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Тұңғыш Президент Күніне арналған патриотизм Сабағына қатысу

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-22 02:39:21
Тұңғыш Президент Күніне арналған патриотизм Сабағына қатысу
2016 жылдың 18 қарашасында қалалық мемлекеттік мұрағатта 9,10-шы сыныптардың оқушылары үшін патриоттық Сабақ өткізілді. Сабаққа мектебіміздің жоғары сыныптарынан 12 оқушы қатысты. Мұрағат қызметкерлері оқушыларды «Н.Ә. Назарбаев - Қазақстан Республикасының  Тұңғыш Президенті, Ұлт Көшбасшысы» құжаттарымен таныстырды, Елбасымыздың өмірбаяны жайлы әңгімеледі. Осындай іс-шаралар жас...
Author: School №10

«Осенний вернисаж»

Category: News
Date: 2016-11-21 11:47:26
В школе искусств на художественном отделении проходила выставка «Осенний вернисаж» На выставке были представлены 50 работ учащихся от 8 до 13 лет. Техника работ была разнообразной: квиллинг, флористика, акварель, гуашь, пластилинография, аппликация, объемные работы из бумаги. Учащиеся в своих пейзажах, натюрмортах, композициях показали красоту и буйство красок в природе, осен...

25 star days

Date: 2016-11-21 11:07:17
25 star days
On the eve of celebration of independence of Kazakhstan in the boarding school a plan of the event "25 star days." Each day is dedicated to one of the achievements that Kazakhstan has reached during the years of its Independence. In the lobby of the school decorated booth, which includes all activities to the meeting of independence of Kazakhstan.

"One country for 25 years. One Destiny "patriotic action" eternal values ​​", concentrating on further development, in order to strengthen the identity and unity," the guarantor of the independence of the law of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakh

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-21 08:57:21
  On November 21, 2016 School-Lyceum students to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of independence of the country in the history of the formation of the constitutional stages and deepen the knowledge about the features of its "one country for 25 years. One Destiny "patriotic action" eternal values ​​", concentrating on further development, in order to strengthen t...

Information on the line 21 November

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-21 05:20:53
Information on the line 21 November
  November 21, 2016 in the secondary school №8 solemn line, devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the opening of 25 star days. Acting headmaster TB Alcaeus congratulated students on the occasion, the opening of the first star of the day, dedicated to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   This is a celebration for our country and the people will be...
Author: School №8

"Remember and think!"

Date: 2016-11-21 04:07:54
During the week at school monoblocks metrazhnye demonstrated short films, presentations, quizzes, safety for pedestrians competitions and so on. N., Which should contribute to the education of the students conscious behavior on streets and roads, strict compliance with traffic rules. The school conducted a lot of work squad "traffic light". Detachment "Traffic light" is organ...
Author: School №17

Road Safety Basics

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-18 10:43:41
Road Safety Basics
Among the pupils of 3-4 classes a senior leader of the school organized a competition on the theme "Jol erezhesіn bіleyіk, Esen Aman zhүreyіk". Objective: To familiarize students with the rules of the road, learn to recognize the signs, to develop memory.
Author: School №8

«Заяц – кривляка и мышонок-хвастунишка»

Date: 2016-11-17 10:28:35
«Заяц – кривляка и мышонок-хвастунишка»
2016 жылдың 15-қарашасында «Балақай» балабақшасында «Қырсық қоян мен мақтаншақ тышқан» атты музыкалық ойын-драматизациясы өтті. Ойын - драматизация мектепке дейінгі балалардың адамгершілік сезімін арттыруға бағытталған болатын. Бұл іс-шараның мақсаты, өз көзқарастарын білдіруге, музыкалық суреттерді қабылдауға, музыка тән ерекшеліктері естуге және (пластик пайдалана о...

Information of secondary competition for young inventors and designers of "Energy of the Future", devoted to 25 - anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2016-11-17 02:24:05
Information  of secondary  competition for young inventors and designers of
      16 .11 2016  at school  №10 held city competition of young inventors and designers of "Energy of the Future", dedicated to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The aim of this competition was to increase the interest in innovation and high-tech means of invention and design, as well as assistance in vocational guidance and con...
Author: Department

«Ұланбасы» сайлауының қорытынды ақпары

Category: Сайлау
Date: 2016-11-16 10:30:14
«Ұланбасы» сайлауының қорытынды ақпары
The choice of the School leader “Ulan basshysy” was held on the 30th of October. Pupils of the 7-9 classes took part at the choice. By the results of the choice the student of 8B class Dulatova Arai collected 62% voices.  
Author: School №16

to visit the lesson of patriotism, dedicated to the Day of the First President

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-16 06:24:19
 to visit the lesson of patriotism, dedicated to the Day of the First President
November 18, 2016 at the City State Archive for pupils of 9, 10 classes conducted Lesson of patriotism. At the lesson was attended by high school students of the school in the amount of 12 people. Archives staff to acquaint students with the personal documents of origin "N. Nazarbayev - the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation ", spoke about the life an...
Author: School №10

I would go to work! Let me teach!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-11-16 06:22:40
I would go to work! Let me teach!
14.11 2016 a meeting of students of 9 classes with students Balkhash technical college. Future mechanics, crane operators, construction workers talked about their careers and what they mean for the city, the country. Speech propaganda team finished ninth graders call to replenish the ranks of the working class, educated in BTK.
Author: School №10

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