
100 books required reading

Category: New
Date: 2016-11-03 08:08:15
100 books required reading
In high school, 24 events were held in order to implement the experience of NIS in the school library on the theme "100 books required reading."
Author: School №24

Был проведен конкурс по слайд-презентациям по теме: "РОДНОЙ КРАЙ"

Category: New
Date: 2016-11-03 08:03:47
Был проведен конкурс по слайд-презентациям по теме:
01.11.2016 city in secondary school 24 competition was held at the slide presentations on the theme "NATIVE land"
Author: School №24

School Olympics

Category: New
Date: 2016-11-03 08:00:08
School Olympics
31.10 on 01.11.2016, the School Olympiad was held in 24 schools. 18 students were placed in the city round of the Olympiad.
Author: School №24

Golden autumn

Category: New
Date: 2016-11-03 07:52:20
Golden autumn
Among 1-4 , 5 - 10x class was held the event "Golden autumn". Miss and Mister Fall participated in various competitions and showed their talents. The students defended their crafts which were made using various natural materials, fruits.At the end of the festival were awarded certificates to students.
Author: School №24

The choice of profession - the choice of the future!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-03 05:29:18
The choice of profession - the choice of the future!
 Much attention is paid to the preparation of school pupils of 9 and 11 classes for the choice of profession. For this purpose, conducted communication clock, meeting with representatives of colleges, universities, design portfolio for vocational guidance, meetings with interesting people, etc .. One of the forms of career guidance that helps the graduates not to be mistaken with the choice...
Author: School №10

Golden Autumn fairy!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-03 05:25:58
Golden Autumn fairy!
In late October, the school held collectively - creative work "Golden Autumn". Long before the holiday each class got the job, according to which the creative team began to conduct training. Some statements prepared script, others picked up the music and rehearsing rooms. October 27 for 7-8 grades, and on October 28 in grades 9-11 held autumn ball. Responsible 8 "c" and 10 cl...
Author: School №10

Гимназияда «Оқу шаттығы» жобасы аясында өткен іс-шаралар

Category: school news
Date: 2016-11-02 10:16:56
21-қазан күні Ұлы Отан соғысының батыры, көрнекті жазушы Бауыржан Момышұлының өмірі мен шығармашылығына арналған «Өнеге мен тағылым уақыты» атты оқушыларға арналған сыныптан тыс әдеби іс-шара өткізілді. Шараға жауапты мұғалімдер - Иргебаева Рауана Мартбековна, Өмірбекова Мәнсия Жұмабековна, Жұмабаева Сауле Кусмановна, Калибекова Гүлнұр Каниятовна. Гимназияның қазақ тілі мен әдебиет...

Matinee on "grace Autumn"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 10:14:04
Matinee on
October 27, 2016 in the older group with the Kazakh language learning was a matinee on "grace Autumn" at the matinee were fairy-tale characters who have played games with the kids. Helped save the Golden Autumn by magpies. After the choir sang songs, read poems. Danced in pairs dance "Umbrella." The girls were dancing the dance "Fruits". At the end of the matinee wa...

Matinee on "Golden Autumn"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 10:09:04
Matinee on
October 27, 2016 in the middle of the group with the Kazakh language learning was a matinee on "Golden Autumn". At the matinee children sang songs, read poems about vegetables and fruits. Dance Dance with leaves. I came to visit Golden autumn to play with children in educational games.

Information matinee "Golden Autumn".

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 10:05:41
Information matinee
October 27, 2016 during the second youngest group with the Kazakh language learning was a matinee on "Golden Autumn". Matinee was organized vvide games. The children participated with great interest. They read poems about fruits, sang the chorus of the song, playing educational games. Golden autumn autumn gave them gifts.

Information matinee "Autumn Fairy Tale"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 09:57:26
Information matinee
October 26, 2016 was a matinee in the Russian senior group on the theme: "Autumn Fairy Tale". Matinee distinguished by the active participation of children. Artistically children showed a fairy tale, "The controversy of vegetables," performed "Dance with zontikomi" enjoyed playing with the fall of the mobile game "Magic scarf.

Рақымжан Қошқарбаев атындағы Балқаш техникалық колледжінде кәсіби сынама өтті.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-02 07:32:16
Рақымжан Қошқарбаев атындағы Балқаш техникалық колледжінде  кәсіби сынама өтті.
1.11.2016 күні кәсіби бағдар беру, мамандық әлемі жайында ақпараттандыру, оқушылардың мамандық таңдау үдерісінде тұлғаның қызығушылығы мен қабілетін, еңбек нарығындағы қажеттіліктерді ескере отырып оңтайландыру  мақсатында мектеп-лицейдің 8-9 сынып оқушылары «ҚР Халық қаһарманы Р.Қошқарбаев атындағы Балқаш қаласының техникалық колледжі» КММ-не  кәсіби сынамаға барып қайтты....

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