
"I will give a smile to my mother!".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-20 11:54:23
On the eve of the International Women's Day on March 8, there were some eventsin the school: the hours of communication «Әлемді тербеткен Ана»,  KTD "I will give a smile to my mother!". On March 3, there was a meeting in the Mothers' School "Thank you for what you are!". In the school library, an exhibition "And it's all about her"...
Author: School №10

«Ұлттық қазына» туған жерінің тарихы туралы буклеттер

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-20 11:40:18
2018 жылдың 13 наурызында Абай атындағы №2 лицейде «Рухани жанғыру» бағдарламасы аясында «Ұлттық қазына» туған жерінің тарихы туралы буклеттер, брошюралар, кітаптар тұсаукесері өтті.  9-сынып оқушысы Татьяна Рыжкова «Қарағанды ​​облысының қасиетті орындары» брошюрасы туралы әңгімеледі.  Бұл әңгіме қасиетті орындардың суреттерін көрсетуімен қатар жүрд...
Author: School №10

Nauryz celebration in KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abay of Balkhash town"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-20 08:35:07
Nauryz celebration in KSU
Nauryz is a traditional holiday of the entire Muslim people. March 22 is the day of the equinox of day and night. This is the time of change among animals, the transfiguration in nature.   The pupils of our lyceum from the 1st to the 11th grades took an active part in the celebration of Nauryz.   The primary classes named their holiday "Nauryz-zhyl bassy", the middle...
Author: Lyceum №2

A literary-musical evening "Nauryz – mereke, bereke"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-19 21:17:01
A literary-musical evening
       19 March 1-3, 4-6, 7-10 classes took a literary-musical evening "Nauryz – mereke, bereke", which prepared and conducted schoolteachers together with the students. The purpose of the event: to bring together people of different nationalities, to develop students’ interest in national traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan, for...

Class hour "Nauryzdosty" pen bіrlіk merkessi "

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-19 20:50:09
Class hour
In the third grade of the secondary school the class hour "Nauryzdosty Pen Birlik Mikkeli" was held with the participation of the school of mothers "Kusar", under the direction of Zhetypisbayeva K.T. In the framework of the festive event, the students showed Kazakh traditions, as well as held tug-of-war games, armwrestling, dance contest "Kara zhora". 12 parents and...
Author: School №24

In secondary school number 24 among students of grades 1-11 passed the solemn line "Kosh keldiә, әz Nauryzym!", With the participation of members of the council of fathers and the school of mothers.

Category: New
Date: 2018-03-19 20:43:32
In secondary school number 24 among students of grades 1-11 passed the solemn line
In the secondary school №24 among students of grades 1-11 the solemn line "Kosh keldiә, әz Nauryzym!" Was held, with the participation of the members of the council of fathers and the school of mothers.The rulers were given full information about the Nauryz holiday, the school propaganda team acted.The school director was awarded activists of the school, as well as parents actively inv...
Author: School №24

On the eve of Nauryz holiday in the school held a solemn meeting "Welcome, Nauryz!"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-19 15:33:25
On the eve of Nauryz holiday in the school held a solemn meeting
     March 19 at 8.00 was a solemn line, dedicated to the March 22 - Nauryz holiday. The meeting was held by the school organization of self-government. The congratulatory word was given to the director of the school Rakhimberlina Z.N. Student of  5 "A" class Maratuly Nurbolat performed the song "Assalaumahaleykum". The next word was given to the teach...

Regional Olympiad in electronics at the Karaganda State University of Karaganda.

Date: 2018-03-19 12:49:21
On March 16 pupils of the 11th form of our school-lyceum # 17 Kachurin Alexander and Pavlov Victor (head Myra Sagyndykova) participated in the regional Olympiad in electronics at the Karaganda State University of Karaganda. Kachurin Alexander took the third prize place, Pavlov Victor fourth. The children were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes. Congratulations !!!
Author: School №17

"Translation of the experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".

Date: 2018-03-19 12:41:42
March 17, 2018 School-Lyceum № 17 of them. V.V. Mayakovskogo Balkhash held a seminar for leaders and teachers of educational organizations "Translation of the experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". The main goal of the seminar is to cooperate with partner schools to develop scientific, methodological and organizational support, to understand the features of organizing manageri...
Author: School №17

The Eighth of March is the special day when the presence of spring warmth and sincere joy is felt everywhere.

Date: 2018-03-19 12:39:00
The Eighth of March is the special day when the presence of spring warmth and sincere joy is felt everywhere. On this day it is customary to congratulate the beautiful half of our school country: girls and all women of the school. On the day of the holiday at 8.00 in the festively decorated balls of the foyer already sounded funny songs, the children at the parade met the teachers. Congratulat...
Author: School №17

Еxcursion dedicated to the World Civil Defense Day

Date: 2018-03-19 12:34:44
March 2, 2018 for students of the city's schools was organized an excursion dedicated to the World Civil Defense Day. Employees of the rescue service demonstrated the medical means of first aid to the victims, the internal equipment of the rescue vehicle. Also showed the actions of rescuers when extracting victims from a vehicle using special vehicles. Workers of the station answered numerou...
Author: School №17

"Happy birthday»

Category: School news
Date: 2018-03-19 08:39:40
Extra-curricular activities "the birthday party" was held 16.03.2018 year, was prepared by the teachers 3 classes. The event was attended by students of a boarding school, where she sang beautiful songs, showed dance songs. Also games, with birthday parties and spectators were held. At the end of the event, the birthday people were presented with sweet gifts and they were invited to te...

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