
Переход на латиницу – шаг в будущее

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-06 09:30:20
Переход на латиницу – шаг в будущее
Переход казахского языка на латиницу – часть масштабной программы Президента по модернизации сознания, представленной им в стратегической статье "Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру". Программная статья  дает исчерпывающие ответы на целый ряд вопросов, которые давно беспокоили казахстанцев относительно «духовных скреп» нашего общества и, самое главное, ф...
Author: School №4

Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:31:18
Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event
Information about school lyceums in Togyzkumalak at the event.   On October 18 2017 contests of Toghzkumalak took place. The students of the 7th grade took part in the togyzkumalak. Togizkumalak was held in the system of olympiads.The aim of the competition is to develop a sense of community, attitudes, education, national sports, development of togyz kumalak, respect for national value...

Information about the school basketball competition at the event.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:28:02
Information about the school basketball competition at the event.
Information about the school basketball competition at the event. The competition "Basketball" was held on 30.10.2017-02.11.2017 Students of the 9th grade (boys and girls) took part in the "Basketball" competition. "Basketball" took place in the Olympic system. purpose of the competition: increase students' interest in basketball. teaching children endurance,...

The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium "Metallurg"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:24:33
The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium
The city championship was held from October 30 to November 2, 2017 at the stadium "Metallurg". The jury met on October 27 at 16:00 in the city's sports department. 1 group: students from grades 4-6, 2 boys and 5 girls participated. 2 group: students from grades 7-9, 4 boys and 3 girls participated. In general, this event was headed by the City Department of Physical Culture and...

School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month "A gifted child is a special value for society"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-06 03:18:10
School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month
School-lyceum competition for checkers within the month "A gifted child is a special value for society." The competition involved pupils 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 classes. The competition was held from October 23, 2017 to October 28, 2017 and was organized by the Olympic system. The purpose of the competition is to increase intellectual abilities, functional literacy, to adhere to a healthy li...

I go out with my own country

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-04 16:07:35
I go out with my own country
On November 2, 2017, within the framework of the holiday, FA Muhametzhanova conducted a competition for writing on the elective lesson "Kazyna". Leader F. Mukhametzhanova gave a brief overview of the achievements and achievements of modern Kazakhstan in the course of the third globalization. At the first stage of the contest, about 20 children were selected and 4 best children's...

Journey "The History of My Home Land" in the Museum

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-04 15:51:14
Informationabout the journey "The History of My Home Land" in the Museum 01.11.2017 was a trip to the city museum. Goal: 1. give an idea of ​​a historical museum to students. 2. To increase motivation, cognitive abilities, motivation and development of interest in the history of the Motherland; 3. Educate students to respect their ancestors and love their place of birth. Th...

«One People - One Book»

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-04 15:28:25
«One People - One Book»
On October 31, A.T.Gaydar Children's Library passed a reading of S.Toraigyrov's work. The students of the boarding school actively participated and were awarded. A pupil of the boarding school №2 named after M.P.Rusakov Karibai Yersultan received a letter of thanks for his active participation in the "Sultanmahmutokulary" hashtag format "Live Book", which was held in...

Аcquaintance with the professions

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-04 14:49:59
Аcquaintance with the professions
Students of the 9th form of boarding school №2 got acquainted with the professions that they teach on the basis of the Balkhash collegenamed after R. Koshkarbayev. Students of the school met with managers, teachers and students of the college and learned a lot of information about the professions.

Board of Supervisors

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-04 13:30:11
Board of Supervisors
On October 31, a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Boarding School  №2 named after Rusakov was held. There were members of P.S. 80%. 1) Agenda of the report on the action "Road to School" 2) Miscellaneous The first question was addressed by the social teacher of the boarding school №2 Katenova AK. She reported that a total of 910,000 tenge had been collected. 42 children w...

Осень золотая

Date: 2017-11-03 09:00:01
Осень золотая
23-31 қазан  айы аралығында «Балақай» балабақшасында Күз мезгіліне арналған мерекелік ертеңгіліктер өтті. Музыкалық залы жылы, мейірімге толды. Балалар қол ұстасып ән айтты, күз мезгіліне арнап тақпақтар айтты, көңілді ойындар ойнады. Мерекеде балалар әр түрлі кейіпкерлерге енді: тиіндер, аюлар, кірпілер және мысықтың. Сондай-ақ балаларға Күз-ханшайымы, Мыстан кемпір, Айдаһар,...

ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) Компьютерлік және ақпараттық сауаттылықты халықаралық зерттеу

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-11-03 04:52:13
ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study)  Компьютерлік және ақпараттық сауаттылықты халықаралық  зерттеу   ICILS зерттеуін IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) оқу жетістіктерін бағалау жөніндегі халықаралық қауымдастығы ( 2013 жылдан бері әр бес жыл сайын өткізеді. Зерттеуді...

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