
Вook exhibition "The Latin alphabet - is the basis of spiritual revival"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 08:39:30
Вook exhibition
The transition to Latin is a requirement of the present day. This step will allow the Kazakh language to enter the world community, to transform itself on a new geopolitical community, for this purpose, a book exhibition "The Latin Alphabet - the Basis of Spiritual Revival" was organized in the school library.

"Modernization begins with the record"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 08:36:32
     "Modernization begins with the record" the exhibition is organized for the purpose of transition to the Latin alphabet. The disciples, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 26, 2017 no 569, approved by the decree of a healthy way of life "of the Kazakh language based on the Latin script".

"Modernization begins with the record"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 08:34:27
      "Modernization begins with the record" the exhibition is organized for the purpose of transition to the Latin alphabet. The disciples, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 26, 2017 no 569, approved by the decree of a healthy way of life "of the Kazakh language based on the Latin script".

"Modernization begins with the record"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 08:32:17
    "Modernization begins with the record" the exhibition is organized for the purpose of transition to the Latin alphabet. The disciples, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 26, 2017 no 569, approved by the decree of a healthy way of life "of the Kazakh language based on the Latin script".

"Modernization begins with the record"

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 08:29:35
     "Modernization begins with the record" the exhibition is organized for the purpose of transition to the Latin alphabet. The disciples, the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 26, 2017 no 569, approved by the decree of a healthy way of life "of the Kazakh language based on the Latin script".

ЖББ №24 орта мектебінде 19 қазан күні мектебіміздің кітапханасында латын әліпбиі туралы “Латын әліпбиіне көшу – әлемдік үдеріске жақындау” мәтінінде оқырман конференциясы өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2017-11-09 08:12:59
ЖББ №24 орта мектебінде 19 қазан күні мектебіміздің кітапханасында латын әліпбиі туралы “Латын әліпбиіне көшу – әлемдік үдеріске жақындау” мәтінінде оқырман конференциясы өтті.
ҚР Президенті Н.Назарбаев. ​«...Қазақ тілін біртіндеп латын әліпбиіне көшіру жұмыстарын бастауымыз керек. Біз бұл мәселеге неғұрлым дәйектілік қажеттілігін терең түсініп, байыппен қарап келеміз және оған кірісуге Тәуелсіздік алғаннан бері мұқият дайындалдық». Осы мақсатта мектебімізде 10-11 сынып оқушылары арасындаоқырман конференциясы өтті.  Мақсаты: Оқушыларға  Елбасымызд...
Author: School №24

"The transition to the Latin alphabet is a requirement of time" for the implementation of the program of the nation's leader NA Nazarbayev "A look into the future: the modernization of public consciousness"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-11-09 08:06:42
Exhibition on the theme: "The transition to the Latin alphabet is a requirement of time" for the implementation of the program of the nation's leader NA Nazarbayev "A glance into the future: the modernization of public consciousness" On November 9, under the leadership of our library, an exhibition entitled "Transition to the Latin alphabet" was organized. T...
Author: School №8

School ruler

Category: Solemn line
Date: 2017-11-09 04:40:10
School ruler
6 November 2017 in the boarding school conducted school range at the beginning of the 2nd academic quarter. Students were reminded the rules of conduct and duty in the school, particular attention was paid to appearance and the work of the Council of government. The children were given a plan for the work week and focus on the upcoming holidays the Day of the First President and Independence Day...

I-Sports Family

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 03:56:04
I-Sports Family
     Оur school hosted a sports competition Mom, Dad, I-Sports Family, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash within the framework of spiritual revival. The contest was attended by members of the City Council. Five families took part in the family competition and received the Grand Prix, І, ІІ, ІІІplace and nomination.

A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 03:23:13
A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student
      A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student. Next year, the 125th anniversary of Toraigyrov S.Sh. Rodilsya, the poet, was celebrated on September 8, 1893. Pupils 10a class with a class teacherMagrupbekova A.Sh. showed videos and material on the poet's work.

A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 03:06:06
A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student
      A grand meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S.Torayyrov was held at the school, organized by the 10th grade student. Next year, the 125th anniversary of Toraigyrov S.Sh. Rodilsya, the poet, was celebrated on September 8, 1893. Pupils 10a class with a class teacherMagrupbekova A.Sh. showed videos and material on the poet's work.

Flag, coat of arms, hymn is the desire to bring them closer to the hearts and minds of people

Category: News
Date: 2017-11-09 03:00:41
Flag, coat of arms, hymn is the desire to bring them closer to the hearts and minds of people
       In order to agitate state symbols in our school, class hours were held among the 1-4 grades. A round table was held among the grades 5-6. During the conduct of the training of our school, Samenov A.M. said: Flag, coat of arms, hymn is the desire to bring them closer to the hearts and minds of people. To pay attention to this achievement is everyone's duty.

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