
Traditional meeting of the Young Road Inspectors...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-30 11:50:34
Traditional meeting of the Young Road Inspectors...
    April 28, 2018 on the basis «School-Gymnasium№7» passed a traditional meeting of the Young Road Inspectors. 15 teams of students of grades 6-7 competed, showing knowledge, skills and skills in 7 contests: "Young Adjuster", "Young Sanitary Officer", "Best Agit Brigade", "Best Commander", "Best Cyclist", "Experts of...

"100 Kazakh songs"

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-30 11:44:08
     On April 20, 2018 in the 3rd class was held an open lesson on the topic "Written multiplication of a two-digit number by a single-digit with a transition through the category". In the lesson, active teaching methods were used. On the basis of the project "100 Kazakh songs" was organized fiz.minutka.

Мектеп күні- 2018

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-04-30 10:16:52
Мектеп күні- 2018 2018 жылдың 19 сәуірі күні «Қазақстан жаңғыруы 3.0.- білімнің үлесі» тақырыбында дәстүрлі мектеп күні өтті. Келген қонақтардыі біздің мектеп-лицейдің «Startup» «Жасыл мектеп» жобасының 10 жыл толуы қарсаңында 10 сынып көшбасшылары 1 сынып оқушыларына мектеп ауласындағы «қылқаланды ағаш», «қарағай» ағаштарының төлқұжат...

city ​​creative evening called "Hero of the Kazakh people - Kasym".

Category: «Қазақтың қайсар ұлы – Қасым батыр»
Date: 2018-04-30 09:50:24
city ​​creative evening called
Within the framework of the action "Bir kitap-bir ayma" together with the teachers of the Kazakh language and literature Zh.M. Imanaliyeva, B.T.Adambaev and librarians in the school №5 there was a city creative evening called "Hero of the Kazakh people - Kasym".    The purpose of the action: To draw the attention of the society to reading books, to develop and sub...
Author: School №5

«Ел рухын көтерген ер»

Category: «Ел рухын көтерген ер»
Date: 2018-04-30 09:41:44
«Ел рухын көтерген ер»
  In the school-lunch No. 2 there was a city competition on the topic "El Rukhyn Kоtergen er" among students aged 14-17. A pupil of 5 "A" class Zhumagali Merulan took the prize-winning place and was awarded a Diploma of the 2nd degree.
Author: School №5

"Secure Internet" article

Category: safe school
Date: 2018-04-28 17:14:42
Dangerous Internet!   Currently, in the hands of our youth are not books, unfortunately, but mobile phones.   The librarian of our lyceum № 2 named Abay Bulganbai Khapura prepared and conducted an information hour "Galamtor and We" among high school students.   This information hour featured a lot of very useful information about Galamtor users.   Wh...
Author: Lyceum №2

Beware, dangerous Internet games

Category: safe school
Date: 2018-04-28 17:12:44
Beware, dangerous Internet games
Dangerous games on the Internet: Blue Whale, Quiet House, Red Owl, Horrorstory, Oh, yes; "The Soul Under the Mask", "I'm suffocating." Ways of safe use of the Internet. Brief information about the game "Run or Die." At present, our youth do not correctly use the Internet. Proof of this is the games in which our youth are involved.   Such games as...
Author: Lyceum №2


Date: 2018-04-28 13:33:42
«1 МАМЫР ҚАЗАҚСТАН ХАЛҚЫНЫҢ БІРЛІГІ КҮНІ» Балабақшадағы мерекелер – тәрбиешілердің маңызды тәрбиелік процесі. Осы мерекелер арқылы мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың  патриоттық сезімі оянып, танымдық қабілеті, шығармашылық қиялын жүзеге асыруға көмектеседі. "Бірлік бар жерде - тірлік бар" дейді біздің халық. Дана жұрт мұны тегіннен-тегін айта салмаса керек....

On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people.

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-28 12:52:50
On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people.
On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people. Removed fixed area (cleared land from the dried up grass broken twigs and debris). April 7, the students came to subbotnik. The work began at 10.00 students from the 5th to 11th grades went outside with broo...
Author: School №4

Сенбілік туралы ақпар

Category: Сенбілік
Date: 2018-04-28 12:02:10
Сенбілік туралы ақпар
Жалпы білім беретін №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектебінде өткізілген сенбілік туралы ақпар 2017-2018 оқу жылы   21.04.2018 жылы мектепте Облыстық сенбілік өтті. Сенбілікке 7,8,10 сыныптардан 250 оқушы, 48 мұғалім қатысты. Сенбілік барысында оқушылар мектеп пен «Технодом» сауда үйінің айналасын күл-қоқыстан тазартты. Сондай-ақ, абаттандыру жұмысы жалғастырылып, оқушыла...
Author: School №16

British Bulldog English language competition

Category: Байқау
Date: 2018-04-28 11:29:15
British Bulldog English language competition
Certificates were awarded to the students in the 5th grade who achieved the highest results at the school and regional stages of the British Bulldog English language competition.          
Author: School №16

Dear teachers, parents and students!

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-28 11:04:32
Dear teachers, parents and students!
Dear teachers, parents and students!   Please accept the warmest congratulations on the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan! Every year, on the first day of may, we celebrate a bright holiday, which is especially dear to each of us. Unity, peace and harmony of the people have always been the basis for the well-being and prosperity of Kazakhstan. All the successes and achievemen...
Author: School №4

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