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Жаңа жылдық шырша мерекесі

Category: Жаңа Жыл - 2017
Date: 2016-12-30 06:31:21
Жаңа жылдық шырша мерекесі
  Жалпы білім беретін №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектепте жаңа жылдық шырша мерекелерінің  өткізілуі  бойынша хабарлама 2016-2017 оқу жылы                 Мектептегі шырша мерекелері  26 –желтоқсан күні  басталды. Бастауыш сыныптардың және мектеп алды даярлық топтарының ертеңгіліктер...
Author: School №16

Information on the holiday "Christmas tree" in the secondary school №8 for high school students

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-30 06:14:52
Information on the holiday
   December 29, 2016 year of the monkey seeing, meeting new 2017 in the secondary school №8 was organized New Year's ball for high school students entitled "New Year!". Beautifully decorated room, playground, framed by light. It was dressed up Christmas tree. The first came Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The evening was opened by a dance Snow Maidens and Santa Claus. Lead...
Author: School №8

Қош келдің, Жаңа жыл!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-30 06:09:41
Қош келдің, Жаңа жыл!
NewYear is the lightest, kind, cheerful holiday of the year. From 27 to 29 of December in the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» was Christmas mornings in all groups. Christmas songs, dances and theatrical performances delighted children and guests. Lobby was decorated colorful. Bright crafts exhibition gave us a fabulous mood. The mornings held on a plot known fairy tales. Chief guest Cock visi...

№7 ересектер тобы

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-12-29 09:42:40
№7 ересектер тобы
28-желтоқсан  күні №7 ересектер тобында "Қош келдің, жаңа жыл" атты ертеңгілік өтті. Ертеңгілікте балалар ертегі желісі бойынша қойылымдар қойып, ән айтып, би биледі.

№3 ересектер тобы

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-12-29 09:31:16
№3 ересектер тобы
28-желтоқсан күні №3 ересектер тобында "Қош келдің, жаңа жыл!" атты ертеңгілік өтті. 

«Новогодняя сказка"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-12-29 08:23:20
«Новогодняя сказка

«Новогодняя сказка с символом года – Петушок»

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2016-12-29 08:19:23
«Новогодняя сказка с символом года – Петушок»
  «Новогодняя сказка с символом года – Петушок»          Самый любимый праздник, как взрослых, так и детей, конечно же,Новыйгод.  Дети д/ сада «Ер Төстік»смогли окунуться в праздничную атмосферу приключений.В центре зала - украшенная красивая ёлочка. На утренник дети пришли нарядныеи...

Информация о проведенном бал-маскараде среди учащихся 8-10 классов КГУ ОСШ №24 «Скоро, скоро Новый год!»

Category: New
Date: 2016-12-29 07:46:41
Информация о проведенном бал-маскараде  среди учащихся 8-10 классов КГУ ОСШ №24 «Скоро, скоро Новый год!»
Новый Год - самый долгожданный  всеми праздник, открывающий мир добрых сказок и волшебства. 27.12.2016 года в КГУ ОСШ № 24 прошел новогодний бал- маскарад среди 8-10 классов «Скоро, скоро Новый год!». Дети с нетерпением ждали этого мероприятия, был организован карнавал,в гости пришел Дед мороз, Снегурочка, обезъянка, петухи многие другие персонажи, роль которых исполняли учащиес...
Author: School №24

Information about the event at school No. 24 for the formation of an anti-corruption culture club "Adlocal"

Category: New
Date: 2016-12-29 05:33:16
Information about the event at school No. 24 for the formation of an anti-corruption culture club
The main objectives of the club "Adlocal" at school, formation of anticorruption culture in the school, the promotion of initiatives to strengthen anti-corruption worldview, anti-corruption nature. Based on these goals December 12, among students in grades 9-10 was held a workshop "Hoarder". Teacher istorii.B Cholakova in the framework of actual problems shared their thoughts...
Author: School №24

New Year 2017

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-28 06:08:45
New Year 2017
At the celebration were the dance, "Welcome, New Year!", Students dressed as Santa Claus, snowflakes swirled in the dance, "Snowflakes". Aldar Kose has gone on holiday and called the owner of the magic palace Snow Queen. On a holiday with songs and dances, the children spent the old character - a monkey, met a host of New Year-cock. Headmaster Tokeybekova AT He expressed thei...
Author: School №8


Date: 2016-12-28 03:52:41
22.11.2016 Passed the self-study in 4B class. Self-training had done his homework on the Russian language and literary reading. On Russian language I remembered all the rules necessary to exercise. Used reference tables. Individual assistance was provided as needed to all children. In reading all children have read the work. Actively participated in the discussion, conclusions, inferences,...

Winners of the Olympic

Category: school news
Date: 2016-12-28 03:21:27
On a weekly line there took place the ceremony of rewarding of winners of the Olympic of pupils of a gymnasium. Congratulated them and the deputy director for studies Dosymkhanova M. K. wished all the best, progress in study and affairs.

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