
On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2...

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-02 11:27:53
On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2...
     On February 1, 2018, was held a traditional school day at boarding school № 2. The program of the School Day - 2018: "Modernization 3.0 - the contribution of education". The purpose: implementation of the decisions of the August conference of pedagogical workers, the motivation of the city's teachers to raise the level of functional literacy, their pedagogic...

"Observe the rules of the road!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-02 00:05:42
   01/26/2018 in the secondary school was conducted a competition of agitation teams on the topic "Observe the rules of the road!" among pupils of 7-8 classes. The goal: to entertain the existing knowledge in an entertaining way, to prevent the most common mistakes of children on the road, to raise attention to the road and the culture of behavior, as well as a sense of mutua...
Author: School №8

"Family reading"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-01 18:13:34
   On January 31, 2017, a meeting with parents was held in secondary school # 8 within the framework of the "100 books" project. During the meeting with the parents, the work of the project "100 books" was presented. Parents of students 4-5 expressed their preparation for the project "Family Education" and shared their impressions. At the end of the event,...
Author: School №8

The transition to the Latin alphabet is the rise of the Kazakh language to the international level

Category: The transition to the Latin alphabet is the rise of the Kazakh language to the international level
Date: 2018-02-01 17:21:52
The transition to the Latin alphabet is the rise of the Kazakh language to the international level
In his program article "East to the future: spiritual renewal," the head of state stressed that in 2025 we should move to the Latin alphabet, and in the future all textbooks and textbooks should be written in this font. He also instructed the government to draw up a specific migration scheme for the Latin alphabet and noted that from this point of view it is necessary to accept this wo...
Author: School №5

“New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”

Category: Жолдау - 2018
Date: 2018-02-01 15:45:33
“New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”
On 10 January, 2018 meeting of school stuff dedicated to positions of President’s Message of the Republic of Kazakhstan – N.A.Nazarbayev “New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”. We support the President’s Message.  
Author: School №16

festival "Roboland 2018"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-01 12:08:20
On January 30, 2013 the city festival "Roboland 2018" was held. Purpose of the festival: development of creative abilities among students; development of interest in the study of robotics;  In total, 18 teams took part in the festival from 8 city schools of the city. The festival consisted of 4 rounds: "Kegelring for Beginners", "Mechanical Sumo", "Mo...
Author: Department

"Center for the Study and Analysis of Problems of Inter-Confessional Relations"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-01 09:00:20
On January 30, a meeting of students of the 9 and 10 classes was held with the employees of the KSU "Center for the Study and Analysis of Problems of Inter-Confessional Relations". The psychologist of the center Zhanabergenova  Zh.  held a conversation "How not to fall under the influence of destructive sects", organized a game in which students took an active part....
Author: School №10

«RoboLand 2018»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-31 14:57:45
«RoboLand 2018»
     In preparation for the regional robotics festival "Roboland2018", in the Palace of Schoolchildren in January 30, 2018, city robotics competitions took place. The main goal of the competition is to search for young talents, support scientific and technical creativity and popularize robotics among students.   16 teams of schools of the city took part in the c...

"Kashbashshilar ligas"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-31 09:54:16
         Within the framework of the Ruhani Jahyrou program, on January 30, 2018, an intellectual game "Kushbashshilar liga" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren among the members of the "Zhas-Kuran" EYOU. The main goal of the game is to create a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, a desire for knowledge and self-improvement, a respo...

Қалалық "Алғысым шексіз саған, Қазақстан" шығарма байқауы

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-31 09:47:58
Рухани жаңғыру бағдарламасын жүзеге асыру аясында  2018 жылдың 29  қаңтары күні  Оқушылар сарайында  қала мектептерінің «Жас Ұлан»  бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы оқушылары арасында  қалалық «Алғысым шексіз саған, Қазақстан» атты  шығармалар байқауы өтті. Байқауға қала мектептерінің 7-9 сынып оқушылары қатысты. Әділ қазылар құр...

Seminar-training within the framework of implementation of the updated content of education on the topic "Evaluation procedure and development of its tools" for teachers of the 1-2 forms

Date: 2018-01-31 01:29:19
Seminar-training within the framework of implementation of the updated content of education on the topic
January 27, 2018 on the basis of KSU "School-Lyceum № 17 named. VV Mayakovsky "the city seminar-training was held within the framework of implementation of the updated content of education on the topic" Evaluation procedure and development of its tools "for teachers of the 1-2 forms. The workshop was multifaceted, with concrete practical advice. The program of the seminar i...
Author: School №17

Meeting of pupils of 10-11 classes with the head of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnologies of Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova Kudusov Arystan Satybaldinovich

Date: 2018-01-31 01:19:48
Meeting of pupils of 10-11 classes with the head of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnologies of Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova Kudusov Arystan Satybaldinovich
01/20/2018 in the School-Lyceum # 17 named after. V.V. Mayakovskogo there was a meeting of pupils of 10-11 classes with the head of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnologies of the Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketov Kudusov Arystan Satybaldinovich, where he introduced the mission of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, which consists in the training of highly qualified scientific an...
Author: School №17

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