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Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:50:52
Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз
26.03 2016 in the Palace of pupils passed the city competition "Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз". Purpose of event: to shape students ' knowledge about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. To nurture respect for the cultural heritage of the country.  The contest consisted of 4 stages: stage 1:2 stage: the story of 3 stage: do you know tradition? stage 4: parade...

Көңілді көктем

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:44:46
Көңілді көктем
25.03.2016 Spring Break in the Palace of school among pupils of 5 classes hosted a concert program.

Information on the held events by the International Women's Day on March 8 at high school No. 5

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-03-26 05:10:58
Information on the held events by the International Women's Day on March 8 at high school No. 5
In Sh No. 5 events by the International Women's Day are held on March 8.On the first floor of school festive wall newspapers of each class have been hung out.The 8 A class teacherIbraybekovaA.N has carried current – the show " Әйел бақыты " among girls and mothers. On March 5 at 9:30 in our school there was taken place the sporting event “Әке, Шеше және мен”. In&n...
Author: School №5

Welcome Nauryz!

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-26 05:05:38
Welcome Nauryz!
Purpose: - the Kazakh new year, Nauryz, to explain, to tell you about; - children to the traditions of our people, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, to continue, good and full of words depending on the AO niece the ancestors; - children, their country, love their Motherland, to defend the place, in respect of national cuisine.

Miss mini -center "Balbobek"

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-26 04:56:29
Miss mini -center
  As a result of this event it has been awarded 3 nominations and one grand prix. Namely, a group of "Balapan" Dzholamanova Anel - "Miss affection", Rayymkul Ayar - "Miss Talent" and the group "Aigolek" Nurgali Akniet - "Miss the character" got the nomination And the most important nomination, Miss mini -center "Balbobek" Anel...

Mr. groups of pre-school education

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-26 04:51:51
Mr. groups of pre-school education
  Grand Prix 1 team - Mani Merey 1 seat group 1  Jamel Yerasyl and 7 group Abubakir Bekbolat 2nd place  6 group Aitkali Syrym and group 2 Ardakty Janibek 3rd place group 3 Seydolla Nurzhigit and 5 group Altai Sabyr  

Наурыз думан – 2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:55:37
Наурыз думан – 2016
The team of school-lyceum participated in yurt "Most beautiful yurt» purpose of competition:-the study of the history of its people, traditions and customs.  With interior decoration of  yurts  introduced socio-humanitarian Department. The group performed "Шабыт" dombra kyi Kurmangazy "Adai", grandmother Tursynbekova Zagira guests handed out sweets a...

Contest " Наурызға көрік берген,сұлу сән "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:21:57
In the  22.03.2016 v. contest "Наурызға көрік берген,сұлу сән". On behalf of educational institutions took part in the competition, educators and the disciples. In this section-"Ана көрген тон пішер" were: Presenters:Tutkysh A.Zh., Toleuhanova Zh.B. Granny:Bidaybekova A.E., Tergeubaeva K.A. Bride::Rahimberlina A.N., Zhumabaeva K.K. The young lady:Zhumazhanova M...

XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects "zerde"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:16:29
XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects
In the educational and Health Center «Baldauren» Shuchinsk city hosted the XI Republican competition of research works and creative projects "zerde" for pupils of 1-7 classes. The aim of the competition: to stimulate intellectual creativity and cognitive interests of children, improving them research abilities, skills training behavior with early school years.  Their r...

Celebration of holiday of spring is in a kindergarten «Baldurgan»

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2016-03-24 04:40:43
Celebration of holiday of spring is in a kindergarten «Baldurgan»
Under the direction of educators of senior group: G. Tysypbekova, A. Nadirbekova «Nayriz – dyman!», educators are in a middle group: A. Boganova, A. Rahimova «Nayriz koktem,gur-duman»,educators junior group:B.Darkeeva,B.Ospanbekova, A.Gumasheva,Y. Oralbek a measure was organized on a theme : «Koshkeldin, AzNayriz!» was pleased to many. Tradition that wer...

"Kazakhstan patriotism: the idea, the problems of formation".

Date: 2016-03-23 09:11:39
March 15, 2016, the school held a meeting of advocacy groups for prevention of religious extremism and terrorism with students of classes 9 and 10 attended the meeting and made a speech: chief specialist of municipal institution "centre for the study and analysis of problems of the interfaith relations of Balkhash town" Beisembekov A., specialist KSU resource center Medeubaev A. O., se...
Author: School №10

March 8 - Women's day

Date: 2016-03-23 09:09:45
March 8 - Women's day
7 March 2016 our school held a celebration of International women's day. The male half of the staff in the morning met a women with balls and cards. Students prepared a festive program, which presented songs, dances, humorous skits. The guys tried really hard and the mood in the team was top notch.
Author: School №10

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