 03:45:43
In our mini-center "Balbobek" was passedthe partydevoted on March, 8 сalled "Mothers are flowers of life". On a festive partythe songs and poems carried out our little children and showed the art dances. Games were also conducted with parents. On this basis, Our little children  the gifts done with own hands gave parents.

"Kyz aruy -2016"

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-05 03:26:17
  March 4 was a competition "Kyz aruy -2016", was organized by Centre for Languages​​. Where it was attended by not only teachers, but also police officers, in a word, all those who go on courses to improve knowledge in the field of languages​​. With our school took two teachers of computer science involved. And in the contest Ermek Aigul won the title of "Symbatty aru"...

"Reading is a joy"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-04 10:29:16
For grades 1-4 a plan for "Reading is fun" . Each class were given the assignment. Questionnaire was conducted among parents. Children are happy to draw pictures read books and illustrated them. Was organized an exhibition under the theme "Together towards fairy tales"
Author: School №5

"Afghanistan-wound in the heart"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-03 12:50:56
02.29.2016 year a meeting was organized with the veterans' Auғanstan zhүrektegі-heat "in order to give full details students about the war in Afghanistan, develop a sense of patriotism and devotion to the Homeland held a cool head 6" Ә "class S.S.Mustafinoy. Students were able to discuss your questions and have them answered by veterans. Ayazbayev Murat Zholdasbaevich told abo...

1 March -Day thanks

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-03-03 07:48:35
1 March -Day thanks
In this connection an event passed in a kindergarten "Baldyrgan" a holiday. The theme "Thank you to my family for my education!" under the direction of educator G.Tysypbekova  of senior group festive games and children foundcontinuation expressed a thankful. An exhibition was also organized on a theme "Thank you to my family for my education!".Local newspaper...

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