

Category: school news
Date: 2016-06-06 03:25:59
  04.06.2016 году в городской гимназии в пришкольном лагере «Шагала», прошло мероприятие на тему «Рәміздерім – мақтанышым».Ребята и коллектив п/ц «Шағала» приняли активное участие в  проведении празднования Дня символов Республики Казахстан. Мероприятие прошло в виде соревнования между тремя отрядами. Соревнование состояло из четырех этапов....

Information on the event dedicated to the 4 June to Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: New
Date: 2016-06-05 19:47:27
Information on the event dedicated to the 4 June to Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
June 4 school camps SSH№24 "Balausa" held an event dedicated to the Day of the symbols of RK "State symbols honor the people" .target: to deepen the knowledge of the symbols of Kazakhstan. Instill respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Foster a sense of responsibility and patriotism. The event began with the training "circle of trust", where th...
Author: School №24

2016 жылғы 4 маусым Қазақстан Республикасының Рәміздерінің қабылданған күні

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-06-04 10:05:01
2016 жылғы 4 маусым Қазақстан Республикасының Рәміздерінің қабылданған күні
04.06.2016 күні мектеп- лицейдің алдыңғы ауласында Рәміздерді құрметтеу арқылы Отан сүйгіштікке тәрбиелеу, елін, жерін сүюге баулу мақсатында салтанатты саптық жиын өтті. Жыинға мектеп әкімшілігі, мұғалімдер,оқушылар және  кіші қызметкерлер барлығы бірдей қатысты.  Мектеп- лицей директоры К.Ш. Дубирбекова 4 маусым – ҚР Мемлекеттік рәміздер күніне орай құттықта...

День государственных символов

Category: school news
Date: 2016-06-04 04:21:28
День государственных символов
4 июня 1992 года были впервые утверждены новые государственные символы независимого Казахстана. Этот день навсегда останется в истории страны как День рождения новой государственной символики. Государственные символы — одна из незыблемых основ государства. Голубой флаг с золотистым солнцем и парящим силуэтом орла и герб, в центре которого находится образ шанырака, как символ общего дома дл...

On 3-rd June 2016 in preparatory group was a lesson “The Symbols of RK”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-06-03 10:35:36
On 3-rd June 2016 in preparatory group was a lesson “The Symbols of  RK”.
On 3-rd June 2016 in preparatory group was a lesson “The Symbols of  RK”. The lesson begun with anthem of  Republic Kazakhstan. Children tall poems, danced “Домбыра”.  They knew about the Symbols of Republic Kazakhstan. 

On 1-st of June, 2016 was held entertainment devoted for "Children protection o Day"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-06-03 10:31:28
On 1-st of  June, 2016 was held entertainment devoted for
On that  day at  10  o`clock was  entertainment for children «Бакытты балалык шак». Took   part children from  preparatory groups and mini-centrе  «Таншуак».Children frommiddle group took part at  sports  entertainment relay . "Конилди маре."  In the competition of drawing  "Аркашан  кун...

On June 2, a mini - center " Balbobek " was a matinee in honor of the Day of the Marks

Category: News
Date: 2016-06-03 06:04:22
On June 2, a mini - center
In " Balbobek " in honor of the symbols was a matinee titled "Ramizderim - maktanyshym " mini - center . The purpose of the event: extensive concept of the motherland, Kaazhstane , his native land. Also give the idea of ​​the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Итоговая аттестация выпускников 9-х классов

Category: school news
Date: 2016-06-03 05:24:11
Итоговая аттестация выпускников 9-х классов
Сегодня проходит итоговая аттестация по математике выпускников 9-х классов.

Балаларды қорғау күні

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-06-02 08:45:13
Балаларды қорғау күні
The 1st of June in our kindergarten was a festive event dedicated to the Children’s day, which was attended by senior and junior groups. Each group presented their costumes. Everything looked bright and expressive. Children Traveling to different and unusual islands there are Island of sport, Island of games, Island of puzzles, Island of the young artists and the dance island. Each of them...

Information about event of opening school camp “Balausa” in secondary school.

Category: New
Date: 2016-06-02 07:57:41
Information about event of opening school camp “Balausa” in secondary school.
On the 1st of June was hold event  in secondary school 24. By the opening of the camp began with a festive event “We are flowers of the future”. Head master of secondary school K. Zh. Akhmetova congratulated all with Day of Protection of children. Children was funny and they recited poems,  guessed riddles, danced. 
Author: School №24

Жазғы еңбек практикасы

Category: Жаз-2016
Date: 2016-06-02 07:31:31
Жазғы еңбек практикасы
Author: School №16

May, 31 – Remembrance day of starvation and repression victims

Category: News
Date: 2016-06-02 04:58:12
May, 31 – Remembrance day of starvation and repression victims
It was showing the film about “Kazakh women in Akmola camp for betrayers’ wives” to teachers and students.  Narrator explained the historical date’s meaning. Headmistress of the school Khusmoldinova N. E. explained to students that May, 31 was an especial mourning day for our country and told about events connected with them. Teacher of history Eleubekova M. Z...

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