
Town educational contest «We are future of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-04-28 05:56:36
Town educational contest «We are future of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the  25th  anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
   The 25th of April at School №1 M. Gorky I was intellectually and educational competition «We are future of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the  25th  anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Aim of event : promote the value and importance of the concept of  Independence, language and national symbols to promote, show the level of children&rsq...
Author: Department

“Young firefighter”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-04-28 05:38:17
“Young firefighter”
     April 27, 2016 in the kindergarten “Bobek” in conjunction  with the Emergency Management Balkhash town hosted a competition  “Young firefighter” at fire safety among older groups. The purpose of this event was: to explain to children the dangers of fire and teach  them safety with matches and technically household items. On the competiti...
Author: Department

Leader of XXI century

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-28 02:41:27
Leader of XXI century
27.04.2016 on the eve of "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" and "day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan" in the city took place 5 No.285 intellectual game "Leader of XXI century». Students 7 "А" grade of our school-lyceum Kasenhanova Nuray has been awarded with a diploma of I degree and 7 class Žumaseit Nuray Diploma of III degree.

The leader of the 21st century”

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-04-27 11:18:14
The leader of the 21st century”
 At high school No. 5 have carried out a city intellectual marathon "The leader of the 21st century”  dated for the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and by day of unity of the people – on May 1. Schools of the city have taken  an active part. The first place the schoolgirl of lyceum No. 15 Kasenkhanova Nuray, the 2nd place the schoolg...
Author: School №5

Concert program for parents

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-27 10:49:57
 Concert program for parents
  April 27, 2016 for the parents of students was presented the concert program, the aim of which was to show the results of the creative works of children per year. Literary Salon devoted to the 27th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan "Youth, scorched by war" led to tears of parents, so children enthusiastically playing the role of a soldier who served in Afg...
Author: School №8

School day-2016

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-27 10:46:58
School day-2016
   Traditional School Day was held April 25, 2016. Headmaster A.T.Tokeybekova acquainted the guests with the school development program. Deputy director on educational part A.S.Alpysbaeva and Zh.K.Zhetpisbaeva analyzed proscale and work plan of the Council Fathers and Mothers of the School.    Open invitation to visit the lessons and extracurricular activities. After pu...
Author: School №8

«Балқаш-таза қала» атты сенбілік

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-27 10:39:31
«Балқаш-таза қала» атты сенбілік
"Balқash- қala pelvis" on April 23 at the School of Environment conducted Saturday. As a volunteer participated with the organization "Jas Ulan" - 435 pupils, with "Mүragera" -10 students. We all want to live in a beautiful and clean city. We are all responsible for the ecological state of nature around us. Students cleaned debris swept areas assigned to them. Contr...
Author: School №8


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-27 10:19:29
Awarded Diploma of the II degree Baltabek Arina in the city championship checkers, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Author: School №8

Thank You letter

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-27 10:16:34
Thank You letter
In the I regional interschool competition for young and resourceful "Zhaydarman" awarded team SNR №8 "Naғyz zhіgіtter" for active participation.
Author: School №8

1st regional competition «Жайдарман»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-27 09:00:38
1st regional competition «Жайдарман»
26 April, on the eve of "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" in the Palace of Metallurgists named Khamzin passed the 1st regional competition «Жайдарман». Our team of school-lyceum № 15 "Шаңырақ" for the skill and special talent was awarded the letter of Vice President of Kazakhstan KVN League  J. Abishova

Information On holding ten-day "Safer Internet" From 11 to 22 April 2016

Category: New
Date: 2016-04-27 08:27:05
Information On holding ten-day
From 11 to 22 April 2016 informing the "Safer Internet" was held in order to protect the rights of children. It was told about the application "Parental Control" in order to ensure information safety of children using the Internet seti.A also was told about responsible for any action on the Internet. In order to circulate information about the "Safer Internet" a...
Author: School №24

City competition Abai read "In the footsteps of the great Abay"

Category: New
Date: 2016-04-27 05:42:22
City competition Abai read
on 23 April, high school №9 passed Abay read "In the footsteps of the great Abai". Objective: Abay creative agitation among the students, to raise the spiritual and patriotic feelings ,, deepen students' knowledge of the works of Abai.   The students of grades 5-10 participated in the competition. The contest was held on the 3 rd categories: 1. "Olen - sozdіn pats...
Author: School №24

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