
A local history lesson on the topic "Honorary citizens, whose names are named streets of the city" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-11 09:34:06
A local history lesson on the topic
     President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article entitled "Looking into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" noted that "patriotism begins with love for your homeland, love for the village, the city and the region, your homeland ..." On April 10, 2018, on the day of the city in the reading room of the school library of boarding school №  2,...

В 8.00 ч. прошли торжественные линейки с пением гимна нашего города

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-11 08:45:19
В 8.00 ч. прошли торжественные линейки с пением гимна нашего города
Сегодня, 11 апреля 2018 г. в день образования города Балхаш во всех общеобразовательных школах города в 8.00 ч. прошли торжественные линейки с пением гимна нашего города. Все учащиеся поздравляют наш город с днем рождения и желают своей малой родине процветания  и долголетия! Кроме этого, сегодня отмечается первая годовщина создания программы «Рухани жанғыру», на линейках и кл...
Author: Department

6 апреля т.г. прошел 2 этап Дня школы в ОСШ 24.

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-10 16:57:50
6 апреля т.г. прошел 2 этап Дня школы в ОСШ 24.
6 апреля т.г. прошел 2 этап Дня школы в ОСШ 24. Гостям школы были представлены следующие мероприятия: патриотический урок-презентация "Я патриот своей страны", литературная гостиная "Жырдың алмас қылышы", посвященная 215 -летию со дня рождения М.Өтемісұлы, концертная программа "Өрле, Қазақстан!". Поздравляем с успешным проведением отчетного дня!
Author: Department

The cognitive hour for the 145th birthday of Amangeldy Imanov ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-10 13:46:00
The cognitive hour for the 145th birthday of Amangeldy Imanov ...
  April 8, 2018 in the club weekend, an hour passed an interesting message about the life and heroism of the national bat Amangeldy Imanov. The story about the batyr was accompanied by the showing of the feature film "Amangeldy". The writers and poets dedicated their lives and feats to the batyr: Zhambyl Zhabaev, M. Kuznetsov, L. Sobolev, D. Snegin, Ukrainian writer O. D...

Within the framework of the city's week of mathematics, were held the mathematical game "The expert in mathematics" and the "Young Archimedes" Olympiad...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-10 13:34:09
Within the framework of the city's week of mathematics, were held the mathematical game
     On April 7, on the basis of the secondary school № 8, a mathematical game "The expert in mathematics" was held among the teams of the 8,10 classes of schools in the city. From each school 1 team participated. The purpose: to deepen knowledge of students by performing mathematical tasks of the game, to consolidate the knowledge gained. Development of thinking, ma...

Urban clean-up day

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-10 12:05:38
Urban clean-up day
    On April 7, the collective and pupils of the school went out for a regular subbotnik within the framework of a two-month sanitary cleaning of town. They carried out sanitary cleaning of the streets of Spitsin, Seifullin, the Musin brothers. Of the students in grades 5-9, 120 people left the school, out of the number of teachers and technical staff, 38 people left to clean...

Information about the community work day

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-10 10:38:53
Information about the community work day
      The 7th of April on-site scalabil organized cleaning campaign "Clean city, clean air.". During the clean-up, representatives of the local authorities "Zhasulan" and "Akikat" called on residents of neighboring houses to take part in the cleaning of the territory. On community work took part 520 students, 35 teachers, 20 techpersonal.


Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-10 09:08:29
04/09/2018 at the solemn line was the awarding of the winners of the city Olympiad among pupils of grades 5-8. Congratulations !!!
Author: Lyceum №2

Urban Week of Mathematicians

Category: Olimp
Date: 2018-04-10 08:59:52
Urban Week of Mathematicians
During the city week of mathematicians, 4 pupils of our Lyceum took part in the municipal competition of mathematicians. As a result, 5A class pupil Amantai Erasyl took the Honorary II place. Teacher: Alzhan B.T. 3 students took part in the city subject Olympiad in mathematics. As a result of the Olympiad, a student of 7B Esengaliev Alikhan II place. Teacher: Alzhan B.T. In the city team subject...
Author: Lyceum №2

Functional literacy is the functional basis of students

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-10 08:50:10
Functional literacy is the functional basis of students
For this purpose, the teachers of our Lyceum: Bayturganova MS, Makenbayeva G., Alzhan B., deputy director on the methodical part of Zhaksygeldin Sh.T. took part in the regional seminar in Karaganda. Our teachers presented their skills: working with gifted students, working with parents, methodical work with students.   As a result of this competition: in the nomination "Erekesh Tal...
Author: Lyceum №2


Category: Білімді цифрландыру
Date: 2018-04-10 07:58:27
Digitalization is the main direction of the President’s message in 2018. Currently, the material-technical base of the SS№16 has improved. Classrooms are equipped with computers, interactive boards and high speed WiFi. You can get acquainted with school life, lessons and events on the school website. Website menu consist of several blocks each of which is translated into three languages....
Author: School №16

Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-09 17:42:59
To the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2018 "New opportunities for development in the context of the fourth industry-industrialization" the explanatory work was carried out among students. Reporter Molzhigitov EK Specific attention was given to the seventh item related to studying, giving a brief ex...
Author: School №6

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