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Information on the meeting dedicated to the Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repression

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-05-31 10:20:02
Information on the meeting dedicated to the Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repression
May 31 in the auditorium of the SNR №8 held an event "Zulmat zhyldary zhane Kazakhstan", devoted to the Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repression. The purpose of the event - to honor and deep respect for the representatives of the people who died in the years of totalitarianism, a wave of national intelligentsia, the difference between the proud spirit of invincibility. During t...
Author: School №8

«Біз мектепке барамыз» атты балабақшамен қоштасу ертеңгілігі

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-05-31 10:13:15
«Біз мектепке барамыз» атты балабақшамен  қоштасу ертеңгілігі
The 26th of May in our kindergarten of Zhuldyz was farewell events dedicated to the issue of kindergarten and school children of senior and preparatory groups. Children read their poems to their teachers. Kindergarten graduation is the first important of all life. Graduation celebration in kindergarten is not only important for kids, but also for their caregivers. The success of the festival in...

31 мая День памяти жертв политических репрессий

Category: school news
Date: 2016-05-31 07:29:43
В городском музее прошел урок, посвященный  "Дню памяти жервт политических репрессий"

Information about event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years in secondary school №24.

Category: New
Date: 2016-05-31 06:44:23
Information about event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years in secondary school №24.
In secondary school of №24 among the students of grades of 9 was hold event in memory of victims of political repressions and famine 30 years. There were films such as Karlag, Alzhir. The students participated actively by that theme.
Author: School №24

Information on the regional Festival-competition «Сарыарқа дарыны»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-05-31 05:37:09
Information on the regional Festival-competition «Сарыарқа дарыны»
May 26, 2016 hosted regional Festival-Contest "Сарыарқа дарыны". Purpose: to form aesthetic education, to identify gifted children, to improve learning and teaching. For active participation in the contest, students Alibay  Madina, Madina Zhapparova, Almat Musagazhy were awarded with certificates.  Yerbolat Azimbekov Serikbayevich awarded the letter of.

"Жолың болсын, балақан!"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-05-31 04:05:26
  "Жолың болсын, балақан!" 26 мамыр 2016ж  №5 Ересек тобында "Жолың болсын балақан!" атты қоштасу кеші өтті. Балалар мақтау қағазы және медальдармен марапатталды. Ата-аналар балабақша қызметкерлерін және топ тәрбиешілеріне алғыстарын білдірді. Қоштасу кеші сәтті аяқталды, ата-аналар ризашылықтарын білдіріп тарасты.

«Счастливого пути, выпускники!»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-05-30 09:55:12
«Счастливого пути, выпускники!»
                                                  «Счастливого пути, выпускники!»          Под названием «Счастливого пути, выпускники!» 27 мая 2016 г в старшей группе № 4 прошел выпускной бал. Были в...

Соңғы қоңырау

Category: Соңғы қоңырау
Date: 2016-05-30 08:05:18

Соңғы қоңырау

Category: Соңғы қоңырау
Date: 2016-05-30 06:40:18
Author: School №16

Опорная школа на базе КГУ "Гимназия города Балхаш"

Category: school news
Date: 2016-05-28 15:18:38
Опорная школа на базе КГУ
Сегодня были заслушены отчеты сертифированных в 2015 году учителей.

May 25 bell rang in 11 classes.

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-27 03:56:31
May 25 bell rang in 11 classes.
   The ground floor and the school assembly hall were decorated on the subject. In the 2015-2016 school year, 36 students out of school.   The last call was attended Methodist City Department of Education Meyirbekova Gulbahram Sagatbekkyzy and 9 teachers veterans.       Word of greeting was given to the school principal Husmoldinova NE...

Information school 10 to hold the feast of the Last bell "Тhe bell is ringing for you latest" 2015 - 2016 academic year

Date: 2016-05-26 05:02:23
Information school 10 to hold the feast of the Last bell
May 25, 2016, at school №10 held a celebration of the Last school bell. At the stand of the "School planet" - colorful posters "Thank you, teacher!", "Goodbye, school!". The stairs were decorated with balloons. On stage banner "In a good way!" ( in 3 languages), the cloth is yellow, blue and white. Composition of balloons "Graduate - 2016" was is...
Author: School №10

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