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Competition "Balausa brumdy Kyz – 2018"

Category: "Қош келдің - Наурыз!"
Date: 2018-04-04 13:30:32
             In the framework of the program of spiritual revival and the preparatory group of the festival dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana city and the school 1 - grade 2 "Balausa brandy Kyz – 2018!". The event was announced prior to classes haarlander activities, goals and objectives defined. The aim of the competition the Kazakh n...
Author: School №5

Polytechnic College

Category: Nauryz
Date: 2018-04-04 10:28:10
Polytechnic College
      On March 28, 2018, students of the 9th grade of Secondary School № 10 took part in professional tests at the Polytechnic College (21 students). The students were acquainted with the history, specialties of the college, visited excursions in the laboratories.      
Author: School №10

Nauryz walks around the planet

Category: Nauryz
Date: 2018-04-04 10:15:27
Nauryz walks around the planet
The collective of Secondary school №10 took an active part in the events dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz. 19.03 in all classes the hours of communication "Армысың  әз Наурыз!" were held.   In the school library an exhibition "Қош келдің өз - Наурыз" was issued. Pupils of 5-6 classes took part in the festival " Наурыз– достықмерекесі"....
Author: School №10

Сегодня, 3 апреля т.г. прошел День Школы искусств.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-03 18:25:16
Сегодня, 3 апреля т.г. прошел День Школы искусств. В программе отчетного дня было представлено: музыкальная гостиная "Абай жəне музыка", сюжетная зарисовка "Астана -город мира", обзорное посещение уроков. Кроме этого, гости побывали в этноауле, где поучаствовали в инсценировке "Сандықтың құпиясы", посетили выставку детского творчества и послушали халық күйі "...
Author: Department

Прошла традиционная педагогическая олимпиада "Талантливый учитель - одаренным детям"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-02 10:37:42
27 и 29 марта 2018 года на базе лицея 2 им. Абая прошла традиционная педагогическая олимпиада "Талантливый учитель - одаренным детям", в которой приняло участие: 7 школьных команд, 9 молодых педагогов, психологи и вожатые. Участники олимпиады представляли свои визитные карточки, соревновались в представлении своих педагогических идей, коллективно-творческих дел и хобби. Особый акцен...
Author: Department

IV Международный фестиваль робототехники

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-02 10:26:45
30-31 марта 2018 года команды  школы нашего города №10 и №16 принимали  участие в IVМеждународномфестивале робототехники, программирования и инновационных технологий.  Участники получили очень большой опыт приняв участие в соревнованиях на таком уровне, и с большим удовольствием будут улучшать свои навыки в робототехники для одержания побед в дальнейших соревнованиях.  Пом...
Author: Department

«Ұлт болашағы және латын әліпбиі» атты қалалық ақпараттық – насихаттау топ мүшелерімен кездесу болып өтті.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-02 10:24:18
2018 жылдың 29 наурызында №7 мектеп-гимназиясында латын әліпбиіне көшу барысында ұйымдастырылған «Ұлт болашағы және латын әліпбиі» атты қалалық ақпараттық – насихаттау топ мүшелерімен кездесу болып өтті.  Кездесу №8 орта мектептің кадет сыныптарынан құрылған үгіт тобының насихаттау ақпаратымен ашылды.  Кездесу барысында қала мектептерінің қазақ тілі мұғалідері ме...
Author: Department

The cultivation of the creative work of the younger specialist

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-02 09:37:44
The cultivation of the creative work of the younger specialist
29.03.2018 г. "went to the city contest" Talented teacher - protected children! "Among the young specialists of the city. At the competition, we received a written statement from the teacher of the English language Zholdangarova P.М.   The competition was followed by the following stages: "Pedagogical Debut" - Visitor Card, "Pedagogical Coppack" and &q...
Author: Lyceum №2

Republican pedagogical Olympiad

Date: 2018-04-02 01:39:48
  Republican pedagogical Olympiad
On March 29, 2018, the annual traditional Republican pedagogical Olympiad "Talented Teacher for Gifted Children" was held on the basis of Lyceum # 2 in the city of Abay, where our young high-school mathematics teacher Kim Evgenia Lestmaevna presented our school-lyceum. Evgenia Lestmaevna conquered jury members and spectators with erudition, creativity, artistry and won the Grand Prix....
Author: School №17

"Talented Teacher to Gifted Children"

Date: 2018-04-02 01:34:50
On March 27, 2018 the city tour of the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad "Talented Teacher to Gifted Children" was held among the teams of senior pupils of the city schools. Our school-lyceum took the first prize place and was awarded to represent its native city in the region. Congratulations!
Author: School №17

Information about events during the spring break

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-01 14:12:37
Information about events during the spring break
      For the spring break, a plan was drawn up, according to which events were organized and held. The plan of all events was posted on the information stand for familiarization by teachers and parents. All events were held according to the plan at a decent level. On festive dates from March 21 to 23, with the children who spend the night in the boarding school, tutors&n...

March 28, 2018 in the secondary school number 8 was a city forum of history teachers on the topic "Cultural and genetic code: history, traditions, customs."

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-30 11:36:21
March 28, 2018 in the secondary school number 8 was a city forum of history teachers on the topic "Cultural and genetic code: history, traditions, customs." The purpose of the forum was to implement the program - "Tуған жер", as a historical value for young generations, contributing to the development of a sense of patriotism and instilling love for a small homeland. &nbs...
Author: Department

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